Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 922: Don't be too tired, just find some help!


It was the CEO of Douyin who called. Gouyu's server was temporarily shut down. After the website and platform were shut down, the same thing happened to Douyin in less than ten minutes.

Compared to tiger fish, the situation of Douyin is even worse.

You must know that during this period, with the explosion of short videos, the users of Douyin platform have surpassed Goby in just one year.

It has become a national software comparable to the existence of WeChat.

It may be a bit exaggerated to say that everyone who has a mobile phone has installed this software, but at least half of them have downloaded it, which should not be a lie.

According to official statistics, the number of active users in the empire alone has reached nearly seven billion, which is almost equal to half of the population of the empire. With the overseas version, the number of users has already exceeded the 10 billion mark.

The most terrible thing is not these users, but many official media and imperial functional departments on Douyin!

Therefore, those provocative and anti-imperial remarks, even if you want to cover up, are too late...

Of course, in order for the situation to continue to worsen, it will cause even worse effects.

Qin Xiaobai had to take the same method, one person and one keyboard, singled out the entire hacker organization.

On the sofa in the suite, Su Wanqing, who was posting a short video, was shocked when she heard the sound of the keyboard crackling in the game room.

At that time, she almost thought that Qin Xiaobai was deliberately pulling her away, and then she turned into a husky and demolished the house inside!

But when Su Wanqing walked to the door of the game and entertainment room curiously, she saw Qin Xiaobai's hands quickly flipping over the keyboard, and a piece of code that was difficult to understand appeared on the computer in front of her. Everyone was stunned.

This...this guy, is he still a computer expert?

Su Wanqing stood at the door and breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't bother Qin Xiaobai, and just looked at him so quietly.

For some reason, a blush rose on her face.

This guy Qin Xiaobai is really poisonous.

I like him more and more, what should I do...

But soon, a sweet smile appeared on Su Wanqing's face, thinking that he has become her fiancé, what is there to worry about?

Qin Xiaobai, who had been immersed in typing the code, did not notice Su Wanqing who was standing at the door at the moment.

After typing the last pass symbol, he frowned, couldn't help but whispered and asked, "Brother System, shouldn't you be careful about such a difficult thing? Anyway, give me a quest... I'm going to lose my **** fingers!"

However, Qin Xiaobai didn't wait for the system brother's answer, but Su Wanqing's puzzled voice came from the door: "Department...system brother...who is it? Qin Xiaobai, are here. Who are you talking to?"

The sudden voice startled Qin Xiaobai. After calming down, Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at Su Wanqing who was standing at the door, and suddenly had the urge to beat her and cry.

"You walk without sound now?"

"No! I just walked over normally, and I've watched it for a while! By the way, you haven't told me who the system brother is!" Su Wanqing seemed to be very interested in this matter , and began to ask again.

It’s not that Qin Xiaobai didn’t want to tell her, but it’s just that men should keep some secrets of their own.

So, after Qin Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and replied: "That... I mean this computer program, you don't need to think about it, it is not a human being …”

"Is that so..." Su Wanqing nodded, although she didn't quite believe it, she didn't pursue her further, but walked in front of Qin Xiaobai and continued gently, "Don't be too tired. Now, if it doesn't work, find some helpers..."

How many helpers?

Su Wanqing's words reminded Qin Xiaobai that the other party was a hacker organization with too many people.

Even if he has a palace-level hacking technology, he is still invincible with two fists, looking for some top hackers, and then forming a force that can fight against them seems to be a good choice.

After all, he can't stay beside the computer all the time, can't he do anything else?

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's eyes flickered a few times, and he said to Su Wanqing, "Go to rest first, I didn't sleep last night, and I have to attend the graduation ceremony tomorrow, I'm fine..."

Su Wanqing shook her head and replied, "I'm not tired, let's make you a cup of tea!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked out.


She thought so anyway.

When Su Wanqing came back with a cup of hot water, Qin Xiaobai had already clicked on it, an ordinary and seemingly ordinary webpage.

Then began to tap the keyboard again.

Actually, the website Qin Xiaobai opened was not what Su Wanqing imagined.

This is a website built by Blue Star Empire, some hacker enthusiasts.

Qin Xiaobai searched the Internet for a long time before he found this secret website.

What he is doing is writing a program to hack this website.

Of course, he is not idle and boring, but wants to find some hacker talents who he thinks can be entrusted with important tasks through the program he just had.

When the program he implanted was cracked, the hacker was able to discover his contact information, as well as an invitation to a tougher challenge.

Only to crack the latter program, the other party can get a bounty of 100 million.

Although this strategy does not seem very wise, but at present, Qin Xiaobai can't find a better way, and can only use this method to try his luck...

's website.

Eyes are as clear as water, without a trace of dust.

But there is a hint of immaturity in these watery eyes.

Ding Dong!

The screen of the mobile phone placed on the man's desk suddenly lit up with a ding-dong sound.

The man in black picked up the phone, paused for a moment, and clicked on the message.

"Sister, someone hacked our website, the method seems to be very clever, and now the group is blown up, a few people just spent less than ten minutes to crack the program, and they got it A mysterious phone number, and a more complicated challenge, it is said that there is a bounty of 100 million, do you want to try it, eldest sister?"

The man in black had his eyes bent into a pair of crescent moons and asked with a smile:

"The people who cracked that program are just you, right? Come on, don't try it, I just read the website, I can crack this program in three minutes, wait..."

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