Live Iron Sand Palm Fried Chestnut! The Whole Network Begs To Beg For A Teacher

Chapter 85 Martial Arts Family: We Old Guys, Don't Even Have The Qualifications To Become Regis

"Video playback? How to practice traditional martial arts?"

Zhuang Hua looked at the reminder sent by Yan Xiaoyue in the bullet screen, with a hint of doubt on his face.

Then he reacted a little belatedly.

This is suspected to be the anchor of Master Huajin, but in this live broadcast room, he taught many netizens some training methods of traditional martial arts.


"I must go and see!"

Zhuang Hua's heartbeat also unknowingly accelerated.

Master of Huajin!

Although it was just online teaching through the screen, not as detailed as face-to-face instruction, but it was enough to move his heart~!

To know.

With his ordinary talent, and there is no branch supported by dark force warriors in Zhuangjia Village, it is almost impossible to learn superior kung fu!

can not wait.

According to what Yan Xiaoyue said, Zhuang Hua clicked on Lin Yue's homepage and found some short videos uploaded earlier.

"Stir-fried chestnuts with iron sand palm?"

"Spirit air blowing mattress?"

"Barehand fried eggs?"

"Crush the Thousand Grass Stone?"

"Strengthening a ten-thousand-jin wall?"

As he clicked on one video after another to watch, he realized that he underestimated that man too much.


That man is not a Huajin master at all!

Twenty ancient warriors in the True Qi Realm who transcended Huajin!

And among those who spoke in the barrage just now, many of them have already entered the level of dark energy.

Even the sister who sent the reminder has achieved the Huajin that countless people are looking for in today's martial arts world!

"Only by becoming the Master of Huajin, can you join the streamer's sect and become a registered disciple.

"As for formal disciples, it is best to continue to practice. After reaching the peak of Huajin, do you have the qualifications to know?!"

Zhuang Hua was dumbfounded.

Such a high requirement, even if it was hundreds of years ago, when the martial arts world was not in such a decline, I am afraid that there is no one who can be so arrogant.

But he felt that the man was not joking.

A person who can make Common people become Huajin masters in less than two months doesn't even bother to tell such lies to fool them.

So after this possibility is excluded, there is only one truth.

That is the real state of that man, perhaps already transcending Common's True Qi Realm, and reaching a higher level!


Zhuang Hua began to study very seriously.

From the iron sand palm to the breathing technique, to the Tai Chi iron shirt at the back, and then to the recently uploaded seventy-two-way vajra legs.

All kung fu is better than those in his farmer's village.

It has nothing to do with the strength of the practitioner's realm.

But after these kung fu are cultivated to the extreme, each one can be compared with the master of Huajin.

Take Iron Sand Palm as an example.

Although it is an external practice method, he has mixed some internal breathing methods, which can increase the lethality of his hands to the same level as that of Huajin Grandmaster, and even exceed it in some aspects.

As for the Tai Chi iron cloth shirt, let alone a breath of internal training, even a kitchen knife can be broken directly.

If you only look at pure strength, Taiji Tiebushan can be as tough as Master Huajin.

It's just that the internal organs are not enough, and they can't bear the power erupted by the master of Huajin.

As for the seventy-two vajra legs.

According to the man's description, this should be another external leg training method that is not weaker than the Iron Sand Palm.

Very lethal!

"No, I have to go back and inform the people in the family about this matter, otherwise my dealer will not last long, and I will be completely left behind!"

Zhuang Hua kept watching until the next morning.

Nowadays, many of these Common people have cultivated to the dark energy, and even a Huajin master has come out.

The ghost knows that after a while, will there be ancient warriors in the true energy realm who surpassed the master of Huajin among these people?

Perhaps at that time, the entire Great Xia will usher in a golden age when there are as many masters as dogs and warriors everywhere.


Zhuang Hua called the company to ask for leave, and immediately bought a train ticket to go home.

Because of the remote location, he did not return to Zhuangjia Village until the next afternoon.

"Xiaohua, why did you come back suddenly?"

Zhuang Hua's father, looking at Zhuang Hua with panda eyes, was a little confused.

In accordance with past practice.

My son should not come back until the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, or their birthday.

This time it was neither his birthday nor a holiday.

"Dad, here's the thing..."

Zhuang Hua took a sip of cold water, and quickly told the story about Lin Yue.

Father Zhuang was a little confused.

Huajin Grandmaster is already strong enough, I didn't expect to go to the outside world now, there are even ancient warriors in the true energy realm above the Grandmaster?!

Moreover, the ancient warrior was still broadcasting live on the Internet, teaching everyone to practice various advanced kung fu.

"Come on, let's talk to the patriarch about this matter and see how he decides.

Father Zhuang came back to his senses quickly, and hurriedly took his son to the patriarch's house.

Huajin Grandmaster is not scary.

The ancient warriors in the True Qi Realm above Huajin are not scary either.

Terrible yes.

After everyone outside has become a martial artist, they are still ignorant of the hidden world of martial arts.

At that time, the outside world will be full of warriors, and if you accidentally encounter dark warriors, it will really break your mind!

"Everyone follow my rhythm and earnestly practice horse stance, this is the foundation of all kung fu of our dealer!"


A middle-aged man over half a century old was teaching the juniors in the entire village on the martial arts arena outside the patriarch's house.

This is the rule of the banker village.

All children, regardless of gender, will start to learn the traditional martial arts of the banker after birth. While strengthening their bodies, they can also increase their ability to protect themselves.

However, those with less talent will be sent outside the village after they reach the age of sixteen.

These people will live the lives of the Common people.

Just like Zhuang Hua, she doesn't come back a few times every year.

However, those with stronger talents will be left in the village to pass down the more profound villager's martial arts.


On the martial arts arena.

Thirty little brats, shouting slogans, began to stand up according to what the man said just now.

"As time goes by, times have also changed and changed. I hope that our dealer's martial arts can continue to be passed on after a hundred years and a thousand years..."

In a room not far away, an old man with a hunched figure looked at the children in the martial arts field, with a trace of depression on his face.

As the years passed, fewer and fewer villager families were willing to send their offspring to practice martial arts.

After most people leave, they don't come back for a long time.

For them, the outside world is more suitable for them.

after all.

Even if the children are sent back, there are very few children who can really practice some tricks.

On the contrary, it is very boring, and it will delay the best learning time for children.

So in recent years.

There are fewer and fewer children in the village, and many people send their children to the outside world to study and learn knowledge that does not belong to the village.

"Grandpa, I will definitely, the martial arts inheritance of our Zhuang family will definitely not be cut off!"

There was a firm look on the middle-aged man's face.

But then he couldn't help becoming a little decadent.

He can't manage his own children well, so how can he ask others to continue to pass on the dealer's martial arts?

Since his daughter got married, she never came back. Only his little grandson would come here to see him every year during the winter and summer vacations.

And followed him to practice the dealer's martial arts for a period of time.

"patriarch, patriarch"

At this time.

Father Zhuang and Zhuang Hua walked towards the martial arts field.

As the two walked, they shouted loudly at the old man in the room.

"It's Zhuang Shan and Zhuang Hua, what's the matter with you?"

The old man looked at Zhuang Hua and Zhuang's father with slightly muddy eyes.

"Patriarch, it's like this. My family, Xiaohua, found a warrior with true energy outside. He passed on various martial arts teachings to others through live broadcast on the Internet."

"And the things he sells can also help us warriors to practice, and the effect is said to be very good!"

Zhuang's father quickly repeated what Zhuang Hua said to him.

The old patriarch of the banker who was sitting on the chair widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Ancient warriors with true qi? Are there ancient warriors with true qi in this world?!"

The old patriarch stood up tremblingly from his chair, and his voice couldn't help but rise a lot.

Father Zhuang continued: "Yes patriarch, the matter started about two months ago, and now among those who follow the practice, the most powerful girl has successfully broken through to the realm of Huajin Grandmaster!"

"What? Master Huajin? Two months?!"

The old patriarch's brain crashed directly.

The middle-aged man next to him was also buzzing at the moment.

Two months of cultivation to Huajin?

It’s not so fast on a rocket, is it?!

0…ask for flowers……

"That's right, Xiaohua said that the exercises taught by that senior are also very special, even if they are practiced outside, they can be directly cultivated to the level that rivals Huajin Grandmaster."

"Furthermore, that senior's requirements for accepting apprentices are also very high, and he needs to be a master of Huajin to become a registered disciple.

"As for formal disciples, it is said that they have to reach the peak of Huajin before they are qualified to know the specific requirements."

Look at the old patriarch and the middle-aged man again.

At this moment, the mouth is wide enough to stuff a duck egg in.

Especially the old patriarch.

Last night, there were only a few dark fighters in Zhuangjia Village, and he felt the deepest about it.

I have practiced for almost my whole life before I touched the threshold of transforming strength, but it only took two months for a little girl to reach it.

in addition.

Co-authors of them, old guys who have been practicing for almost a lifetime, don't even have the qualifications to be apprentices.

This is really a bit too shocking.

"Well, the live broadcast you just mentioned is on TV, right?"

There was a long silence.

The middle-aged man came back to his senses a little bit.

He looked at Zhuang Hua, and asked with a little embarrassment.

Before, his daughter said that she would build a network base station for the village, pull some network cables and so on.

In this way, the village can use the Internet, watch TV, and add some entertainment programs.

But these were all rejected by the middle-aged man.

"Forget it, live broadcast is a kind of online video watched on mobile phones or computers. The content in it is not deleted and recorded in advance, but u anchors are filmed at the same time. We can also communicate with the anchor."

Zhuang Hua roughly explained.

Then he took out his mobile phone, found a live broadcast room in the Bullfighting APP, and gave a simple demonstration to a few people.

"That Xiaohua, can you let us watch the live broadcast room of that senior?"

The old patriarch coughed twice, and asked expectantly, excitedly, and even nervously.

"Yes, yes, but at this time, that senior has already downloaded the broadcast. His live broadcast usually starts at around six o'clock in the morning and ends at about ten o'clock, or maybe eleven o'clock."

Zhuang Hua could only spread his hands.

He watched today's live broadcast when he was on the train, and he was still practicing the breathing technique for the previous two hours.

The following two hours are the fifth level of cultivation method of the seventy-two vajra legs.

Kick the rocks with both feet.

Until I kick my feet until I feel no pain at all, and I can kick a big stone with a diameter of one meter.

The fifth level is considered to be perfect.

"That's really a pity, but Xiao Hua: "What are you doing? Can you also buy some biscuits for the people in our village? Money is not a problem.

The old patriarch's face showed a touch of disappointment.

But then he stared at the phone in Zhuang Hua's hand.

Every morning from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm, if they can also have this mobile phone, wouldn’t they be able to practice with the warriors in the true energy state every day?

"It's not a big problem, but if you want to watch the live broadcast for a long time, it's best to set up a network cable in the village, so that the network won't be easy to freeze." Zhuang Hua nodded and said.

"Well, leave it to me to set up the network cable, and I will think about it

The silent middle-aged man suddenly spoke at this moment.

"By the way, Xiaohua, didn't you say on the way just now, didn't you have the video of that senior? Hurry up and show it to the patriarch.

Zhuang Hua's father suddenly remembered that on the way here, his son said that he had dark circles under his eyes.

It was because I watched that senior's video and watched it all night.

"Yes, yes, how could I forget about this...

Zhuang Hua patted her forehead.

Then I quickly found Lin Yue's account and opened the previous video teaching Iron Sand Palm.

The old patriarch, his son, and Zhuang Hua's old man all crowded over at the same time.

Especially the old patriarch.

As a martial artist at the dark energy level, even though his qi and blood had decayed to only half of what he was before, he was still almost squeezed out.

Fortunately, the old patriarch reacted quickly enough to pull him back.

"It really is a true energy fighter who is above Huajin! Such a big stone is not as good as a true energy realm. We warriors simply don't have the strength to crush it with a single palm!"

The more the old patriarch watched, the more frightened he became, and the more he watched, the more excited he became!

In his lifetime, he could actually see an ancient martial artist in the true energy realm who surpassed the master of Huajin, and he was still so young!

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