The two iguanas were so cute that they were almost dead.

Jiangnan's technique was very professional, and with great strength, the marine iguana stopped twitching after a while.

"Okay, you guys continue making little lizards, I should go too."

Jiangnan stood up, waved his hand, and was about to leave.




As soon as the words fell, the two marine iguanas in front of him suddenly raised their heads high and sneezed like a human.

The next second, two white objects suddenly ejected from their heads and hit Jiangnan's face.

One on the left and one on the right, they were covered with paste.

At first glance, I thought I was hit in the face by something...

"What's going on?"

"No moral ethics! You actually sneak attack!"

"Isn't this white powder poisonous? In my impression, lizards are like snakes, and many of them are poisonous!"

"Isn't this a typical case of repaying kindness with enmity? The island owner saved them, but they want to kill the island owner!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of worries.

Jiangnan grinned and said nonchalantly: "Don't be nervous, everyone, this is not venom, but white salt, there is no harm."

"White salt?"

"Is it true? Marine iguanas can actually spray out white salt?"

"By the way, can it be used for cooking?"

"Of course!"

Jiangnan nodded and continued: "Because marine iguanas often stay in the sea, they have two flesh glands between their noses and eyes."

"Whether drinking water or eating in the sea, it involves salt, and the two flesh glands can store salt very well."

"When the glands are full, the marine iguana will sneeze hard and shoot the salt into the air."

"Some of the salt will fall on the ground, while some will fall on their heads. When the salt dries and solidifies into a shell, it will become a small white hat."

"Occasionally, when they meet someone they like, they will spray salt as a kind gift!"

"They just sprayed salt on me, obviously to thank me!"

While speaking, Jiangnan zoomed in the camera so that the audience in the live broadcast room could see the marine iguana's head more clearly.

There is indeed a white tumor there.

Just now, everyone was busy watching lizard movies and didn't pay attention to this small detail at all.

"Awesome, Klas, he actually put a hat on himself. I admire him!"

"The guy above, please explain clearly. He put a white hat on himself, not a green one!"

"Fortunately, the salt is not green, otherwise the marine iguana would be famous in the animal world!"

"There is a guy around me who likes to cuckold himself. I don't know what's going on. He said he always pretends to be a stranger and chats with his wife."

"Fuck! Is he so perverted? Even a pervert like me thinks it's perverted! ”

“I have a bold idea. If we raise a few more marine iguanas and let them spray salt every day, will we not need to spend money to buy it?”

“You are really a business genius! Why don’t we just get tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of marine iguanas, expand and become stronger, and create more glory!”

“Your behavior was called reselling private salt in ancient times, and you will be beheaded!”

“If you encounter danger, will the marine iguana spray salt to drive away and scare the enemy?”

“That’s a good question!”

Jiangnan has excellent eyesight , and immediately keenly locked onto a valuable comment, and patiently said: "Actually, I don't know the question you asked, because there has been no such case so far.

Secondly, I think it is completely unnecessary, because marine iguanas are not ordinary perverts, and they don't need to rely on spraying salt to scare the enemy. On the contrary, they can adjust their heart rate by themselves.

When diving in the sea, they will slow down their heart rate.

When they rise to the surface, their heart rate will speed up.

When they sense that sharks or other dangerous animals are coming, they can even stop their hearts immediately and pretend to be dead on the spot, thus escaping. After all, many beasts don't eat corpses, unless they are starving!"

"This is not my nonsense, but a fact! Because some scientists have done such an interesting experiment. They installed a miniature remote control detector on a marine iguana and then put it into the sea to live freely."

"When scientists send a danger signal to it from a distance, it immediately stops its heart, and the stop time can reach

Forty-five minutes. "

"Playing dead? Is that possible?"

"Woo woo woo! I also want to have this skill, so that when exploring in the wild, I won't be afraid of blind bears!"

"The skill of "Golden Body" in "Honor of Kings": Isn't this me?"

"Actually, this has nothing to do with "Honor of Kings". I remember when Penguin was very popular, there were many small games in the space, such as farms, ranches, restaurants, etc. One of them was called Q Pet Big Fight, which had the skill of playing dead. When there was only one drop of blood left, you could trigger playing dead and then kill the enemy. Sometimes playing dead can be triggered many times, and you can't die over and over again!"

"When you said that, I suddenly remembered that there were many influences in it, such as Wei Xiaobao, Qiu Chuji, Sweeping Monk, Xiaolongnu, Linghu Chong, etc."

"I have recharged money in it!"

"I miss it so much suddenly. I will go and check it out later. I don't know if the server has been shut down!"

"Dead memories suddenly attacked me! "

Jiangnan looked through the comments and continued to answer: "Don't ever think of raising marine iguanas, and don't even think of growing big and strong by relying on the salt it sprays, because since the 1960s, with the destruction of the environment and human intervention, the habitat of marine iguanas has been seriously affected.

Some marine iguanas have been forced to leave their habitat, the Galapagos Islands, and wander in the sea in order to survive.

Up to now, according to statistics from the World Conservation Union, the number of marine iguanas around the world is only nearly 50,000, or even less.

In 2013, marine iguanas were listed as Class II protected animals!"

"Sure enough! Another beast who has been in prison for a lifetime!"

"The weirder it looks, the faster it will be sentenced!"

"If you raise one secretly, you will be sentenced for your whole life. The guy who wants to raise tens of thousands of them may have to be executed!"

"Don't say it so harshly. It's obviously a chocolate bean reward for him."

"What is a chocolate bean?"

"Of course it's a bullet! "

"Finally, let me share with you a little bit of scientific knowledge. Marine iguanas can not only regulate their own heartbeats, but also have a most unique ability, which is the bone-shrinking skill in martial arts novels."

Jiangnan looked serious and didn't seem to be joking at all.

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