Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 930: The Red Alliance went on an expedition, and nothing would grow!

After Qin Xiaobai sat down, he started programming without any other unnecessary operations. Except for Su Wanqing, a computer novice, everyone else was a master hacker.

It is natural to be able to see through Qin Xiaobai's terror at a glance.

There are even some master hackers who have already started to talk in a low voice. It's a pity that this guy doesn't have the speed to play professional games, so he came to be a hacker.

In fact, what they don't know is that Qin Xiaobai is the new MVP player in this league world.

Of course, what amazed all master hackers, apart from the speed at which Qin Xiaobai wrote the code, was his next even more incredible operation.

Different from the way normal hackers use DOS to attack the website, Qin Xiaobai actually used a self-made retrieval program to steal the Facebook account with administrator identity.

At first, all the master hackers around him thought Qin Xiaobai was crazy.

Let's not talk about the source code problem, that is, Facebook software has as many as 10 billion users, and it is difficult to find an account with administrator rights.

It's not that they can't do it, but it's absolutely impossible to do it in just ten minutes.

It will be done by them. If you really want to search, it is estimated that you can find it in ten days and a half months, but in that case, the time will be too long. Facebook technical security department must be can find clues.

Furthermore, with terrifying tens of billions of retrieval operations, no matter how high the computer configuration of the Internet cafe is, there is no reason to think that the CPU will be burned due to high temperature.

So, after understanding Qin Xiaobai's operation, even Xiao Shisan felt that it was impossible to complete.

As they guessed, Qin Xiaobai's seemingly wise actions were just to confuse these master hackers.

If you want to convince them, you have to make them feel that he is not human at all.

Ordinary computers perform such high-frequency retrievals, and it is true that the CPU temperature is too high and burns, but Qin Xiaobai's black technology collar is almost the same as the function of the computer.

And this thing was given by the older brother of the system, and its attributes and abilities definitely surpassed any computer in Blue Star.


When Qin Xiaobai used the computer of Xiaobai Internet Cafe to write programs, he actually used the black technology collar secretly and did the same thing.

Three minutes later.

The computer of Xiaobai Internet Cafe in front of Qin Xiaobai, without exception, crashed because the CPU temperature was too high.

After seeing this scene, the group of hackers surrounding him couldn't help but look at Xiao Shisan.

From their expressions, Little Thirteen can fully understand their meaning: That's it, a hall-level hacker? Are you kidding us? Iron Man, no doubt...

Of course, due to the presence of Xiao Shisan, these master hackers did not speak out directly.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai looked back at Xiao Shisan, and said lightly, "Thirteen, go and help me open seven computers, hurry up!"

Little Thirteen heard the words and was stunned for a moment.

At first she wanted to say, Dad, forget it... Not to mention seven computers, there is no large computer, even opening all the computers of Xiaobai Internet Cafe will not help.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Shisan finally did as Qin Xiaobai said.

The reason why Qin Xiaobai did this was not to repeat what happened before, it would be meaningless.

It was because he had found what he wanted through the black technology collar just now.

However, what he didn't expect was that Facebook's developers are indeed thieves. They even have seven administrator accounts, and only account for these seven administrators. Log in at the same time and agree to change the background data of Facebook.

Even if six accounts operate at the same time, they will be ruthlessly blocked by the firewall. Maybe this is the reason why no hackers can successfully attack Facebook.

After the computer was turned on, Qin Xiaobai clicked on the login entry in the background of the Facebook website, and entered seven administrator accounts.

Afterwards, Facebook’s data appeared in front of the crowd at a glance.

Qin Xiaobai changed the data at will.

More than 40 people at the scene, after seeing Qin Xiaobai's simple and casual operation, all were immediately stunned!

"Fuck! What's the situation? He... how did he do it?"

"No, didn't the computer burn down just now? How did you find the account with administrator identity?"

"I don't understand! I suspect now that Lao Tzu may be a fake master hacker, because I don't even understand how he operates!"

"Brother, it's not you, but me... Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that I don't understand!"

"The strength of a palace-level hacker is so terrifying! Sister, do you understand?"

"I...I...Of course I understand! Well, I only understand a little bit, as expected of my father, hee hee!"

"Sister, I suspect that you are driving...Bah! Lie, but I have no evidence!"


At the same time, something that shocked the entire Blue Star, after Qin Xiaobai's operation, appeared in front of billions of Blue Star people.


As many as three billion Facebook users are communicating daily through Facebook, but suddenly a handsome and noble white husky suddenly appeared on their mobile phone or computer account.

With a fierce face, in the common language of Blue Star, he typed a series of words: The Red Alliance goes on an expedition, nothing will grow!

After the incident, the entire Facebook executives, including their developer Zack, were immediately stunned.

An overnight meeting was held in the office overnight. Thousands of Facebook technicians stayed up all night to restore the hacked website to normal.

But the myth of Facebook has also fallen to the altar.

Zach smoked a whole cigarette, but he never figured out, where did a red alliance emerge from, which can avoid all detection and firewalls, and blatantly tamper with Facebook's background data...

After just a few hours, the reputation of the Red Alliance resounded throughout the entire Blue Star, wherever the network could reach.

And of course, the white Huskies badge.

After Qin Xiaobai made his move this time, the imperial hacker masters who rushed over to see Xiaosan's face never said a word, and all agreed to join the Red Alliance on the condition that Just take care of the meal...

Until now, they still didn't understand how Qin Xiaobai did it.

But this does not prevent them from admiring Qin Xiaobai.

"Okay, everyone came from a long way, the journey is hard, let's get here first, and then go to the Lanshan Hotel to pick up the wind for everyone! Tomorrow we will officially start the real revenge..."

Qin Xiaobai slowly stood up from the chair, then rubbed the round head of the little thirteen beside him, and said.

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