Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I am the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 100

"Lord, tomorrow is Qiangwei's official enthronement day."

"Is Qiangwei enthroned?"

Lin En pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, you can make arrangements for God's blessing."

"Yes, Lord!"

Servi said respectfully.

she left.


After Lin En sat for a while, he flapped his wings and left here too.

In the current abyss of magic grace, there is an angel Jane sitting in charge, so there is no need to worry at all.

Soon, Lin En appeared in the abyss where he lived, and then Lin En flapped his wings again, and appeared near the hidden exit of the abyss.

Here, you can enter the human world.

Lynn got out.

He felt that the position of the exit had changed slightly.

This means that, perhaps not only later, the position corresponding to this abyss exit and the human world will change again.

However, Lin En has already set up a mark in the Plantagenet Empire, and built a hidden space door, as long as Lin En comes to the human world, he can come here conveniently.


Soon, Lynn appeared in the palace.

The current palace is already Qiangwei's new palace, located in the center of the Plantagenet Empire.

Here, a huge new king's capital is also being built.

The current Plantagenet Empire has completely stabilized.

Under Lynn's suggestions from time to time, Qiangwei established a set of efficient and fast management mechanism, and the potatoes in the entire Gorse Kingdom also matured, and many commoners tasted the real joy of harvest for the first time.

It has become one of Lynn's faith cows.

Can provide a steady stream of faith.

These beliefs at this stage make the power of the fallen angels grow extremely rapidly.

after all...

These beliefs were once a source of divine power.

Now it is used to increase the strength of the fallen angels after entering the reincarnation pool of the fallen angels, it shouldn't be too fast!

In particular, the current Plantagenet Empire is equivalent to the sum of the previous Kingdom of the Moon Goddess and the Kingdom of the Sun God.

More critically.

Whether it is the goddess of the moon before.

Still the God of Sunshine.

Gathering faith through the missionary method of the church... too slow, too slow.

Some civilians can't fill their stomachs every day, and they think about three meals a day... Where is the pious belief?

It's completely different now.

Potatoes have given the common people real hope, and potato breeding requires prayers to be successful. When every commoner reads prayers, don't mention how devout they are!

That's true, heartfelt piety.

Because it concerns their vital interests, these civilians can benefit from this belief.

In the words of another world... A boss who only talks about ideals and draws big cakes for employees is naturally inferior to a boss who directly pays employees high wages and doesn't talk too much.

Therefore, the faith provided by the entire Plantagenet Empire is so terrifying that Lynn feels that he will be able to raise Angel Jane to the Demon King level in a short time.

In addition, the reincarnation pool of fallen angels can be upgraded to LV3 in a short time.

The distance from the devil level to the big devil level is even more distant, but not so fast. The energy required to raise a fallen angel to the big devil level is estimated to be able to raise all the other dozen angels to the devil level.

Therefore, Lynn was not in a hurry.


"Your Majesty's royal robe is so beautiful."

"Yes, Your Majesty is too majestic~"


At this time, in the palace, Qiangwei was standing in front of the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror.

Tomorrow is the day she ascends the throne.

Today is the day for Qiangwei to try on the royal robe.

Perhaps because of being a queen, Qiangwei's royal robe is red.

The design is quite in place. Wearing the rose behind her, she looks incomparably heroic and majestic like an imperial queen.

With her good looks.

It made Lynn's eyes shine.

Next to it, several little maids were discussing in a low voice.

Qiangwei is quite satisfied with her attire.

She's finally officially becoming queen of an empire.

However, the only thing Qiangwei feels a little regretful about is... Lin En has not been to the palace for quite some time.

At this time, she didn't know what she felt, and a happy look appeared on her face.

"Go down."

Rose said.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

All the little maids went down.

In this wide room, there is only Qiangwei left.


Lynn showed up.


When Qiangwei saw Lynn coming, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

She who is about to become a queen, what she wants to see most now is naturally Lynn!

Qiangwei's height is about 1.7 meters. Although she is tall and tall, she is naturally incomparable with Lin En. Compared with Lin En, she still looks petite.

She came to Lin En's side full of joy, and after her eyes fell on Lin En, she never looked away.

Then she saw that Lynn took out a devil fruit.

"Qiangwei, this is my gift for you to become the king and queen of the empire."

Lynn said.

"Ah, thank you master!"

Qiangwei was very happy to hear what Lynn said.

She took the devil fruit and ate it in front of Lynn...

This represents her trust in Lynn.

After all, ordinary people would not dare to eat the fruit produced by the devil.

In fact, this devil fruit has no side effects, or in other words, the side effects have been removed by Lynn.

Many things in the abyss are not only useful to humans, but also to gods in the heavens, but they also have side effects.

Lynn is naturally aware of these side effects.

Last time, Lin En had given Qiangwei a devil fruit that could increase her lifespan and maintain her appearance. This devil fruit could slightly increase Qiangwei's power.

Well, only slightly.

If you want to make a big difference, such as reaching the fourth or fifth level all at once, there will be side effects.

However, the energy in this devil fruit will be slowly absorbed by Qiangwei, allowing her to continuously increase her strength.

After all, she is the queen of an empire.

Always so weak...not okay.


After eating, Qiangwei didn't know what to think of, and her face began to turn red.

In Qiangwei's feeling, there seemed to be some changes between Lynn and before.

Well, she didn't feel wrong, because Lin En is now the devil, even if Lin En deliberately restrained his breath, it still feels completely different from before.

Moreover, Qiangwei didn't know that Lin En was not only the devil king, but also owned a huge demon dynasty!

And the reason why her face turned red... was because she had said to herself before that when she became the queen of the empire, she would dedicate herself to Lynn!

Yes, she was totally in love with Lynn.

Even if Lynn is a demon.

Moreover, Qiangwei has examined her heart over and over again, and can confirm that her falling in love... may have something to do with Lin En's appearance, but it is definitely not bewitched by Lin En.

She felt that she was really in love with Lynn.

She bit her lips lightly, and then said: "Master, Qiangwei also has a gift for you."

Lynn looked at her.

Qiangwei's face turned even redder.

Then Lynn understood what she meant.

As a demon king-level succubus, the current Lin En can easily make a human being hand over all the secrets, but there is no need to use such a method against Qiangwei.

But the meaning of Qiangwei is actually very obvious.

"Think about it, once you become my woman, coupled with the contract, even if you become a god in the future... it is impossible to get rid of me..."

Lynn said.

"Master, I have made up my mind."

Qiangwei bit her lip again, and said.

Lynn's hand lightly touched Qiangwei's face.

Qiangwei trembled slightly, her face turned even redder.


Lynn's head tilted forward..


The next day was the day when Qiangwei ascended the throne.

Qiangwei got up early, refused the maid's help, and put away a bed sheet by herself.

After doing all this, Qiangwei put on the royal robe with the help of the maids.

After walking out of the bedroom, Qiangwei went through a series of necessary ceremonies, and finally, walking through the long red carpet, she walked to the side of the throne belonging to the Queen of the Empire under the eyes of everyone.

"God's blessing!"

The last ceremony of ascension to the throne is to pray for God's blessing.

When the ceremonial officer shouted out, the saintesses of the Aries and the twins prayed, and then the angels jointly lowered a long beam of light and blessed Rose.

Although this is not a real blessing from God, the effect is not bad when cast by the angels. It is nothing more than a blessing magic.

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