The empire's major online portals and platforms opposed the empire's remarks. After a day of investigation by the investigation team, it was finally determined to be caused by malicious attacks by overseas hackers.

So several platforms were not punished by suspension for rectification.

However, I was verbally warned that similar things should not happen again. That said, they'd better not run the server until they figured out a countermeasure.

Originally, these scorched internet bosses all agreed to temporarily shut down the server.


At eight o'clock in the morning, Gouyu and Douyin took the lead in releasing a press conference, saying that they had found a way to defend against hackers, and would restart the server at twelve o'clock today, normally for the majority of users, Provide services.

Suddenly, the netizens in the entire empire were all boiling.

Although it's only one day, these netizens are almost going crazy. They can't play games, browse web pages, and watch live broadcasts. It's almost like returning to the 1G era. They are really being held back.

When I heard the news, I was naturally happy.

Of course, the Wolfpackers sneered when they heard the news. They even threatened that as long as they dared to open the server, the servers of the two platforms would be paralyzed again within five minutes.

The time soon reached twelve noon, Douyin and Goby restarted the server as planned and started normal operation.

At the same time, Su Wanqing also started the live broadcast for the first time.

When she boarded the live broadcast room, she was surprised. Not only did her popularity not decline, but it rose a lot.

In the past, every time it was broadcast, it was only about 500,000 people.

Today, however, nearly one million people are online.

In fact, this is also very understandable. Almost all of the empire's online entertainment portals were paralyzed.

"Anchor, you can finally live stream normally, woo woo... Do you know how our day went? There is no game play, no live broadcast, and no short video. How could I find it? Girlfriend... can you believe it?"

"Me too, but I just learned that the anchor can start broadcasting. I broke up with my girlfriend at that time and came back to watch the live broadcast!"

"Upstairs, are you sure you're not kidding me? May I ask which store your girlfriend bought it from? Is there any event at 618? I want to buy one too..."

"Fuck, isn't it? You can drive on a broken road like this..."

"Speaking of what's going on in the Empire Network, why was it all hacked overnight? Does anyone in the live broadcast room know what's going on?"

"Oh, it's all tears! Our empire's network seems to be targeted by hackers, and it won't be peaceful for a while..."

"I heard just now that the American wolf hacker organization is about to re-attack the Goby platform! So, while I can still watch it now, I have to take off my pants once! "

"Come on, it's open! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks and guess if the host's live broadcast room can still live broadcast normally in five minutes!"

"Take advantage of the crowds this time, let me advertise, selling leather shoes, made of polar ancient giant crocodile skin, there are not many, the same style as the dog emperor, first come first served! Well, just a pair of trousers of Xiantian Taoist brother will do..."


These netizens have already seen the power of the Wolfpack organization, so they are also worried at the moment, will Tiger Fish and Douyin really be hacked five minutes later.

Actually, even Su Wanqing, who was broadcasting live, also had no confidence in her heart.

The reason why she came up to live broadcast is because she can't understand what Qin Xiaobai and the others are doing. She is a computer novice, and it is too boring to stay in an Internet cafe, so since she can live broadcast normally, It also started broadcasting with the mentality of trying it out.

Actually, after Gouyu and Douyin started running the server, they were immediately targeted by the wolf hacker organization.

And they have attempted hundreds of attacks at the behest of a young man.

However, as time passed, the hackers of these wolf hackers were directly confused.

No matter what means I use, I can't find any loopholes in the protection programs of the two platforms. I have tried hundreds of times in a row, and even the protection programs have not broken through...

The United States, the base of the Wolfpack.

A young man in his twenties, wearing a peaked cap, sat in front of a desk with a gloomy face, looked at a blond man opposite, and asked coldly:

"What's the situation? Didn't you say that the Gobi and Douyin servers could be paralyzed within five minutes?"


The blond man looked a little embarrassed when he heard this. As the leader of the wolf guest organization, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

For the first time in so many years, they can't even break through other people's protection programs.

"Mr. Wang, don't worry! They should have hired experts, so the remuneration agreed before will definitely not work, we need to add more money, so that we can send more people to serve you! "

If Qin Xiaobai was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that Mr. Wang mentioned by the blond man was the former boss of the joint platform, Wang Xiaocong, one of the three magic gods.

United Live Streaming Platform went bankrupt and liquidated, followed by Yida Group, which also went bankrupt and liquidated.

The Wang family that resounded throughout the empire completely withdrew from the stage of history because of a man named Qin Xiaobai.

When the Wang family was controlled by the empire, Wang Xiaocong was accompanying his current girlfriend on vacation abroad, so he escaped.

Therefore, Wang Xiaocong's hatred for Qin Xiaobai will never be easily resolved.

Although the family is bankrupt, but after so many years of operation, it is naturally impossible for all assets to be in the empire, and there is also a stubborn wealth in the Mi family.

After Wang Xiaocong got the money, he couldn't swallow it.

Therefore, they are ready to start revenge against Qin Xiaobai.

An occasional opportunity made him aware of the existence of the Wolfpack Organization, so he paid a sky-high price of 100 million yuan to hire the Wolfpack Organization. Of course, the purpose was to make Qin Xiaobai Its Gouyu live broadcast platform and Douyin short video software cannot operate normally.

Although he knows how to do this, he can't move to Qin Xiaobai completely, but at least he can cut off some of his wings first.

Therefore, there was an incident of the wolf guest organization blood-washing the imperial network.

In fact, their main targets are still targeting Gouyu live broadcast platform and Douyin short video APP. As for other online portals, it is entirely Wang Xiaocong. In order not to make Qin Xiaobai suspect him, they deliberately released Just a smoke bomb.

"Money is not a problem, as long as those two platforms can be kept in business, even if the price is doubled, I will not hesitate!" Wang Xiaocong gritted his teeth, his eyes Looking at the leader of the wolf guest organization coldly, he said coldly.

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