Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 22

Chapter 37 This is Succubus~ Siege! !

On the battlefield, a hundred magicians held their wands, chanting and attacking.

The ages of these magicians vary from young to old, some are in their thirties or forties, and some are only in their teens or twenties.

Their magical attack caused great panic to the army who flanked Princess Caiwei from behind.

However, at this time, when a middle-aged man was about to attack, he was suddenly taken aback.

Because, he vaguely saw that one of his nephews... seemed to be among those civilian soldiers.

"Second Uncle, Second Uncle, why are you there?"

Beside, a magician girl shouted there.

"Stop hitting, stop hitting, my second uncle is inside."

The magician girl vaguely saw her second uncle who was fighting, and shouted excitedly.

"Stop it, stop it."

The middle-aged man also hurriedly shouted.

And following their voices, the magicians around took a closer look, and more or less saw their relatives among the civilian soldiers who were fighting.

"Stop, stop hitting~"

More and more magicians shouted.

Not long after, the 100-member magician group stopped in unison and stopped attacking.

"I'll go, are there really so many relatives? Is it real or an illusion."

"I don't know, the anchor has started?"

"I didn't see the anchor."

"If it's true... would there be such a coincidence? If it's a hallucination, won't these magicians notice the abnormality afterwards?"


In the live broadcast room, more than 200,000 netizens watched this scene and discussed it in amazement.


"Second Uncle, Second Uncle~"

At this time, netizens saw that the magician girl ran forward in a hurry and helped a person on the ground who was injured after being hit by magic.

"Second Uncle, why are you so stupid, you will be beheaded if you rebel."

The magician girl looked at the injured second uncle and almost cried.

"Hailee, this is not a rebellion. Princess Rose is now the queen, and all of us have land, so we don't have to be oppressed by those nobles. Don't continue to work for Princess Caiwei anymore. You have to work for Princess Caiwei again. Work your life, take my old life first, then talk about it."

Her second uncle said excitedly.

On the side, there were other magicians who found their relatives or friends.

Some relatives or friends of the magician were a little further away, but they all saw it.

"Gah, is it true?"

"Why such a coincidence? Have you seen what the anchor is doing?"

"No, none of the anchors showed up."

"It's awesome. I think it's the handiwork of the anchor, but there is no trace of it. You can see that these people haven't noticed anything unusual."

"Gah, how did you do that?"


In the live broadcast room, netizens discussed in amazement one by one.


"What's going on, why didn't they fight? Send someone down to ask."

On the city wall, Princess Caiwei was puzzled when she saw the group of magicians cease fire.

"Report, Queen, the people of the magician group said... say..."

Soon, a messenger came back, said.

"say what?"

Princess Caiwei asked.

"They say they want to remain neutral! They also say that the Academy of Magic has the right to remain neutral!"

said the orderly.


Princess Caiwei couldn't help but shrink her eyes!

"Damn it, ask them, who gives the Academy of Magic so much money every year!"

A nobleman growled.

But his roar had no effect at all, because the magician group below had completely stopped.

Not only that, they also formed a circle, obviously, this is the person who was guarding against Princess Caiwei and attacked them.


"Haha, you must be dumbfounded."

"It feels terrible. The anchor didn't seem to do anything, and just abolished a magician group."

"This is the succubus, let's see how the Knights of the Temple will solve it~"


In the live broadcast room, netizens discussed enthusiastically.

"Huh? Queen, Princess Caiwei's group of magicians has stopped attacking."

As soon as the group of magicians stopped, Princess Rose, who was standing taller, saw it.

"Did he make the move?"

Princess Rose thought silently.

To Lynn...she's getting more and more in awe.


"Come on, chisel them through!"

On the other side, those dozens of temple knights had incomparably rich combat experience, and they didn't love to fight in one place, but broke their horses and rushed to the depths of Princess Rose's army.

This battlefield is too big, Princess Rose has too many soldiers, even if they can kill thousands of will not help.

Therefore, their function is to penetrate Princess Rose's army and deter these civilian soldiers.


At this time, a sword light came from the side.

Several temple knights reacted quite quickly, and quickly put the shields together.

Their shields... are impressively heavy iron shields weighing hundreds of catties, and there are some mysterious patterns on the shields.


The sword light slashed on the shield, and a temple knight's hand was broken with a "click", but the sword light was still blocked by the shield in their hands.


At this time, another sword light slashed.

However, this sword light was not aimed at them.

Instead, aim at the horses they stepped down.

Although their war horses are also armored, the armor on the horse's legs is not so comprehensive.

And this kind of sword light is a very powerful combat technique.

Immediately, a large number of horse legs were swept and broken all over the ground.

"There is still one!"

The Templar Knight had to temporarily give up the charge.

"Two Tier 4s, get rid of them first!"

The captain of the Temple Knights at the head did not panic. The weakest Temple Knights here are Tier 2, and there are also many Tier 3 and Tier 4 knights, and their strength is quite strong.

Otherwise, how could Princess Caiwei regard such a small number of temple knights as her reliance.

The only fourth-rank knight under Princess Rose before was beheaded by the captain of this knight order!


"Leave it to us, their combat skills cannot be activated continuously, so there is nothing to fear."

The two temple knights urged their horses to chase after them, but before they could take a few steps, suddenly, three figures mixed with civilians leaped to attack, and the big sword in their hands slashed down.


The captain of the Knights of the Temple shouted that it was too late for support.

The two chasing temple knights reacted quite quickly, but there were too many people who couldn't stand each other. One temple knight only had time to block a big sword before his neck was cut off by another big sword! .

Chapter 38 Surrender one after another! big win!

"The queen...the temple knight is dead!"

Next to Princess Rose, a female guard exclaimed.

Princess Rose also had a look of surprise on her face.

Because, she gave the order to those warriors who ate the devil fruit to hold back those temple knights.

rather than kill.

After all, these temple knights are from the Holy See!

"Your let them kill the Temple Knights?"

After calling Lynn's name in her heart, Princess Rose asked in a low voice.


Lynn's faint voice sounded.

"The Templar Knights can't be killed! There will be trouble...."

Princess Rose said.

"Don't kill them, wait for them to kill all your people?"

Lynn's voice interrupted her, said.

Princess Rose hesitated upon hearing the words.

"Queen, look."

At this time, the voice of the female guard next to him sounded.

Princess Rose looked and saw a warrior wearing armor who had eaten the devil fruit, riding a horse and charging towards the dozens of temple knights.

"Well done."

The knight captain gave a loud shout, and went forward with a big sword in his hand.


Before getting close, the two launched their combat skills together.

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