Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 921: Fight for ten minutes!

On the interface of the tiger fish platform, there are more than a dozen cartoon characters holding various slogans against the imperial government, constantly flickering and changing.

Isn’t this **** the top anchor in every section of Goby?

Not only the three dishes and one soup that he is very familiar with, but almost all the big anchors with more than 10 million fans have been hacked.

If it's just an ordinary hack of the website, maybe it's nothing.

If these pictures are reported to the relevant departments, the rectification of the website will definitely be inevitable.

If it is more serious, it may even be directly seized...

After all, the Tigerfish live broadcast platform has more than 200 million daily active users and more than 2 billion users.

Its influence is more than just an entertainment platform.

Whether the tiger fish are willing to admit it or not, they are unavoidable, and they have assumed the responsibility of establishing a correct three views for the people of the empire.

Although it has been attacked by hackers now, as long as someone with ulterior motives makes use of this matter to hype it up, Tiger Fish must be to blame.

At the same time, the senior managers who were holding a meeting in the Goby Headquarters building were all scared into a cold sweat after seeing the screen that appeared on the platform.

As the actual manager and operator of Goby, they naturally know the seriousness of the consequences of this incident.

"Mr. Xu, you come from a technical background. It is not an exaggeration to say that the tiger fish lives and dies. Is there any other way? At least shut down the website server first... these things Can't continue to stay on the platform page and spread it!"

Liang Chenghai looked at Xu Feng, looked nervous, and asked in a serious tone.


Xu Feng could only helplessly shook his head, sighed and replied:

"Mr. Liang, our current technical staff is really powerless, the other party's methods are too clever, our server has been paralyzed, and a nest of dolls has been implanted in it. program.

To disconnect a server, it must be restored to normal function before it can be shut down.

In other words, you must first break the program implanted by the other party before closing the server. But that program is really too complicated, it should be the most complicated program I have ever seen since I started my career, and at present we will be in a while, and there is no way to crack it..."

The terminology is too professional, and Liang Chenghai can only understand it, but he can still hear some information from Xu Feng's words, that is, the problem cannot be solved at present.

"What... how about this?"

Just when the entire Goby top management was helpless and sweating all over, Liang Chenghai's phone suddenly rang.

The entire conference room was instantly quiet, and all eyes turned to him.

Because of this incident, Liang Chenghai was upset and had no intention to answer the phone. When he was about to hang up, he saw the caller number displayed on the screen and frowned. After a few times, he finally chose to connect.

No way!

The person who called was Qin Xiaobai.

"Hey, President Qin! I'm having a meeting with President Xu and a group of executives to discuss this matter! I'll call you back soon..." Liang Chenghai hesitated After a few seconds, he spoke to the phone.


"Yes yes yes…"

"Well well..."

"Make arrangements immediately, President Qin can rest assured..."


About a minute later, Liang Chenghai hung up the phone, and his frowning brows relaxed slightly.

"Mr. Xu, hurry up and arrange technical personnel to temporarily cut off the server!"

Liang Chenghai looked at Xu Feng solemnly and said.

"Lao Liang, didn't you understand what I said just now?" Xu Feng glanced at him speechlessly and asked.

"Of course I understand, but what you can't do, Mr. Qin said he can do it... But Mr. Qin said that the server can only be maintained for ten minutes, the other party is an organization, There are too many people, and he can't last long alone." Liang Chenghai replied directly.

"This is unlikely, our entire Tigerfish technical department, plus me, nearly 50 people, it will take at least three days to crack the implantation program, how is it possible for President Qin So fast…"

After hesitating for a while, Xu Feng still felt a little unbelievable.

"Don't waste time, we don't have any other way now, let's see if we don't know..." After listening to Xu Feng's words, Liang Chenghai was also a little skeptical, but for now, it is true There is no better way, so the dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor.

At the moment, Qin Xiaobai, who is in the game and entertainment room of the Lanshan Hotel, has left the keyboard with both hands, and keeps clenching and releasing ten fingers.

Just now, by virtue of the Blue Star palace-level hacking technology, he has already cracked the program implanted into the Tigerfish server.

The server is temporarily back to normal.

From the fight with those people just now, according to Qin Xiaobai's guess, the guy who attacked the Tigerfish server should not be a single person, but a group.

The opponent's strength is definitely at the master level.

And the road is very wild, so the group of technical staff of the tiger fish will be in a hurry for a while and can't handle it.

In a hurry, Qin Xiaobai can only reluctantly write one, which is relatively simple in his opinion.

According to his speculation, he should be able to buy ten minutes for the tiger fish, and it will be broken again by the group of people...

That's why he called Liang Chenghai and asked them to cut off Goby's server within ten minutes. In this case, the platform would not work and would not be able to open at all.

Those users of the platform will naturally not be able to see those remarks that attack the government.

However, Qin Xiaobai also understands that this is just a stopgap measure.

The tiger fish platform can't always be running, right?

In that case, losing a little money every day is a small thing, losing a lot of audience, and a stock price crash is a big thing.


Something like that happened just now on the Tiger Fish platform, I am afraid it is inevitable to be interviewed, this is the most terrible thing.


Qin Xiaobai thought that these people just wanted to target the tiger fish platform, but at this moment, he received another call...

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