Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 107 Forgive Me For Laughing Out Loud (2/5)

Imagining hot venison in his mind brought endless motivation to Lin Bei. Following the tracks of the reindeer, Lin Bei followed all the way.

An hour later, Lin Bei stopped. On the snow field about 500 meters in front of him, there are a few dead birch trees growing sparsely. Under the birch trees, a dozen or so caribou scattered. These reindeer are now using their hooves to break through the thick snow, and then lower their heads to eat the moss and dry grass under the ground.


Lin Bei swallowed again, squatted down slowly, and said softly: "There are thirteen reindeer in total. Although they can't find me at this distance, I can't go any further. Because the wind is bringing my scent towards them Blow away. The reindeer will run away as soon as they smell me."

"I have to go around to the downwind and launch a surprise attack. Let's go!"

After making a decision, Lin Bei made an arc lightly, and finally came to the position 200 meters downwind of the reindeer.

Lying in the snow, the thick snow completely covered Lin Bei's figure. Looking up, Lin Bei found that the reindeer had no intention of leaving. Lin Bei said softly to the live broadcast camera: "Very well, they haven't found me yet. At this distance, I'm not sure to catch them. I have to get closer .

After that, Lin Bei shut up and stopped talking, and quietly crawled towards the direction of the reindeer. When they were only 50 meters away from the reindeer herd, the reindeer finally realized that something was wrong. The sixth sense of the wild beasts made them aware of the danger. They raised their heads anxiously and looked around.

Lin Bei knew he couldn't wait any longer, the reindeer could leave at any moment. Thinking of this, the whole person jumped out of the snow like a cannonball and ran towards the reindeer herd.

The hunting rhythm is on!

In an instant, that endless power struck again.

In many cases, ideals and reality are far apart. Soon, Lin Bei stopped after running a few steps. Although his momentum was good just now, the thick snow up to his knees made his speed like a classic car. In contrast, those reindeer are F1 cars. After finding Lin Bei, the reindeer herd immediately chose to flee, and within a few seconds, they were tens of meters away from Lin Bei.

After chasing for a certain distance, Lin Bei sat down on the snow, and stretched out a middle finger towards the distant herd of reindeer.

There is no way to do this, the snow environment is the home field of reindeer, and they have natural advantages. The wide soles allow the reindeer to run freely on the snow without restriction. This is the ability that has evolved over thousands of years, and it is also the reason why they can live in the Arctic Circle.

"Dear viewers, this is a textbook failure case. I was so hungry that I was dazzled by food and forgot the golden rule in survival in the wilderness. Before hunting, I didn't think about it comprehensively. Survival in the wilderness is like this, it is impossible to do everything Everything is satisfactory, pack up your mood, let's go on~!" Lin Bei sighed, stood up and patted the snow on his body, and continued to walk towards the tree line.

The audience in the live broadcast room have been routinely used by Lin Bei for a long time, and their teeth are already itching with hatred. So seeing Lin Bei deflated, he will not let it go.

"Forgive me for not holding back, I laughed out loud!"

"I give full marks to the starting action and momentum, but it's useless!"

"Reindeer: hold the grass, I can blow it for a lifetime when I go back."

"Reindeer: Want to catch me? Can you keep up with me?"

"Sure enough, Master Pei can't do without Pippi Shrimp."

"Haha, I thought I would be able to capture Master Bei's aura just now."

"The scene was very embarrassing..."

"2333, touching his head optimistically.

"Patriarch, be optimistic."

I was somewhat disappointed that no reindeer was caught. But survival is still going on, and a failed hunt doesn't mean anything. Being depressed won't help you survive, it will get you in trouble. Lin Bei clearly understood this truth. He had wasted about an hour hunting just now, and now he needed to speed up his pace to reach the tree line.

The tree line is not a place name, but a geographical phenomenon. In the Arctic Circle, no trees grow, only some moss and other vegetation. On the outskirts of the Arctic Circle, various plants began to grow. This area of ​​dense vegetation growth is called the tree line. The tree line is the sign that separates the Arctic Circle from the interior of Alaska, as long as it crosses the tree line, it is the interior of Alaska.

Until two o'clock in the afternoon, the trees along the way became more and more dense. At this time, the snow on the ground has gradually submerged to the thighs.

Passing through a birch forest, a large flat area appeared in front of Lin Bei. Lin Bei stood in place, pointed to the front and said: "", this is a lake, and the surface of the lake is covered by a thick layer of ice. This kind of lake is very common outside the Arctic Circle, and it only thaws from May to August every year. For the rest of the time, it is covered by a thick layer of ice. "

"This lake is too big, with a diameter of at least ten kilometers. Before night comes, I will definitely not be able to pass through. So I can only build a shelter in the birch forest, but this lake can bring me food. These dead birches The tree also makes a bonfire and keeps me from the cold."

Putting down the backpack, Lin Bei took out the parachute from the backpack, and then cut two five-meter-long ropes with a dagger. Holding the rope in his hands, Lin Bei explained: "I'm going to use these two ropes to make a fishing line and see if I can catch some fish. This lake has rainbow trout and arctic lamprey, both of which are cold water Fish like to live in an environment like this."

Finding a branch, Lin Bei cut out two sharp wooden thorns with a dagger, tied them in circles with parachute ropes, and made two (finished) fishing lines.

"The bait is all we need now." Putting down the fishing line in his hand, Lin Bei began to look for the target in the jungle. Soon, his eyes fell on a dead and fallen birch tree.

Stepping forward, Lin Bei peeled off the bark with a dagger, and searched for it. After a while, Lin Bei found two worms wriggling from the tree trunk.

Putting the worms on two wooden thorns respectively, Lin Bei took the fishing line to the lake. Push away the snow on the top with your hands, and soon a thick layer of ice will be exposed below. Taking out the dagger, Lin Bei began to dig the hole vigorously.

In ten minutes, two boxer-sized fishing holes were dug out. After throwing the hook into the fishing holes, Lin Bei grabbed some snow and covered the fishing holes. At the same time, he explained: "Doing this will prevent the fishing hole from freezing again. Just put it here and wait. I will build a shelter during the waiting time.

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