Live: I’m the Demon King In the Abyss

Live: I'm the Demon King in the Abyss Chapter 48

"Call the army, the more the better."

Lynn finally spoke.

"Ah good!"

Rose said.

This small kingdom does not have many official troops. The previous civilian army has been disbanded after the victory of the war. After all, these civilians are not considered regular troops, and they have to engage in production.

Now the entire Gorse Kingdom is still in the process of vigorous reclamation. Every day, it is unknown how much land is reclaimed and planted with potatoes.

Qiangwei still has a 50,000-strong regular army in her hands. Some of the 50,000 regular army are from the army that surrendered, and some were trained by Princess Qiangwei selecting some strong civilians from among the civilians.

"Send a magic letter to the Kingdom of Monto, telling them that if you don't want to subjugate the country, send all the troops here. In addition, tell their king that you have found a new god who is willing to give you asylum, enough to compete with the other party."

Lynn said lightly.

"Ah good..."

Lin En's words made Qiangwei quite suspicious.

However, she didn't ask much.

Love blinds.

What's more, she has sufficient confidence in Lynn.

Therefore, Qiangwei decided to follow suit.

Lynn turned around.

"Are you leaving?"

Rose asked.

Every time Lin En came and left, Qiangwei felt a little bit sad.

Lynn turned his head, his eyes glowing with a charming luster.

Then, Lynn raised Qiangwei's chin.

"After a while, I will make you the queen of an empire."

Lynn whispered.

Queen of the Empire!

Qiangwei's heart trembled!

The Plantagenet Kingdom has a population of just over four million, that is, four million or so.

The area is only a little larger than an ordinary province before Lynn crossed.

It has been Qiangwei's lifelong dream to become the queen of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

It has made her extremely satisfied!

Who would have thought, now Lynn says...

Can make her the queen of an empire!

And the empire!

Qiangwei has heard that there are some powerful empires in the world, and there are hundreds of millions of people in them!

Become the queen of billions!

What an honor that is!

That is something that the successive kings of the Plantagenet Kingdom dared not even think about!

something like this...

Can it be realized with her?

So, after hearing Lin En's words, she began to have strong expectations in her heart!

It's just that she was about to speak...

Lynn has disappeared.

In Qiangwei's heart, there was a trace of loss.

In fact, compared to becoming the queen of the empire... what she expected more was that Lin En could appear in front of her eyes every day, and be able to talk to her more, no matter what the words were.

"When that day comes...I will dedicate myself to you..."

Qiangwei thought silently.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt that her thoughts seemed a little bold and embarrassing.

Then, her face suddenly became flushed.

Like a drunk red apple, it is extra delicate/flashy and cute!

After all, she is still a girl under the age of 20!

"Got to get down to business."

Qiangwei walked out of the palace very quickly, she was going to issue a summoning order to call up the army, and, this time, she wanted to take the opportunity to squeeze those nobles again.

Then, she will send a magic letter to inform the Monto Kingdom.

Magic letters are a special kind of letters, which are expensive, and there are only a dozen pieces of magic letter paper in the entire Plantagenet Kingdom, which have been preserved before.

After the magic letter is sent, the other party can receive it instantly across a long distance.

In fact, with the journey between the Gorse Flower Kingdom and the Monto Kingdom, a postman was sent, riding a fast horse, and using the method of changing horses. It took one day, but Qiangwei still decided to send a magic letter.

Magic letters are more solemn and can save time.

The reason why Qiangwei got the news so quickly this time was that the kings of other kingdoms notified her through magical letters.


"Lord, all the summoning spells are here."

When Lynn returned to the branch of the Holy See of the New Moon in the Plantagenet Kingdom, Servi handed Lynn a piece of paper.

Lynn glanced at Servi.

The reason why I looked at this was because of Servi's title.

After Servi transformed into a fallen angel, her mentality has been constantly changing, but in the past, Lynn was mostly addressed as Your Excellency.

This is the first time...calling Lynn "Lord".

It is the "lord", not the master.

This title means that Sylvia and the others have completely changed their mentality, recognized Lynn as their master, and became Lynn's subordinates.

In fact, they have been like this since they transformed into fallen angels, but they are not robots after all, but three angels with flesh and blood and emotions. The transformation of mentality has a process.

Lynn took the yellow/colored paper and read it.

"The goddess has a total of three archangels, and each archangel has 10 angels, adding up to a total of 33 angels. Except Erica and us, there are 29 more. The summoning spells of all the angels are here. The one with the red line is Masu who saw the fallen angel with his own eyes...Lord, if it is possible, I still hope you can try it."

Servi said beside her.

"Are there only 33?"

Lynn whispered.

Servi nodded and said, "Well, there are only 33."

She didn't say much.

But Lynn also understood.

The goddess of the moon...for Lynn now, she is naturally powerful, after all, she is a god.

But among the gods... definitely belongs to the weak category.


There are 33 angels, in addition to the 3 here in Lynn, and the rebellious Erica, there are 29 more, but there are 11 of them with red lines, and these 11 are all angels who died in battle. It means that Lynn can now summon 18 more.

These 18 angels may not all be able to be summoned. One is that they don't know if they are dead, and the other is that they may not have any extra power to descend.

Still, Lynn is going to try.

As for those underlined... Lynn is also going to give it a try.

He took this list and came to the altar.

The altar is actually equivalent to a signal amplifier.

"The first one is another archangel Jane, she should still be alive, Lord, you can start with her."

Sylvie suggested.

Lynn took her advice.

Servi activates the altar.

Lynn had already memorized all those summoning spells.

For him now, this is not a problem at all.

In fact, books like Sylvie and the others can be completely remembered after reading them once.

If they go to another world, all of them can become super academic masters in an instant!

Lynn took out a white pill-like thing from his arms and swallowed it.

Then the summoning spell was chanted.

Compared with summoning Servi, this is an active summoning.

Because at that time Sylvie and Zain were trying to communicate with Lynn.

Active summoning is much more difficult, even with the assistance of an altar, it is also very difficult.

However, neither Servi nor the other two angels threw cold water on her.

They even had high expectations and confidence in Lynn.

Lynn herself is confident.

Because this white pill can increase Lynn's summoning effect in a short period of time, it was accidentally found by Lynn in the system mall, and the price is not expensive, only tens of thousands of mall coins, Lynn quickly bought it, and now Just came in handy.


"The goddess of the moon has fallen, can she still be summoned?"

"It should be possible, you have to trust the anchor!"

"My husband will definitely do it!"

"Summon one, give a reward of 500,000, do what you say~"

"Hao, what if the anchor summons all twenty or so?"

"I'll go, this is the No. 2 guy on the list, he just went for the No. 1 list, just looking for a reason to reward~"

"Boss take me~"


In the live broadcast room, when Lynn started to summon, it became lively.


With the chanting of the summoning spell, Lynn felt that the invisible thread reappeared, spreading towards the boundless void.

After spreading like this for an unknown amount of time, Lynn felt that the wire was connected to something.

"She's still alive!"

Lynn knew that the summoning spell had worked.

He successfully connected to Angel Jane!



The size of the heaven is unknown, and there are so few creatures that it is difficult for ordinary life to survive here.

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