Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 159: Giant Centipede

Sliding down from a ten-meter-high tree is completely different from jumping straight off. In the process of sliding down, the friction between the body and the trunk can offset the acceleration. It was about the same as jumping from a height of three or four meters, and the soft dead leaves on the ground reduced the impact after landing a lot.

Shaking his fiery hands, Lin Bei stood up from the ground and said with a smile: "This feeling is like riding a slide, but it would be best to have a pair of gloves. Alright, let's make a survival route, we have to hurry up Take action. If you stay here for one more day, you will be in more danger."

Walking in the jungle, Lin Bei answered questions from the audience in the live broadcast room from time to time, "It's purely because you have watched too many movies. The piranhas in reality are not so exaggerated. The number of piranhas is only about 30-50. And it is normal. Generally speaking, piranhas will not actively attack humans at all when food is abundant. In fact, piranhas are a very timid fish. They only eat aquatic plants at a certain time in their juvenile period."

Climbing over a collapsed cross log, Lin Bei continued to explain: "Only when food is in short supply, they will attack humans. And piranhas are not as scary as in the movie. Thirty piranhas, it is impossible to Kill a person in a few seconds. In fact, so far, there has been no case of human death among piranhas attacking people.

In movies, certain creatures are exaggerated for viewing effect and atmosphere. This has caused many people to misunderstand these creatures. Even a school of red-bellied piranhas, the most ferocious of piranhas, cannot kill a human being in a minute. At most, it will cause multiple traumas.

The scary thing about them is that after biting a person in multiple places, they will be very easy to be infected by bacteria.

After hearing Lin Bei's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized. After so many episodes, they are very convinced of Lin Bei's knowledge. So far, he has never made a mistake in professional knowledge.

Suddenly, the light in the jungle dimmed. Lin Bei looked up in surprise, the sun had been covered by dark clouds at some point. One moment the sky was cloudy, and the next moment it was covered with dark clouds. I really don't know where these dark clouds came from.

In less than a few minutes, the heavy rain penetrated through the branches and leaves and fell in the rainforest. Lin Bei covered the back of his head with a waterproof backpack to prevent rainwater from dripping on the wound.

As the day wore on and it got darker, Lin Bei started looking around for suitable places to build a shelter.

Today's Lin Bei is indeed very lucky, it may really be those two goddess butterflies who brought him good luck. Not long after walking, he accidentally found a tree hole.

This tree is a tall banyan tree, and the banyan tree is very strong. The tree roots under the ground are raised high, forming a strange tree hole at the position of the roots. Lin Bei walked quickly into the tree hole

I found that there is a lot of space, but the front and back sides are not covered, but it is very good to have a natural shelter from the rain.

On the ground of the tree hole, some moss and low-level plants grow. Lin Bei looked around and said with a smile: "It's a good shelter, it can be used to keep out the heavy rain. However, I still want to build a hammock here to keep me away from the ground. In this tree hole, not only me live A person, and many scary little things~."

As he said that, Lin Bei began to search under the ground. Soon, his eyes lit up, and he found a branch and picked out a huge centipede 30 cm long from a pile of dead leaves.

This huge centipede is red all over and looks hideous and terrifying. Especially the pair of big jaws on the head, which makes the scalp numb. Creatures like centipedes are not likable, let alone such a huge centipede.

The centipede is thick and long, wrapped around the branches. Lin Bei held it up in front of the live broadcast camera, frowning and said: "This is a giant Amazon centipede, and they can grow up to 35 centimeters. The toxicity of centipedes is directly proportional to their size. Think about it See what will happen if you are bitten by it while sleeping!"

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the giant centipede in the screen, felt a chill, and launched barrages one after another.

"Nimma, this centipede is so big!"

"A bite will definitely be very sour."

Chicken flavor, crunchy!"

"To be fair, fried centipede tastes good.

"666, you can try this one upstairs."

"Grandpa Bei, will you die if you get bitten by this centipede?"

"Hold the grass, Mr. Pei, don't tell me to eat this stuff raw!"

"High energy ahead, non-combatants please evacuate quickly."

"Fuck, the thing you hate the most is the centipede."

Lin Bei put the centipede on the branch on the ground, trampled the centipede to death with his feet, and explained: "....The Amazon giant centipede is best not eaten raw, because even if the head and hind feet are removed,

It still has toxicity in its body. If eaten raw, there is a risk of gastrointestinal ulceration. "

"This tree hole is dark and damp, and it is an ideal living environment for insects. There is no more than this giant centipede on the ground, so I have to keep myself away from the ground. Otherwise, although a bite from a giant centipede will not be fatal, it is definitely not fatal." It will be good."

After saying that, Lin Bei walked out of the tree hole with the dagger in hand and began to cut down the branches. After a while, Lin Bei returned to the tree hole with a pile of two-meter-long branches, and glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room

He explained: "Most centipede toxins do not directly kill people, but their toxins can induce other disease symptoms. In theory, if a healthy person is bitten by a centipede, it will only hurt for a while. But If a person has other diseases (Qian Wang's), there is a high chance that the disease will be exacerbated after being bitten."

"The Amazon's giant centipede is very poisonous. After being bitten by it, the blood-soluble toxin will accelerate the blood flow of the human body and cause the heart rate to be too fast. People with poor heart and lung function will be in danger of death when bitten."

While chatting with the audience, Lin Bei has already made a simple wooden bed. The main body is two thick and long wooden sticks. Lin Bei stuck them in the gaps on both sides of the tree hole, and then laid a layer of wood on top.

The whole wooden bed was one meter high from the ground. Lin Bei tried it while lying on it, and found that it was very solid. After getting up, he looked at the dimming light in the rainforest outside, and said: "If a bonfire can be lit, this giant centipede can be eaten after it is cooked. But eating it raw is too risky, I have to see it." See if I can find something for dinner.

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