Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 106 Crit Damage (1/5)

Lin Bei still overestimated the ability of the deep cold blood, and sat up from the ground in less than an hour. It's so cold, it's impossible to fall asleep in the environment of more than ten degrees below zero

After sitting there for half an hour, the igloo was completely dark, so Lin Bei had no choice but to open the live broadcast room again. The audience who had already left received the live broadcast notification one after another and returned to the live broadcast room.

Looking at the picture in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei frowned and said: "I was a little too optimistic just now. Facts have proved that I can't sleep peacefully in an environment of more than ten degrees below zero. Falk, I am almost losing consciousness in my hands and feet now .Many times, people are so easy to please, I just want a campfire right now."

The audience who returned to the live broadcast room began to gloat and mock.

"Pei Ye, stay optimistic."

"I pretend to be forceful, and I have to pretend to be a minister with tears in my eyes."

"Life is endless, pretending to be unstoppable, Master Pei, come on!"

"Hey, I'm so angry, the air conditioner makes me a little hot."

21 "I laughed so hard, it's so funny."

"Just now I pretended to say that it was warm inside the igloo, haha.

"Really, I found that Mr. Pei is poisonous, every time he pretends to be aggressive, it doesn't end well.

"666, it seems that Master Bei will be live broadcasting all night tonight."

"Haha, I'm off tomorrow, and I happen to watch Pei Ye's live broadcast all night, and I'll go buy some snacks when I come back."

The barrage in the live broadcast room made Lin Bei feel the critical damage, these bastards are too fucking bad. Now he can only feel their existence by constantly moving his hands and feet. Although he has deep cold blood, so that he will not be frozen to death when the temperature is more than ten degrees below zero, but if he does not take any measures, if he stays in such an environment overnight, he will definitely be frostbitten.

"Did you know that there was an expedition that crossed Siberia and entered the Arctic Circle. A few days later, they unfortunately encountered a snowstorm and lost all their supplies. That night, these people had to huddle together in a room like mine. When they woke up the next day, they found that their hands and feet were all deeply frostbitten." Lin Bei moved his hands and feet, and continued: "They survived for three days in the cold Arctic Circle by eating ice and snow. When the search and rescue team found them, the group had frozen to death, leaving only one person in hypothermia shock. Although this lucky guy survived in the hospital, his hands and feet had to be amputated because of deep frostbite. "

"I don't want to be like them, so I'm not going to sleep tonight."

While speaking, Lin Bei took out the kettle and stuffed the snow into the kettle. After putting the water bottle in the jacket, Lin Bei explained: "Here, you have to keep your body warm at all times. It is best not to eat ice and snow directly, because when the ice and snow melt in your mouth, it will consume the heat in your body. Correct The way I do it is to use the body heat from my body to melt the snow in the kettle. Don’t think it’s a big deal, many times, a detail can save your life.”

The cold night is very difficult, especially in the dark and dark igloo. Lin Bei spent the whole night chatting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

The time difference between Fairbanks and Beijing is 22 hours, while Lin Bei is now located in the Arctic Circle, and the time difference with Beijing is almost exactly 24 hours. Seeing the audience in the live broadcast room posting barrages saying that they had to go to work and school, Lin Bei realized that it was dawn.

Kicking away the snow that blocked the exit, bright light flooded into it with a chill. There is no harm if there is no comparison. At this moment, Lin Bei realized that the igloo was really warm.

Putting the parachute back into the backpack, Lin Bei got out of the igloo. The temperature in the morning was very low, reaching around minus 20 degrees. Backpack Lin Bei started heading southeast.

"Dear viewers, today's live broadcast may be a bit boring, because I have to reach the tree line before dark. I am very tired and hungry at the same time. Only when I reach the tree line can I find food, and then raise a Build a bonfire."

Walking in the wind and snow, Lin Bei chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room from time to time.

Until noon, Lin Bei didn't know how far he had walked, when he suddenly saw a dead birch tree standing upright in the snow in front of him. Striding forward, Lin Bei patted the birch tree and smiled happily: "This is the first plant I saw in the Arctic Circle. The appearance of the birch tree indicates that there should be a tree line not far ahead. This news makes I have lifted my spirits a lot. Surviving in the wilderness, especially in such a desperate environment, is really very difficult to maintain a firm belief. At this time, you need something to give you encouragement, such as this white birch Tree."

Reinvigorated Lin Bei accelerated his pace a lot. The further you go, the deeper the snow on the ground, and it has submerged to the knees at this moment. Lin Bei turned and pointed to the snow on the ground, explaining: "I saw some viewers asking me why the snow here is getting thicker and thicker. The main reason is that the sea breeze from the Western Pacific keeps blowing inland. These The thick snow is all formed by the wind blowing down from the snow-capped mountains."

As he spoke, Lin Bei grabbed a handful of snow, put it in front of the live broadcast camera, and continued: "Did you see that? The snow is not sticky at all, it's like powder, which is why it was blown by the wind."

After walking a few hundred meters again, Lin Bei's 767 was pleasantly surprised to find a half-meter-wide road on the snow ahead. Walking forward, Lin Bei took a closer look and said pleasantly: "This is a beast road, I think it should be left by the caribou. Look at the footprints on the snow, do they look like a pair of boots? The soles of the caribou's feet are In this way, it can help them to walk on the soft snow."

"It looks like the footprints are very fresh. These caribou must have passed here not long ago. If I can catch one, I won't have to worry about food these days."

At this time, Lin Bei has already started to fantasize about the hot roasted venison on the campfire in his mind. Thinking of this, he swallowed involuntarily.

When the audience in the live broadcast saw Lin Bei's appearance, they started barrages one after another.

"Run the reindeer, fourth master is here!"

"Reindeer: Grab the grass, brother retreat quickly."

"666, is it time for the food show again?"

"Hold the grass, Mr. Pei's eyes are so scary."

"Why is Santa Claus the first thing that comes to my mind when talking about reindeer!"

"Master Pei, you can catch a reindeer as a mount."

"You idiot upstairs, Master Pei's mount is Pipi Shrimp."

"Pippi shrimp, let's go!".

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