Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 47


"My lord, there is important news."

At this time, Rose, Queen of the Plantagenet Kingdom, contacted Lynn.

"what news."

Lynn asked.

"The six countries that originally belonged to the Holy See of the Crescent, except us and the Monto Kingdom, have all been attacked. According to the distress message sent by the city-state of Mok, the enemy's attack is quite fierce, and the masters of the other Holy See are also involved. , In addition, the Kingdom of Nice in the north has also been raided, the king has been captured, and most of the entire kingdom fell in one day!"

Rose's voice sounded. .

Chapter 67 The Glorious Sun Empire! Lynn's domineering!

"The people from the Glorious Sun Empire have indeed come."

When Lynn told Sylvia the news, Sylvie whispered.

"The Glorious Sun Empire?"

Lynn asked.

Servi nodded, and said: "The Holy See of Yaori has much stronger control over the country. A few decades ago, the Holy See of Yaori supported the king of a kingdom, conquered all the other kingdoms, and merged them into one big kingdom." A country is called an empire...Although those few people are not considered an empire, it is precisely this move that has opened up a little gap between the gods and goddesses behind the Yaori Holy See."

Lynn got it.

As a goddess, the goddess of the moon is obviously more Buddhist or gentle in some respects, and not as bold as the other party.

This can be seen from the relationship between the Holy See of the New Moon and the six countries. Among the five kingdoms, the Holy See of the New Moon has insufficient control power, and the politics and the church are basically in a state of balance. Not overly aggressive.

The personalities of the saintess... are also relatively peaceful.

This kind of Buddhist attitude is actually not very beneficial to the growth of the Moon Goddess.

It is estimated that the Archangel Erica secretly rebelled after staying with the Moon Goddess for hundreds of years and found that there was no future and hope.

And the enemies of the Moon Goddess are obviously much more courageous, and their methods are also more iron-fisted.


"Ah...Your Majesty Sylvie, what shall we do?"

The Aries saint could not help asking.

"The goddess has fallen, and we have also become fallen angels. These kingdoms are meaningless to us. However, if the Glorious Sun Empire gets these six kingdoms, the population will further increase. The Glorious Sun Holy See The growth rate of the strength of the god behind will also accelerate, we..."

Having said that, Servi looked at Lynn.

Now she has become a fallen angel, starting to focus on Lynn.

The other two angels also looked at Lynn.

As for the Saintess of Aquarius, she had stopped crying, and looked at Servi and then at Lynn with a confused expression.

Sylvie's words about fallen angels just now scared her and completely confused her.

Lynn said: "No, it makes sense for us to keep these countries."

Of course it makes sense.

The Fallen Angel Reincarnation Pool still needs more faith to upgrade.

Moreover, after the fallen angel's reincarnation pool is upgraded to LV3, Lynn can also buy a new item in the mall... the city of fallen angels.

Servi said: "Keeping these it very difficult? It was one thing for you to save us before, and Erica would only think that you came to cut off people, and didn't know your relationship with us. But If you show up directly and participate in the wars of the human kingdoms, the nature of the wars will change, and it will only make the situation of these countries worse."

Lynn looked at the angel Masu: "Are you sure that the Goddess of the Moon Goddess has escaped?"

The angel Masu nodded, and said, "Yes, the goddess' divinity has escaped."

Lin En turned his eyes to Servi again, and said with a touch of domineering in his voice: "Then start revenge from the kingdom of God behind the Holy See of Yaori!"

"Take his kingdom?"

Hearing Lin En's domineering voice, her beautiful eyes slightly opened: "You...even if you directly launch an invasion on his country, and personally attack it yourself, it is impossible to take away the Glorious Sun Empire, right? Otherwise, that demon in the upper layer of the abyss The dynasty has already come up."

If the abyss invades the human world on a large scale, it will naturally cause the entire human world to rebound.

Even if the Glorious Sun Empire loses at that time, they can turn to other powerful countries for help. What Lin En needs to fight against is not just a small Glorious Sun Empire.

That would actually complicate the war.

Well, although the other party claims to be an empire, in Lin En's view, it is at most several times larger than the Plantagenet Kingdom, with an area of ​​more than one million square kilometers and a population of 20 to 30 million. It is slightly larger than the sum of the six kingdoms owned by the Crescent Holy See.

That's why Sylvie had such a question.

Lynn said lightly: "Who said I'm going to invade his country directly."

Servi was puzzled: "Then what do you do?"

Lin En looked at the Aries saint and said, "Tell her how Qiangwei became the queen."

The Aries Saintess said "ah", and then whispered to Servi.

"Reversed the situation in a month?"

Servi's eyes were full of surprise.

The battle situation was reversed in one month, and Lynn himself did not show up at all, without any sign of demon interference, leaving a little bit of hidden danger in the devil fruit.

Such a miracle made Servi and the other two angels look at Lynn with admiration.

Well, they didn't know about the war in the Plantagenet Kingdom.

"Masu, take a moment to recall which angels have escaped, count their names, and then write down their summoning spells with Servi. I'll get them later."

After the Aries Maiden finished speaking, Lin En said to the angel Masu sent down by the Moon Goddess.


Masu hurriedly said.

Servi was very smart, knowing that Lynn must be planning to summon the goddess of the moon and the angels who might survive, so she followed Masu to do this.


As soon as Lin En flapped his wings, he left the Holy See branch and appeared in the palace.

"You're here!"

In the palace, Qiangwei seemed very happy to see Lin En coming.

After she contacted Lynn, she had driven away the others, and now she was the only one left in the palace.

Qiangwei looked at Lin En with more and more affection.

"How is it going?"

Lynn asked.

Qiangwei took out a map.

This map does not have a scale, but the orientation is relatively accurate.

On the map, the Plantagenet Kingdom is located a little to the west, surrounded by three kingdoms to the east, and the Mok City-State to the east.

And to the north of the Plantagenet Kingdom, there is also a kingdom, the Monto Kingdom.

These six kingdoms are all side by side, with a total area of ​​more than 1.3 million square kilometers and a population of nearly 20 million. Together, they form the missionary area of ​​the Holy See of the New Moon. .

Chapter 68 Rose's Expectation! Archangel Jane! Summon one after another!

"The Glorious Sun Empire? The anchor vigorously turned it over~"

"Making a miracle with great effort, looking forward to the host's performance this time~"

"Ha, are you going to make a big move again!"

"I don't know if I can replicate the miracle of the Plantagenet Kingdom~"

"If the anchor takes away the Yaori Empire, the god behind the Yaori Vatican will probably be furious, right?"

"It's better to explode/explode 360 ​​degrees in situ, that picture is a beauty!"


When Lynn entered the palace, the camera in the live broadcast room still stayed on the side of several angels.

In the live broadcast room, netizens are discussing intensely.

Now the number of netizens in the live broadcast room has exceeded 3 million, and this number is still increasing.

Those netizens who like to watch the live broadcast will basically talk about Lynn's live broadcast room to their friends around them, which leads to the rare appearance of Lynn's live broadcast room... word of mouth-effect!

A large number of newcomers are drawn in by some friends.

There are also some netizens who never watch the live broadcast.

The influx of these netizens has also brought Lin En a lot of prestige, and the amount of rewards is also increasing. Now the competition for the list is becoming more and more fierce.

Because Lynn came up with a new thing, that is, there is a progress bar on the top of the list, and this progress bar is a percentage.

This progress bar represents the progress of the next feedback.

Now the progress has reached more than sixty percent.

The next time you give back, the accumulated rewards must exceed 100 million, which means that Lin En has now received more than 60 million cumulative rewards.

Some netizens have discovered that the progress bar does not increase with time, but increases with the amount of rewards. This discovery has made some wealthy netizens more diligent in rewarding, and some not particularly rich Netizens will tip more or less every other day.

Moreover, Lynn also set it up so that the number one in the list can get an extra reward, which also made the competition for the number one list more intense.


When netizens were discussing, in the palace, Lynn looked at the map.

This time, the Glorious Sun Empire dispatched four armies at the same time. These four armies attacked four countries.

Among them, the Kingdom of Nice has made the most progress, because the Glory Sun Empire has dispatched angels and the powerhouses of the Holy See!

The six countries to which the Holy See of the New Moon belonged were all small kingdoms, and powerhouses of the fifth level were rare in them, and there might be ones of the sixth level, but they basically did not show up and would not participate in the war.

In the past, there were angels from the Holy See of the New Moon to contend with, but now that the Holy See of the New Moon has suffered a devastating blow, facing the angels and high-ranking powerhouses of the Holy See of the Sunshine Sun...these small kingdoms have no way to deal with it.

That's why the kingdom of Nice was beheaded by an angel sent out directly, and the king was captured, and half of the whole kingdom fell in one day.

If this progress is made, it is estimated that within half a month at most, the Glorious Sun Empire will be able to take down all six countries.

Qiangwei stood beside Lynn and did not disturb Lynn.

Her gaze stayed on Lynn's body all the time, looking at Lynn's background, she was already a little dazed.

Although the magic letters sent by the kings of other kingdoms were very urgent, Qiangwei felt a sense of urgency, but when she saw Lin En, all her urgency disappeared.

It seemed that with Lynn around, there was nothing to worry about.

Rose feels...

I fell in love with this demon myself!


She didn't think it was so bad to be in love with a demon yet.

She repeatedly examined her heart and thoughts, and constantly refuted and denied herself... But in the end, she still felt... Falling in love with Lynn is not a bad thing.

Not bad, but dangerous.

She is human after all.

But, she couldn't restrain herself.

Even, this danger gave her a special feeling.

It's like the excitement when some people go to steal/love.

She is also getting deeper and deeper, and she can't extricate herself!


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