Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 160: The Electric Eel

Walking in the rainforest, Lin Bei became more careful after what happened last night. If he encounters the jaguar again this time, his current state will only lead to death.

The injured Lin Bei needs to replenish more energy than usual every day, and it is obviously not enough to maintain his consumption just by relying on some small bugs. Therefore, his goal is larger animals, preferably tortoises encountered at noon. This type of animal poses no threat to him, is easy and simple to catch, and has a high protein content.

With the tree hole as a dot, Lin Bei moves within a range of 100 meters. In the rainforest at night, many beasts became active. If he couldn't find food within a hundred meters, he would rather go back and eat some bugs.

After wandering around for about twenty minutes, Lin Bei found nothing. Just when he was hesitating whether to go back, he found a quagmire in a low-lying place ahead.

The quagmire is not big, only less than three square meters. The water inside was very cloudy, mixed with mud, making it difficult to see how deep the water was. Lin Bei stepped forward, observed the quagmire carefully, and said, "There are many such quagmires in the rainforest, some of which are connected to underground rivers, and some are caused by flood discharge. Generally speaking, this kind of quagmire can be easily Find food. Scavenger catfish and swamp crabs like to be in these mud puddles, as well as some frogs."

"But there are also dangers in such quagmire. Electric eels also like to stay in quagmire like 767. They can release 800 volts of voltage, which is enough to stun a person, and can be released many times."

As Lin Bei said, he picked up a long stick and began to stir in the soil, wanting to see what was inside. An underwater creature is startled as a stick is stirred in the mud

Swim up.

Zooming in on the live camera, Lin Bei pointed to the creature with a black tail and said, "Did you see that? That one just now is an electric eel. Being shocked by them will not lead to immediate death, but the sour feeling You definitely don't want to try it a second time. Electric eels can discharge 50 times in a second, they are not harmful in themselves, and the stored electricity in the body can be recharged after a few hours."

"To be honest, I'm very curious about the (cbaj) electric eel. Their cells are very special, they can produce and store bioelectricity. It's like a bio-battery

The key is that they can control the stored current at will. "

The electric eel is selected as the top ten most dangerous freshwater fish in the world, not because the electric current it releases can directly kill people. Generally, electric eels live in rivers, and people are stunned by high-voltage electric current

There is a high chance of falling into the water and suffocating to death.

Although electric eels are dangerous, they are edible, and the meat quality is very good. But Lin Bei didn't plan to go directly to the river to catch him. Even with his physical fitness, he would not be able to stand being electrocuted. And being hit by 800 volts many times will cause the heart to collapse, and may even cause permanent trauma.

Standing by the side of the mud, Lin Bei rubbed his chin and pondered: "In the local indigenous tribes, electric eels are a delicacy. The way they catch electric eels is to drive cattle and sheep into the mud, and let the frightened electric eels discharge. After the electricity stored by the electric eels is exhausted, they will go down and capture the powerless electric eels.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room have heard of electric eels, but have never seen them. They were also very curious about this magical creature that can discharge electricity, and they launched barrages one after another, urging Lin Bei to catch it quickly.

"Baby, don't be cowardly!"

"666, if I also have cells that can discharge, that would be awesome."

"Okay, I'll be called Electric Eel after I get on you.

"Haha, God TM Electric Eel Man."

"Okay, okay, Electric Eelman, I lost."

"Mr. Bei, what are you waiting for? One bite from an electric eel can transform you into an electric eel man."

"By the way, it feels really good to be electrocuted. Now I touch the plug every day, and if I don't get electrocuted for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over."

"Hold the grass, you hang even more upstairs! The whole live broadcast room, I'll give you the fuck."

"MD, compared with you, I find that I am weak."

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, especially the guy who gets electrocuted every day, made the corners of Lin Bei's eyes twitch. If you are shocked by household current normally, you will not die. But it will kill many cells in the body, especially white blood cells, and will cause a burden on the heart.

White blood cells are reflected in human immunity. If one is electrocuted every day, the white blood cells in the body will decrease rapidly, causing the body to be very weak and have little resistance to viruses and germs.

Regardless of whether what this audience said is true or not, Lin Bei has to remind, "I saw a brother saying that he was electrocuted every day. I just want to say that if you don't die, you won't die."

After finishing speaking, Lin Bei left the pool. The audience in the live broadcast thought that Lin Bei had given up on catching electric eels, but they were surprised that he did not return to the tree hole, but was looking for something nearby.

Seeing the doubts expressed by the audience, Lin Bei explained: "The local aboriginal tribes also use another method when catching electric eels. They smash the roots of the white flower vine and drip the juice into the water. The sap of deer vine contains rotenone, a poison that is harmful only to insects and aquatic life, but not to mammals

"Rotenone can make fish faint, and the local aborigines use this method to catch electric eels. Electric eels in a coma cannot release the electric current in their bodies."

Lin Bei began to search in the jungle while talking. In the Amazon rainforest, japonica grows widely and is easy to find.

It's just that the light in the rainforest is very dim, and it took Lin Bei more than ten minutes to find it. The white flower vine is not a low-growing shrub as one might imagine. On the contrary, they are still very tall. The white flower vine in front of him is more like a twisted tree.

Lin Bei took out the dagger, and cut off a vine as thick as an arm at a distance from the root. He held up this small piece of white flower vine in front of the camera and said: "It only takes such a small piece to poison all the creatures in a twenty-square-meter pool."

Returning to the quagmire with a small piece of jellyfish vine in his hand, Lin Bei picked up a branch and started beating the jellyfish vine. After crushing the whole piece of japonica, Lin Bei stirred it in the muddy water.

With Lin Bei's continuous stirring, the surface of the yellow-brown muddy water turned pale white. Pointing to the surface of the water, Lin Bei explained: "What floats on the muddy water is rotenone, which is insoluble in water. You only need to wait quietly for a while, and then you can go down and catch the fainting electric eel."

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