Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 99

There is no way to give back to the past if you put too much, and there are some restrictions on giving back.

Not surprisingly, as soon as this feedback notice came out, the entire live broadcast room was boiling again.

In the current live broadcast room, after this war, the number of people has officially exceeded 20 million, and it is still increasing.

Many people who didn't watch the live broadcast originally also came, and there were all kinds of people in the live broadcast room.

There are a lot of billionaires out there.

Therefore, as soon as the feedback notice came out this time, the battle for the list instantly became fiercer many times.

This afternoon, throughout the live broadcast room, the Rockets never stopped.

It's always been a case of rockets flying all over the sky.

This situation lasted for several days.

For several days in a row, every day, the total rewards in Lin En's live broadcast room exceeded 100 million!


And a few days passed, and the finishing work of the war was finally completed.

In the abyss where the Monroe Dynasty was originally located, after remodeling a large number of palaces in the sky of the Monroe Demon King, a new huge palace group appeared that extended from the sky to the ground.

Here, will be the palace of the new dynasty.

On this day, hundreds of thousands of succubi gathered together, and below them were endless demons and servants.

In the sky, there are fallen angels and dragons.

In the sky, there is a huge throne.

This throne is the symbol of Lynn's power.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lin En slowly sat on the huge throne.

This means that a new demon dynasty has been established!

This will be a dynasty with fallen angels and dragons in charge, and succubus as the core force!

And the name of this dynasty was also chosen by Lynn himself.

It's called the Demon Kingdom!


"Wang, the first batch of sisters have been sent out!"

Not long after the establishment of the Demon Dynasty, Lucia became busy.

Well, her mission is simple.

It is to send some stronger succubi to the middle and lower abyss to summon more succubi.

In the Demon Dynasty, fallen angels and dragons are high-level powers, and their numbers are too small.

The other demon servants are cannon fodder, no amount is useless.

Naturally, the more succubus there are, the better.

That's why Lucia sent succubi to the middle and lower abyss continuously, telling those succubi in the middle and lower abyss that a dynasty established by succubus has appeared in the upper abyss!


Chapter 103 The Abyss! Rose ascended the throne! Void Divine Wings!

"The Monroe dynasty has actually collapsed!"

"I didn't expect that a demon-level succubus appeared...I have to bring this news back!"


On the edge of the abyss where the Moen Dynasty was located, some demons quietly left.

The area of ​​this layer of abyss is too large.

There are also many passages in the abyss.

Moreover, powerful demons can also come through the abyss.

Therefore, even Lynn couldn't completely prevent some demons from other abyss from coming.

This layer of abyss has a side length of more than 5,000 kilometers and a total area of ​​more than 20 million square kilometers, which is larger than the country that Lynn crossed before!

Of course, this layer of abyss... still belongs to the upper layer of abyss.

It is very close to the middle abyss.

There are only some smaller abysses between it and the middle abyss.

Even if this layer of abyss is about to reach the middle layer of the abyss, the density of plants on it is still not high, and from a human perspective, it still looks quite desolate.

However, in the perception of the devil, the energy of this layer of abyss is indeed quite strong.


The Monroe Dynasty is the giant of the upper abyss, and even among the demons in the middle abyss, the Monroe dynasty has a certain reputation.

The demise of the Monroe Dynasty and the emergence of the Moen Dynasty attracted the attention of some demons, and these demons brought back the news, causing some shock.

Next, some succubi who were above the sixth level and good at hiding entered the middle abyss.

Start looking for the succubus in the middle abyss.

And Lin En spent a lot of time in the abyss where the Demon Dynasty was located.

He was going to name this layer of abyss.

The name Lynn comes to mind.

It's called the Abyss of Demon Grace.

"The king is going to name the abyss?"

When Lucia heard the news, she rushed over specially.


Lynn sat on the huge throne, said.

Lucia hesitated for a moment, and said: "My lord, there are not many abyss with names in the abyss. The Monroe Demon King has occupied this abyss for more than a thousand years, and he has never named this abyss. Because naming the abyss has some particularities."

Hearing what Lucia said, Lynn showed a look of interest, and said, "What's the point?"

Lucia said: "My lord, it doesn't matter if this layer of abyss has always been this big. Once the abyss continues to expand and has a name, it is said that it will touch a certain naming rule..."

Lucia spoke slowly.

After Lucia finished speaking, Lynn understood.

There are quite a lot of abysses, and most abysses have no names.

In other words, if there is a name, the name can only be regarded as a code name.

Just like Qiangwei's name Qiangwei, it's just a code name. If Qiangwei's parents named her Rose when she was born... then there is no difference.

In this world, though, names can have a more practical meaning.

For example, some special demons have a unique real name. This real name is not in the form of words, but some difficult and obscure syllables. This real name helps these demons master some special powers.

The real name must never be mastered by others. Once mastered, it is equivalent to being mastered by others.

The gods in this world have their own names and real names in addition to their god names.


The name also has some meaning to the abyss.

In the abyss, 99.9% of the abyss has no name, or in other words, only the "name" that only the nearby demons know, and that "name" is just a code name that is conveniently called by the demons.

For example, the level of the abyss where the Monroe Demon King was located was called the Monroe Abyss by some demons, which is not an official name.

There are quite a few named abysses, and every named abyss is not simple.

Such an abyss is not only extremely huge, but also a battleground for military strategists.

The demon dynasty that can gain a foothold in such an abyss is unusually powerful!

The names of these abysses are often spread throughout the abyss and are well known by a large number of demons.

For example, Lucia knew that in the middle and lower abyss, there was an "Uccas" abyss of unknown size.

That layer of abyss is occupied by a high-level demon named Lilith, and that Lilith is said to be a very rare void shadow spider that can freely travel through the space. She usually likes to show people the appearance of a human woman who is as charming as a succubus, but she is different. She is very cruel and evil, but all demons who dare to look at her will die violently!

The Ukas Abyss is attacked by some demon dynasties every once in a while, but it is still firmly occupied by that Lilith.


As for why the demon dynasty attacked the named abyss, at Lucia's level, it is still unknown.

Before, she was just the patriarch of a small clan in the Monroe Dynasty.

There are too few things that come into contact with.

But Lucia knew more than Lynn after all.

After all, Lin En is a traveler, and his understanding of the abyss is definitely not as good as Lucia.

According to Lucia's guess.

As the Demon King, Lin En officially named the abyss where the Demon Dynasty is now "Devil's Abyss". Once the "Devil's Abyss" is expanded many times by Lin En...then, the Demon's Abyss will be It is possible to touch some kind of abyss rule and become one of the real abysses with a name.

What Lucia is worried about is that by then, the Abyss of Demon Enchantment may become the target of the demon dynasty's attack.

Well, the main reason is that she knows that Lynn can move the abyss, and the speed of expanding the abyss is many times faster than the previous Monroe Dynasty did not know.

Of course, Lucia wasn't sure if that would happen.

She just made some guesses based on some news and things she heard before.


"okay, I get it."

After hearing Lucia finish speaking, Lynn said.

"From now on, this layer of abyss will be called the Devil's Abyss."

Lynn said again.

Seeing that Lynn insisted, Lucia didn't say any more, she bowed her head respectfully, and said, "Yes, king!"

She couldn't influence Lynn's decision, and she didn't try to influence Lynn's decision either. She just came to tell Lynn what she knew.

Moreover, Lynn's faint tone made Lucia feel...

Some of my worries are unnecessary!

Maybe one day, when the Demon Abyss really becomes a famous and well-known abyss among the abyss... Her king is already as powerful as Lilith, or even stronger.

At that time, no matter how many demon dynasties came to attack... it was not worth mentioning at all!

Thinking of this, Lucia's admiration for Lynn surged in her heart again.

She never thought that one day, a succubus dynasty would really appear.

Moreover, the king of the succubus dynasty is so powerful and charming!

She even had an urge to dedicate herself to Lynn.

Under this kind of impulse, every time Lucia saw Lynn, her body would involuntarily heat up, and her extremely charming face was slightly red.


Lucia leaves.

Lynn sat on the throne, looking down at the boundless abyss.

Now he has more and more majesty of the devil.

At this time, a passage opened in the sky, and Servi flew out from it.

After coming out, Servi gave a standard angel salute to Lynn, and then said:

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