Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 108: Weeping And Fainting In The Toilet (3/5)

Lin Bei tied the other end of the two fishing lines to a tree on the bank to prevent the fish from dragging the fishing lines into the water. After returning to the shore, Lin Bei began to think about how to build a shelter.

The igloo like last night is definitely not good, and it is impossible to light a fire in it to keep warm. After pondering for a moment, Lin Bei plans to build an igloo similar to that of the Inuit. This kind of igloo can light a fire in it, and it has better thermal insulation. The temperature inside the igloo can still maintain 0 degrees or even higher in the middle of the night.

Many people believe that a fire cannot be lit in an igloo, nor can the temperature inside it exceed freezing. Because the temperature exceeds zero, the ice and snow will melt. This statement does not hold true in the igloo. You should know that there are three types of heat transfer, namely radiation, conduction and convection.

After a fire is lit in the igloo, the temperature emitted by the bonfire will melt the surface ice and snow in the igloo. But since ice does not conduct heat, the heat does not penetrate. The low temperature of minus 50 outside the igloo will cause the melted ice and snow inside the igloo to recondense into a smooth ice shell.

Everyone knows that black absorbs heat, which is another way of heat transfer, radiation. The white smooth ice shell in the igloo will refract the heat radiation generated by the campfire back.

These series of factors are added together to allow the igloo to maintain a high temperature of 0 degrees in the cold night of minus 50 degrees. This is also the crystallization of the wisdom of the Inuit people for tens of thousands of years.

After making a plan, 353 Lin Bei first dug a circular snow pit with a diameter of two meters in a relatively open area in the jungle.

The snow pit is very deep, more than half a meter. Lin Bei didn't stop until he reached the ground. Then I found six long wooden sticks and inserted them obliquely on the snow to form a triangular roof above the snow pit. Then take out the parachute, cut off all the ropes on it and put it in the backpack.

Expand the parachute and spread it on the roof. The material of the parachute is very good and it is completely airtight. Finally, Lin Bei began to pile snow on the parachute. In half an hour, a simple igloo was completed.

From a distance, the igloo looks like a small snow slope raised in the snow.

Looking at the igloo in front of him, Lin Bei nodded with satisfaction. Such an igloo will definitely allow him to sleep well tonight. But Lin Bei looked left and right, and always felt that something was wrong. Finally, he found out what was wrong, he forgot to leave a door!

"Pfft... sorry, I can't hold it anymore!"

"Oh, hold the grass, Mr. Pei is so fucking funny!"

"Haha, my TM(cbeh) kidney hurts from laughing."

"Yes, yes, this is the worst time the Inuit have been hacked.

"The Inuit fainted in the toilet."

"Okay, okay, I lost."

"I found that Mr. Pei has a buff bonus in cold weather, and his IQ is reduced by 10086!"

"I just watched quietly how Master Bei went in."

"A really conscientious anchor, he doesn't even want the door for the effect of the show."

"The biggest stain in Mr. Pei's life has appeared."

Seeing the taunts from the audience in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei was full of helplessness. Like a groundhog, he dug a tunnel in the one-meter-deep snow, and then got into the igloo.

Pointing to the passage at the door, Lin Bei said: "Because the cold air sinks, this passage can remove the cold air in the igloo and allow the heat to convect. Alright, the shelter is built, I'm going to collect some firewood ."

In the birch forest, there are dry branches everywhere. Lin Bei quickly collected a lot of dead branches, holding these dead branches, Lin Bei explained: "In such an environment, the air is very dry. Because of the extreme temperature, the moisture in the air will instantly condense into ice. So these Branches, which can be easily ignited."

After collecting a large pile of dead branches to pile up in the igloo, Lin Bei cut off a large piece of birch bark with a dagger. "There are two kinds of oils in the birch bark, which are very good firelighters. Now that everything is settled, let's go and see if there are any fish."

Before coming to the fishing holes on the lake, Lin Bei checked one of them first, pulled out the dropped line, and found that no fish had been hooked, and the worms on it had been frozen to death. Putting the dropped line back in, Lin Bei came to another fishing hole.

As soon as he pulled the rope, he felt the struggle from the water. Lin Bei was overjoyed immediately, and his movements quickened, and he pulled the fishing line up within a few strokes. I saw a fish about 20 centimeters long hanging from the hook. After taking out the dagger and directly piercing the fish's brain, Lin Bei held it up in front of the live broadcast camera and said with a smile: "This is a rainbow trout, you can see that there is a long pink spot on the side of the fish's body .I kind of can't wait to eat it."

At this moment, the sky has gradually turned dark, you must know that it is less than 5 o'clock. Back in the igloo with the rainbow trout, Lin Bei took out the large piece of birch bark that he had just torn off. After tearing all the bark into pieces, Lin Bei found two trees and said, "Now my hands are completely frozen, and I can't use the methods of drilling wood to make fire and fire plow to make fire. Fortunately, I With the parachute cord, now I'm going to use a new method of making fire, the bowstring method. This method requires very little finger dexterity."

"First of all, you need to find a bent branch, and then tie it with a rope like I did. Is it like a bow?" Lin Bei put the simple bow in front of the live broadcast camera

Then he said: "The rope doesn't need to be tied too tight, because you need to wrap the branches on it later."

After wrapping a ten-centimeter straight branch around the bowstring several times, Lin Bei stepped on another piece of wood under his feet, and then placed the branch straight on the wood under his feet. One hand fixes the top of the branch, and the other hand keeps twitching the bow back and forth.

"The method is very simple and does not require any fine skills. All you need to do is to keep pulling the bowstring back and forth. This method is very efficient and simple to make. When you are in the wilderness without a rope, you can still use it." Replace it with tough nivan."

As Lin Bei continued to pull the bowstring back and forth, the branches tied to the bowstring turned rapidly. In less than a minute, a faint blue smoke rose from the groove below.

Seeing the smoke coming out, Lin Bei hastened his movements. After a while, black embers continued to overflow from the groove. Seeing this scene, Lin Bei immediately stopped what he was doing, and carefully poured the embers in the groove into the birch chips.

After blowing a few breaths lightly, a ball of fire appeared and quickly ignited the debris. After adding some twigs, the fire grows bigger and a campfire appears in the igloo. .

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