Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 21

"Aren't there still temple knights from the Holy See? Maybe there are powerful magicians."

"Those fighters made by the anchor are not vegetarian either."


In the live broadcast room, netizens discussed hotly/hotly.

These days during Princess Rose's march, the number of people in the live broadcast room has further increased, and now there are more than 200,000 people in the live broadcast room.


In the eyes of netizens in the live broadcast room, Princess Caiwei's progress was not slow.

Behind Princess Caiwei's army, there are a large number of civilians recruited by Princess Caiwei from the capital, the reserve team prepared by Princess Caiwei.

The number of these civilians is also quite large, there are nearly 20,000 people, and almost all the young and middle-aged people in the capital have been recruited.

With the 20,000 people, and Princess Caiwei's original 80,000 people, the number of Princess Caiwei's army has reached 100,000!

At this time, the 100,000 people neatly pushed towards Princess Rose's army. Obviously, Princess Caiwei was not going to wait for Princess Rose's army to form a formation.

This is equivalent to hitting halfway.

"Queen, they are here."

As soon as Princess Caiwei's army moved, Princess Qiangwei had already seen it.

At this time, Princess Rose was also staying in the army. Of course, there were many guards around her.

"Prepare for battle, five of you, and guard against the mages and knights in her army."

While Princess Rose was speaking, she looked at the five tall warriors.

These five fighters are the fighters who have eaten the devil fruit.

She didn't dare to get too many fighters like this out at once, five should be enough.

When the number of people reaches a certain number, unless there is a strong man who is absolutely unmatched, he can use the number of people to kill the powerful fighters or magicians in the opponent's army.

However, the deterrence brought by a powerful warrior or magician is too great, and it will make people feel scared. When a powerful warrior can defeat a thousand enemies with one enemy, then he alone is enough to restrain thousands, or even tens of thousands of enemies. , and the ability to break the formation is particularly strong.



On Princess Rose's side, the horn also sounded.

"Come on~"

Immediately afterwards, densely packed civilian soldiers rushed up with various weapons in their hands.

"Hmph, these untouchables have no rules and are vulnerable to our army."

Seeing those commoners rushing forward, a noble said disdainfully.

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer.

"Let the arrow!"

When the distance was tens of meters, the archers in Princess Caiwei's army began to attack.


A large number of bows and arrows flew out.

Those civilians resisted with homemade wooden shields, but many civilians fell to the ground with arrows and screamed in pain.

However, more civilians are still rushing forward.

After firing a few rounds of arrows, the archers retreated one after another and ran to the back to continue shooting arrows. Princess Caiwei's elite soldiers rushed over with weapons in their hands.

These soldiers have received professional training. They have better military qualities and better physical strength, and they all wear armored equipment.

The civilian soldiers who rushed to the front were directly chopped down by them.

"It's not optimistic. Princess Caiwei's army is obviously much stronger."

"Yeah, if you continue to fight like this, even if you can win, it will probably be a miserable victory."


In the live broadcast room, some netizens were quite worried.


At this time, what no one noticed was that behind Princess Caiwei, those civilians who Princess Caiwei had recruited from the capital for more than ten days to serve as a reserve team suddenly moved.


The more than 20,000 civilians shouted and killed each and every one of them.

Immediately afterwards...they saw that they aimed their knives at Princess Caiwei's soldiers!


Immediately, Princess Caiwei's unsuspecting soldiers were cut down a large area.

Although the more than 20,000 civilians were newly recruited, Princess Caiwei gave them good weapons.

Now, those weapons were used against her soldiers... just fine.

"how come..."

Seeing that the civilians recruited from the royal capital actually launched an attack on her army, Princess Caiwei's eyes suddenly opened wide, full of inconceivability.

The nobles around her also started to commotion.

"I'll go, do you still have this hand?"

"When were these civilians instigated?"

"Ah, 6 is used in this counter-measure."

"Princess Rose will surely win."


In the live broadcast room, netizens were also shocked.



Those more than 20,000 civilians crazily charged Princess Caiwei's army from behind, while in front, Princess Rose's soldiers were still rushing forward. .

Chapter 36 Knights of the Temple! Magician!

"Untouchables, these untouchables, let the magician group take action."

On the city wall, a nobleman's face was livid with anger.

Most of Princess Caiwei's army comes from the support of nobles.

This noble also supported thousands of soldiers. Those thousands of soldiers were originally in the back row, but when the 20,000 civilians in the back row suddenly attacked, his thousands of soldiers disappeared immediately.

For this nobleman, that was a great loss!

Beside, other nobles were also cursing there.

They never expected that Princess Rose would actually turn against the common people in the capital!

Under the situation of being attacked on both sides, no matter how elite the army on Princess Caiwei's side was, they couldn't stand it anymore, and even panicked.

"Here's an order for the magician group to take action, and then ask the Holy See's Templar Knights to take action."

Princess Caiwei said.

"Yes, princess."

The herald delivered the order immediately.

The Plantagenet Kingdom is not big, and there are not many powerful warriors and magicians.

Besides, they couldn't keep powerful fighters and magicians.

After all, people also want to go to the next level. Like the entire Gorse Kingdom, there is no fifth-order, because the fifth-order wants to become the sixth-order, with stronger strength and longer life, they often choose stronger ones. countries to study and further study.

There are not many magicians in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

After all, the population is too small, there is only a small magician academy in Wangdu.

However, Princess Caiwei still has a team of magicians under her command.

There are a hundred people in this group of magicians.

Following Princess Caiwei's order, the group of mages wearing mage robes walked out under the protection of some sword and shield soldiers.

"Queen, magician group!"

As soon as this group of magicians moved, a female guard beside Princess Rose saw it.

In the past, there were some magicians who followed Princess Rose, but with the defeat in the battle, they died and left, and now there is no magician by her side.

And just as the magician group came out, on the other side, a group of knights with only a few dozen people rushed out from a city gate on horseback.

"Templar Knight!"

The voice of the female guard beside Princess Rose froze!

There were never many temple knights.

It doesn't take much either.

However, their strength is extremely powerful.

Although there are only a few dozen of these temple knights, they dare to break through thousands of troops!

Their whole bodies are covered with silver armor, and their sharp eyes can only be seen through the gaps in the blindfolds!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if they stand there and let the civilians chop them...with the strength and crude weapons of the civilians, they can't chop them at all.

"These guys, the Queen is about to win, yet they still support Princess Caiwei!"

Princess Rose's female guard said dissatisfied.

Princess Rose looked over there.

I saw that the magician group had already launched an attack.

The attack of a hundred magicians attacked the civilians who attacked Princess Caiwei's army from the back row.

Immediately, it was seen that some of the civilians were hit by fireballs, and some were hit by a large number of ice picks. The ground below some civilians shook, and thunder raged.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of civilians were seriously injured or killed.

"Oh my god~"

The deterrence brought by the magicians is huge. Although these magicians are limited by their level, their lethality is actually limited, and they cannot continue to cast magic, but many civilian soldiers are frightened.

"Drive ~"

Immediately afterwards, the Knights of the Temple attacked.

Dozens of temple knights spurred their horses and rushed towards the civilian soldiers.

"Cross cut!"

Before rushing close, the long sword in the hands of a temple knight in the front cut off a large number of civilian soldiers in front.


"Fuck, these guys are so fierce."

"No matter how fierce you are, it's useless, you can definitely kill them if you pile them up."

"Not necessarily. The main function of these guys is not to kill many people, but to deter them. Once they kill too many people, no one will dare to attack them."

"Princess Rose probably won't be able to deal with these guys anymore, let's watch the anchor."


In the live broadcast room, as soon as Princess Caiwei's magician group and the temple knights attacked, netizens shouted that it was not good. .

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