Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 931: They are hackers, not computer repairers...

Originally, Qin Xiaobai planned to let Xiao Shisan take the master hackers who came from afar to rest for a night, and then officially organize revenge the next day.

But after Qin Xiaobai hacked Facebook and shocked the Bluestar Internet world, these people were all unwilling to be lonely and eager to try.

To this.

Qin Xiaobai could also feel their mood and did not stop anything.

So, after the reception was over, he brought the group of master hackers back to Xiaobai Internet Cafe.

Xiao Shisan led the group of master hackers, and soon began to attack the major Internet portals in the United States, and even the websites of the US security department were bloodbathed by them.

As for Qin Xiaobai, he personally did not participate in this event of the Red Alliance.

After returning to the internet cafe, she directly locked herself in the room where Su Wanqing was broadcasting live before.

Not coming out for hours.

Su Wanqing wanted to go in several times, but she heard the crackling of the keyboard outside the door, for fear that she would disturb her, so she finally held back.

Qin Xiaobai in the room, of course, is not going to attack various network portals, but is writing an anti-hacking software.

His idea was actually quite simple.

Since it is a revenge act, then it must not continue to be injured by 200 people.

At least those of his industries, such as tiger fish and vibrato, these guys can't do it.

Of course, for Qin Xiaobai, it is enough to be able to do this, as for other imperial network portals, if you want to get this anti-hacking software, you have to buy it for a long time .

About eleven o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiaobai, who was locked in the small dark room alone, rubbed his aching fingers, and muttered to himself, "This **** writes code better than before. It's too tiring to reward the anchor..."

Then he glanced at the software that had been written and applied, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he opened the door and walked into the hall.

Little Thirteen, who just hacked youtube0, looked at the beating Husky alliance emblem on the website with a comfortable face, then turned to look at Su Wanqing next to him, and asked with a smile: "How is it, Wan Sister Qing, am I alright?"

"Thirteen, you're amazing, teach me later, so that when my sister's computer breaks during the live broadcast, I don't need to bother Qin Xiaobai..."

Su Wanqing praised without hesitation.

Qin Xiaobai, who came over, almost cried stupidly by Su Wanqing after hearing their chat.

"Sister, Xiao Shisan is a hacker, not a computer repairer. Maybe she is like you. The computer hardware is broken, and she has to find someone else to repair it!" Qin Xiaobai shook his head speechlessly. , inserted a sentence.

"Eh, Sister Wanqing, I really don't know how to repair computers. I'll leave this task to my father in the future..."

Xiao Shisan stuck out her tongue at Qin Xiaobai mischievously and replied.

Su Wanqing: "…"

After hearing what Xiao Shisan and Qin Xiaobai said, Su Wanqing felt a little embarrassed. She always thought that hackers were good at computers, and repairing a computer should be easy!

But from the conversation between the two of them, it seems that it is not quite what she imagined...

"By the way, Little Thirteen, I just wrote a protection program, you and the members of the Hongmeng, go and test the attack first, it's the computer in the room, let me see if it's still there. Are there any loopholes..."

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai pointed to the room where he was just now and said casually.

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Xiao Shisan's eyes widened a little, and after looking at Qin Xiaobai for a long time in disbelief, he asked:

"What? Dad, you just wrote a protection program?"

In fact, it's no wonder that Xiao Shisan was so surprised.

Under normal circumstances, writing a protection program is basically a team, and it takes a long time to complete the writing.

This guy Qin Xiaobai took only a few hours to get one?

Who can believe this...

Not too much code.

The advent of each protection or antivirus software requires a large amount of data testing to find and improve the bugs.

Even so, there are still some vulnerabilities.

When hackers attack servers or computers, they must first break through the protection of these software, find loopholes, and then proceed to the next step.

But due to Qin Xiaobai's previous actions, it brought too much shock to Xiao Shisan.

At this moment, although she couldn't believe it, she didn't have too much doubt. After all, in her heart, Qin Xiaobai's father could be called the **** of the hacker world.

Thinking of this, Little Thirteen nodded, then stood up and shouted: "Brothers, stop first, the next thing we have to do is to hack the room where our leader was just now. The computer in the room can use any means!"

After hearing what Xiao Shisan said, dozens of people in the audience stopped their movements and looked at her and Qin Xiaobai with dumbfounded expressions.

"Thirteen, Alliance Leader, what are you doing? We are having a good time, why do you want to hack your own computer?" Tens of thousands of computers were paralyzed. After hearing Thirteen's words, he asked strangely.

"Dad has just developed a protection program, try it out! You are not the first person to be known as Bluestar computer virus, come on!" Xiao Shisan smiled and explained .

After listening to her explanation, the master hackers finally understood.

Although they are full of admiration for Qin Xiaobai, they still don't quite believe how powerful the protection program he developed in just a few hours.

Therefore, no one said much, and began to operate directly.

Time passed, and soon the sky began to light up.

In the Xiaobai Internet Cafe, a group of hacker masters, all of them have a little messy hair, and all of them look sad.

In the middle of the night, more than 40 master hackers have exhausted their lifelong learning and tried various attack methods.

But it still didn't break through that protection.

"Stop playing, bully people! Are you still human? Are you still human? How many hours did you really write this protection program?"

"This is a special protection program without loopholes, how can people play?"

"I just heard people say that this world may really have perfect protection programs, but I never dreamed that I would be touched by myself, especially if all computers or websites have Installed, then we can break up and change jobs..."

"Let me say something about the leader of the alliance, shouldn't you have any comments on what you're doing?"

"Fuck you, give me fifty cents, take back what you just said, and let Lao Tzu shout?"


After testing in the middle of the night, Qin Xiaobai was quite satisfied with the effect of that program.

After a while, he picked up his mobile phone, made a phone call to the CEOs of Douyin and Tiger Fish respectively, and then decompressed the newly written program installation package and sent it to the past...

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