Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 174: True Lies

After being dazed for a moment, Lin Bei woke up from the surprise. With a faith value of more than 800,000, he can draw prizes 8 times in a row. According to his European Emperor luck, at least his attributes can be increased several times

Thinking of this, Lin Bei once again had a smile on his face. Glancing at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei screamed inwardly. He was so happy just now that he forgot that there were hundreds of thousands of viewers watching in the live broadcast room. It's okay to find an excuse to prevaricate, but I'm afraid that if someone who is careful sees the clue.

Therefore, he had to think of a reasonable explanation. After secretly making up his mind, Lin Bei quietly observed his surroundings, and at the same time, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he began to think about how to make up a reasonable lie.

At this moment, Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and a look of joy flashed in them. On the rotten wood that collapsed on the ground in front, several small red mushrooms grew.

Lin Bei pretended to shake his head, then covered his mouth and nose with his T-shirt, came to the rotten wood, pointed to the mushroom urn on it and said in a low voice: "Just now something happened, the culprit is these few mushrooms. These mushrooms are called hallucinogen mushrooms and they are found all over the world. Hallucinogen mushrooms contain psilocybin which can be intoxicating and cause hallucinations. Even if you don't eat it, but if you get too close, inhaling 220 contains them The air of the spores will still be poisoned. It’s just that the symptoms of people who are poisoned by breathing will be clearer than those who eat it

"The neurotoxin of the psychedelic mushroom is very strong. Once you eat it, you can fall into hallucinations for 6 hours. If you eat a lot, it will even lead to death!" Using a branch to fiddle with the white spots on the psychedelic mushroom, he continued: "The local Indians are very fond of psychedelic mushrooms. They will soak these mushrooms in water and drink them during major festivals. The diluted toxin will make people hallucinate, but it will not harm the body too much. It's like Americans smoking marijuana."

Standing up again, Lin Bei clapped his hands and said solemnly: "But you have to remember, don't try to touch anything that stimulates the nerves. Psychedelic mushrooms are as addictive as drugs, and they will slowly erode your brain. As for these, let the Indians enjoy it slowly!"

Lin Bei has always avoided such things. Anything that stimulates the nerves of the brain is not a good thing. Trying it even once can cause damage to your brain, slowing down your memory and reactions. In fact, the best thing to stimulate people's nerves is their own adrenaline.

It has no after effects and will not cause any harm in any way. You must know that the human body will never harm itself, so the self-secreted adrenaline is the perfect stimulant.

The timely appearance of these psychedelic mushrooms allowed Lin Bei to fabricate a plausible lie. After leaving here, he continued to walk in the intended direction.

In fact, lies can never be justified. If you carefully scrutinize Lin Bei's explanation, you can still see some clues. The spores of magic mushrooms are indeed poisonous, but one condition must be met for the spores to be released in the air, that is, the air is very dry. Obviously, in the Amazon jungle during the rainy season, the air humidity even reaches 200%, and it is impossible for mushroom spores to float in the air.

But no matter what, this lie is quite rigorous logically. Successfully bluffed the audience in the live broadcast room.

Lin Bei couldn't help being excited at the thought of eight consecutive lottery draws tonight. In a happy mood, even the pace of the feet is much faster.

The gloomy heavy rain made the light in the rainforest very dark. Lin Bei didn't know how long he walked, but he didn't stop until the feeling of extreme hunger came from his stomach. Sitting on a tree stump, wiped the rain from his face, and said: "In this environment, without watches and electronic instruments, it is difficult for you to know the time. But in the wilderness, (cbda) you have to be reasonable." Allocate your own time. Know when and what to do.”

"In this kind of weather and environment, you can't even tell whether it's morning or afternoon. Here, I will teach you a method of roughly telling the time, which is the animal discrimination method. In the wilderness, the most active time for many animals is In the evening and night. Although we can't know the time clearly, they can remember it accurately." Saying this, Lin Bei stood up and came to a plant.

On the broad leaves of this plant, there is a small blue poison dart frog. Pointing to this blue poison dart frog, Lin Bei said: "Frogs are most active in the evening and at night. When you are in the wilderness and hear frogs singing one after another, it means that it will soon be dark. .At this time, you need to find a shelter as soon as possible.

"Besides, there are many nocturnal creatures, such as the jaguar that attacked me last time, bats, owls, etc."

The heavy rain was still falling, Lin Bei looked around and said, "During the rainy season in the Amazon, it only takes a few days for this kind of heavy rain to cause flash floods. So, to be safe, I have to Sleep in a higher place. And this roll of white vines can help me build a shelter in a higher place."

These white vines are tens of meters long. Lin Bei's plan is to find a big tree with dense branches and use these white vines to build a hanging window.

The most indispensable thing in the rainforest is the towering trees. All kinds of strange trees abound here. It didn't take long for Lin Bei to find the perfect place to set up his shelter.

A tall tree.

This tree has a diameter of three meters and is very strong, so there is no need to worry about being washed down by the flood. The most important thing is that not only are there many vines climbing on the trunk of this tree, but also there are some potholes on it, which are very suitable for climbing.

Following the vines, Lin Bei easily climbed up the seven-meter-high tree trunk, stood on the thigh-thick branches, took down the white vines and said, "These two branches are very strong, and the distance between them is less than 1 meter. I just need to put these White vines, densely wrapped around two branches, can have a firm hanging window."

He made a lot of moves, and the shelter was built in less than ten minutes. Lying on it, Lin Bei felt the tenacity of the white vine beneath him, and explained: "Don't worry about the white vine breaking in the middle of the night, such a hanging bed can even bear the weight of five people."

As he spoke, Lin Bei jumped twice vigorously, proving what he said with facts. .

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