Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 23

Two white sword lights collided together, and many soldiers fighting fiercely around were overturned.

Then he saw that the sword light of the soldier who had eaten the devil fruit broke through the sword light of the captain of the knight fiercely, and passed over the captain of the knight.

"How can it be!"

The knight captain let out a voice of disbelief.

In the next second, his whole body was cut off from the middle, and even the armor was divided into two halves.


"You raised his strength to the fifth level?"

Seeing this scene, Princess Rose narrowed her eyes.


Lynn's faint voice sounded again.

And during the conversation, the warrior who ate the devil fruit and briefly rose to the fifth level of strength had already rushed over with the big sword, and together with the other four warriors, he was killing dozens of temple knights.


The few remaining elite soldiers under Princess Rose also rushed over, and surrounded the remaining dozens of Temple Knights! From Xinxiaoqun 712205071

Seeing that several temple knights had been killed, Princess Rose had to accept the reality and began to think about how to deal with the Holy See.

There is more than one god in this world, and there is more than one Holy See, but in this area where the Plantagenet Kingdom is located, and some surrounding small kingdoms, only one Holy See is preaching.

"Queen, if you kill it, kill it. We clearly have the advantage, and the Holy See has been helping Princess Caiwei. It's just a few temple knights. When you become king, the Holy See will not dare to turn against you."

A female guard under Princess Rose said.


While the female guard was speaking, the rest of the temple knights were already surrounded, and they could only defend with all their strength, unable to break through at all.

Without these temple knights and magicians, Princess Rose's civilian soldiers all rushed forward.

All of a sudden, under the walls of the entire palace, there was a sea of ​​people, and Princess Caiwei's soldiers were completely surrounded inside.

"Queen...what to do?"

On the city wall, the nobles looked at the besieged and dwindling army, and their faces changed.

Now Princess Caiwei's army has suffered heavy losses, and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people, their morale is also quite low.

"Surrender without killing!"

At this time, a soldier roared.

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing!"

All the civilian soldiers shouted along.

"Surrender, Princess Rose is good to everyone, don't you want your family to have land?"

The civilian soldiers at the front line fought while persuading them to surrender.

"No surrender!"

Princess Caiwei said coldly.

On the city wall, the horn sounded again.

However, the cries of "surrender and not kill" from hundreds of thousands of people below are shaking the sky, no matter whether it is the voice of Princess Caiwei or the sound of the horn, no one can hear it at all!

"When ~"

Finally, the soldiers with Princess Caiwei couldn't stand it anymore and dropped their weapons.

"When ~"

More and more soldiers dropped their weapons.

Not long after, Princess Caiwei's army, surrounded by groups, dropped their weapons one by one and surrendered one after another!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the nobles on the city wall changed drastically.

The army surrendered...

They are powerless!


Chapter 39 The meeting of two princesses! Princess Caiwei's request!

"Queen, before their army enters the city, let's leave from another direction and go to your grandfather's territory. You can also raise troops to fight."

A nobleman advised.

Princess Caiwei's expression turned extremely ugly.


Princess Caiwei shook her head.

Although she doesn't want to admit it.

However, even she has to admit... Even if she can escape from the capital now, she will not have any hope of turning things around.

The nobles have no armies anymore.

It is even more impossible for her to copy Princess Rose's move. Princess Rose has become a queen, and they have divided the land... Who will follow her?

Therefore, Princess Caiwei resigned to her fate.

"Let's go back to the palace. I want to see what she will do with my sister."

After finishing speaking, Princess Caiwei ignored the dissuasion of the nobles and walked down the city wall with her guards.

Those nobles looked at me and I looked at you, and their faces were also not good-looking.

Among them, the ones with the ugliest faces were those nobles who were originally on the side of Princess Rose, but finally switched to Princess Caiwei.


"Queen, please enter the city~"

In stark contrast to Caiwei's dejected mood, everyone on Rose's side was elated.

The gate of the royal capital was opened.

A large number of civilian soldiers rushed out, spontaneously clearing the way for Princess Rose.

And on both sides of the streets of Wangdu, a large number of people also poured out.

"Princess Rose, Princess Rose..."

People in the capital all shouted Princess Rose's name.

Princess Rose was sitting in an exquisite carriage, looking at the people who lined the road to welcome her, she felt as if she was dreaming.


She has returned to the capital again!


She's going to be Queen of the Plantagenet Kingdom!

Compared with the embarrassment a month ago, the current her seems like a lifetime away.

"29 days."

Princess Rose thought silently.

Yes, 29 days, less than a month!

The demon did it.

It only took 29 days for her to win the war!

And the victory of the war meant that she got the Plantagenet Kingdom and became the queen of millions of people in the Plantagenet Kingdom!

Only 29 days left!

Listening to the cheers of the people in the city, Princess Qiangwei had such an unreal feeling.

Corresponding to this unreal feeling is... a strong sense of accomplishment!

She can finally take the throne and become king!

This is her dream goal!

In order to become a king, she even would rather sell her soul to the devil!

"Thank you, Lord Demon."

Princess Qiangwei said silently in her heart, enjoying the feeling of being admired by thousands of people.


Amid the cheers of hundreds of thousands of people in the capital, Princess Rose finally came to the palace.

Then, she came to the hall that symbolized the highest power in the palace.

When she arrived at the main hall, she found that Princess Caiwei was standing in front of the throne, as if waiting for her.

"Sister, you are here."

Princess Caiwei said.

"I am coming."

Princess Rose said.

"you win."

Princess Caiwei said again.

Princess Rose said: "Yes, I won!"

There was a trace of loneliness on Princess Caiwei's face, she turned around, looked at the big red throne, and gently caressed the throne with her hand, as if stroking the hand of a lover.

"Although I lost, as a big sister, I would like to make a request, is it okay?"

Princess Caiwei said.

Princess Rose said: "Yes."

Princess Caiwei said: "I want to meet... the people behind you."

"The people behind me?"

"Yes, with your wisdom, it is impossible to think of such a strategy. I want to know, whose hands have I lost? Can you satisfy me? My dear sister."

Hearing Princess Caiwei's words, Princess Qiangwei had a strange look on her face: "Do you really want to see me?"

Princess Caiwei nodded, and said: "That's right, even if he is an extremely terrifying demon, I'm not afraid!".

Chapter 40 Are you an angel or a devil?

Qiangwei clapped her hands and said, "You go down first."

"Yes, queen."

All the guards left, and the door was closed.

In the whole hall, there are only Princess Qiangwei and Princess Caiwei.

Princess Caiwei looked at Princess Qiangwei curiously, and said, "He is here?"

Princess Rose didn't answer her question, and said: "Are you sure you want to see him? You have to think about it, if he is really a demon, after you see him, you can only choose between dying or staying by his side forever one."

"Is it really a devil? Hehe, I knew it wasn't that simple, Qiangwei, if you collude with a devil, even if you become king, you will be judged publicly, okay?"

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