Live Iron Sand Palm Fried Chestnut! The Whole Network Begs To Beg For A Teacher

Chapter 86 Is This Senior Rejuvenating? The Real Age Is Actually Older Than Us?

"Mom, why don't you go and see grandpa with me when you're on vacation?"

the other side.

In a bustling city.

A little boy about ten years old looked at his beautiful mother and asked.

"talk later...……"

The woman was silent for a while, and then slowly answered.

But just as her voice fell, her cell phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Zhuang Feiyu..."

"Fei Yu, I'm your father..."

The person on the opposite side was silent for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice.

Zhuang Feiyu was a little surprised.

His father actually called him?

Since she got married and cut off her father's idea of ​​inheriting the dealer's martial arts, my father has never given me any good looks towards her.

Even licking his own face, he wanted to set up a network cable for the village and change the existing life in the village.

There are even plans to build a school for the village.

But these were stopped by her father.

"You...what's the matter?"

Zhuang Feiyu suppressed the excitement in her heart and asked herself as calmly as possible.

"Fei Yu, it's like this. Didn't you say before that you want to set up a network cable for our village? After the decision of several elders in the family, your proposal was approved.


Zhuang Feiyu was a little dazed.

There was no response for several years before, why did you suddenly agree this year?

But before she could answer, her son stood beside her and said for her: "No problem, Grandpa, you can rest assured to leave this matter to my mother, she will definitely do it well!"

Zhuang Feiyu next to him opened his mouth.

Looking at the smile on her son's face, she also understood in her heart that it was her son who wanted to take this opportunity to let her repair the gap between him and his father.

"Grandpa, when I am on vacation, I will come to the village with my mother to see you."

Near to hang up.

The little boy added another sentence next to it.

The middle-aged man on the opposite side agreed again and again, and said a few more words to him.

But when the time came the next morning.

Zhuangjia Village.

Zhuang Hua's home.

The old patriarch, the middle-aged man, and another named Anjin old man from the same village all came to his small courtyard.

"The screen is a bit small, please don't squeeze it..."

Zhuang Hua opened the live broadcast app and entered Lin Yue's live broadcast room.

However, the old man who was named at the Anjin level quickly pushed him outside.

The father who co-authored him, and the middle-aged man, could only stand outside, unable to see the screen on the phone at all.

"Xiaohua, why don't you buy a mobile phone some other day?"

Father Zhuang looked at the old patriarch and the others speechlessly.

They are all highly respected seniors in the village, and it is not easy for these juniors to compete with them for positions.

But even go.

With their bright level, they can only be thrown out after three or two hits.

"Okay, I'll go in the afternoon..."

Zhuang Hua nodded helplessly.

The middle-aged man next to him couldn't help but said to Zhuang Hua at this time: "Well, you can buy me one too, so that I can practice with my predecessors and listen to the teachings of ancient warriors in the true energy realm

Zhuang Hua naturally agreed.

After all, for a martial artist, there is nothing more attractive than an ancient martial artist at the True Qi Realm.

"Is this the breathing technique? I didn't expect this big thing to blow up so quickly.

"That's right, and I see that this senior's breath is impeccable, and I feel that he should be considered a master among ancient warriors."

"I just don't know that this senior has reached the realm mentioned in those books?"

"Should at least be above the entry level?"

Several old men were discussing with each other while watching.

Seeing the three of Zhuang Hua next to him, he complained in his heart.


Two hours of the breathing technique passed.

Lin Yue put away the air mattress, and began to perform the sixth floor of the 72-way King Kong leg, which is the demonstration of the pinnacle.

Although he has not cultivated the twelve-way vajra legs to the peak, he has the blessing of iron skin kung fu.

His feet have already changed, and they are no worse than those who have cultivated to the peak.

And after opening up the first meridian, the strength of his legs is much stronger than that of a warrior who only practiced seventy-two vajra legs!

"Today I'm going to practice the sixth level of the seventy-two vajra legs, which is the cultivation method when reaching the peak, and the general effect after reaching the peak.

As Lin Yue spoke, he took out the three steel pipes he bought in the city yesterday afternoon.

First of all, it is the thickness of an arm, and the surface looks like some metallic silver gray.

Lean on the wall.


His feet were directly bowed from left to right, kicking upwards and hitting him.

DuangDuangDuang's voice kept echoing in the live broadcast room.

Lin Yue's footsteps are very strong, and every time he whips his legs, he can easily kick the courtyard wall and shake it continuously.

From the cracks in the bricks on the wall, some sand and gravel were scattered from time to time.



After kicking for about 30 to 40 minutes, Lin Yue kicked out vigorously, turning the steel pipe and kicking it into a straight shape!

It can be seen from the cut of the steel pipe that this section of steel pipe is hollow in the middle, and the thickness of the pipe wall reaches 0.5 centimeters.

But even so.

With Lin Yue's kick, many people couldn't help but take a deep breath.

After all, this starts with steel, which is completely different from kicking broken stones in yesterday's demo!

"Oh my god, the sixth layer of the Vajra Leg is too difficult. I feel like it kicked my foot with such a thick steel pipe, so it can't be like this?"

"As expected of Lin Shen, this frankly shows our Great Xia martial arts to the fullest!"

"On the journey of martial arts, the muscles and bones of the whole body can be used as weapons. I understand what this sentence means."

"Wo Xiang can see that Lin Shen really wants to teach us, but can I say that I really can't practice?!"

"Let's not talk about it, I have followed the steps demonstrated by Lin Shen and prepared all the props for cultivating the Seventy-Two Routes of Vajra Legs, and now I only need the medicine package for soaking my feet."

"I'm only short of the medicine package. Do you guys do me a favor, and I'll get the shot tomorrow with my younger brother?"

The old men of Anjin in Zhuangjia Village were stupefied, completely unaware of what the gift pack of medicinal materials they were talking about was.

But at this time.

Lin Yue has put on the second pole and started to practice the second stage of the sixth floor of the King Kong leg.

It seems that the diameter of this steel pipe seems to be a circle thinner than the one just now, only about two-thirds.

But some sharp-eyed people found it.

Although the diameter of this steel pipe has shrunk, its wall is thicker than the previous one.

It reached nearly one centimeter.

And according to the smaller the force-bearing area, under the impact of the same force, the reaction force generated will increase proportionally.

The strength needed to kick the steel pipe and the bearing capacity of the feet are also doubled, so as to ensure that one's feet will not be injured after kicking the steel pipe.

Still the same as before.

Lin Yue kicked for about 30 to 40 minutes before kicking the steel pipe hard.

As for the third steel pipe.

In fact, it can no longer be called a steel pipe.

The thickness of the entire pipe wall directly seals the center of the steel pipe.

However, its diameter has also become much smaller, only one-third of the original steel pipe.

"I'm going, the last one used turned out to be a steel rod!"

"It kicked, and I dare say it hurt a lot more than before."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Lin Shen is the only one who dares to kick like this. If it were us, the leg bones would probably be smashed right away?"

"Wood first and then stone in metal, these seventy-two vajra legs are really awesome!"

"Let's practice the most basic horse stance as soon as possible. Let's take a look at this thing, let alone steel pipes. "Even a piece of wood as thick as an arm can break our leg bones."

Many people did not feel that the difficulty of practicing the seventy-two-way vajra legs was reduced because the steel pipes kept getting smaller.

on the contrary.

They all know that among the changes of these three steel pipes, the difficulty actually increases with the number of steps up!

"It's so strong. Although it's just an external practice method, judging from this senior's leg skills, it is estimated that ordinary Huajin masters can't bear his whip kick."

"That's right, let's not talk about strength. It's just that the vajra legs have the meaning of vajra, and the Master Huajin of Common can't resist it."

"I can't imagine how this senior cultivated. It looks like he is only twenty years old, but his skill has already reached such a high level."

"Maybe, this senior is so young because he rejuvenated, and his real age is older than us..."

"Okay, let's go to the section with goods that the senior said first. Isn't there something in it that can assist warriors in their cultivation?"

Several old men also discussed for a while.

At this time, Lin Yue had already kicked the third steel pipe with one kick, and the world of live broadcast practice would naturally end...

The few of them were a little bit unsatisfied, and handed the phone to Zhuang Hua, asking him to go to the delivery section to see the things that can assist warriors in their cultivation.

It's just that when Zhuang Hua opened the delivery section, the goods inside hadn't been emptied at all.

There are only four cover images that are like blank sheets of paper.

"Huh? Why is there nothing?"

"Didn't the senior just say that there are some products on the shelves here? Could it be that Xiao Hua went to the wrong place?"

"Xiaohua, hurry up and take a look, it must not be a problem with the phone..."

Several old men hurried up one after another.

Zhuang Hua was a little puzzled.

Just now he clearly saw it very clearly, what he clicked on was the link to the delivery section.

It's just that after he came in, he didn't talk about chestnuts or air mattresses, but he didn't even have a single thing that could be purchased later.

"Um...Master, I want to ask, didn't the anchor say that there are some products on the shelves in the delivery section? But when I clicked in just now, there seemed to be nothing in it.


Zhuang Hua racked his brains for a long time, but in the end he could only look at Yan Xiaoyue for help.

Since becoming Lin Yue's registered disciple, she has taken on the responsibility of managing the live broadcast room and V letter group, as well as being a tool person to solve some minor problems.

"That...have you ever thought that it's not the problem of the app, nor is it the teacher that I have products on the shelves, but that all those things have been sold out?"

"Generally speaking, the number of products that the teacher puts on the shelves is limited, each of which is only 10,000 copies, and almost every time it is just put on the shelves, it will be empty by all the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Yan Xiaoyue answered very carefully.

He didn't try to smear or splash dirty water like the "black fans" of Cheng Peng before, in order to snap up those products for himself.

"Snatched by...?!"

Zhuang Hua was a little confused.

So did several old men.

It never occurred to them that the reason why there was nothing in the delivery section was that they had been snapped up.

Be bad soon.

A few people took it for granted.

First those commodities.

It is said that it has the effect of assisting warriors in their cultivation.

Secondly, the number of people in the live broadcast room was simply too many to explode!

Based on 10,000 copies of one product, there are only 40,000 points for four products!

It seems reasonable to be so popular.

"It seems that I have to grab it earlier tomorrow."

Zhuang Hua muttered to herself.

Then he took his mobile phone and rushed to the county seat closest to their village.

Buy mobile phones and apply for cards for my parents and middle-aged men.

But the place is a bit remote, and by the time he got to the city, it was already around 3:30 in the afternoon.

It will be about seven or eight o'clock in the evening when he goes back after buying the mobile phone. 2.6 on the other side.

After Lin Yue turned off the computer, he put the drone back into the charging station for charging.

When he was just preparing to practice, he received a message from Yan Xiaoyue.

"Teacher, I have been struggling with something for a long time, and I think I should talk to you..."

Lin Yue picked up the phone and glanced at it, but didn't rush to answer.

After a while, the girl's second and third messages were sent one after another.

"Two days ago, people from the special operations department approached me, hoping that I could replace Daxia to participate in the special exchange meeting. At that time, I had just broken through to Huajin, and I hadn't joined the teacher's school yet.

"Now that I think about it, I still have to ask the teacher for your opinion on this matter. If you don't agree, Xiaoyue will send back the board they gave...

Lin Yue quickly browsed through it, and replied directly in the V letter: "You go, you can also go to see other things, as for the chestnuts they take it away yourself.

"But I'm a little curious, why did they come to invite you?"

This is the doubt in Lin Yue's heart.

After all, he is just a cultivator who has a wild way, and he has no understanding of the orthodox martial arts world of Daxia.

Even those realms of martial arts were fabricated by him with some modifications based on the realms in the world of cultivating immortals.

Yan Xiaoyue replied: "Teacher, I heard from them that it seems that because of my realm, the current martial arts world is in decline, and An Jin seems to be the most peak martial artist."

"A Master of Huajin like me, I heard from them that it has been almost a hundred years since there has been one. Of course, you are an exception, teacher."

Speaking of which.

Yan Xiaoyue hasn't forgotten to flatter Lin Yue. .

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