Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 184: The Terrifying Primitive Tribe

After cutting off the head and tail of the piranha with a dagger, and removing the internal organs, Lin Bei bit down on the white flesh of the piranha.

"As long as the head and tail are removed, the rest can be eaten." After spitting out the tiny fish bones in the fish, Lin Bei frowned and said, "I'm beginning to miss the electric eel. Not only is it delicious, but there are not so many fish bones."

No matter how disgusted he was, Lin Bei still patiently ate the piranha in his hand. A palm-sized piranha couldn't fill its stomach completely, but the sky was getting dark, and Lin Bei had to return to the shelter the same way.

Walking in the rainforest, Lin Bei looked at the dim rainforest and said: "In the evening in the rainforest, it only takes less than a few minutes, and it gets dark very quickly. There was once an outdoor travel friend who hiked alone in the tropical rainforest in the south of Yue. That day In the evening, he was fishing by the river 100 meters away from his tent. When it started to get dark that day, he did not choose to go back immediately.

"As a result, after the darkness completely enveloped the rainforest in a few minutes, the guy lost his way in the pitch-black jungle and couldn't find his tent. When the search and rescue team found him, it was already the afternoon of the next day. This guy is a full kilometer away from his tent."

Following the twisted tree trunk, Lin Bei easily climbed up to the shelter. Lying on the hanging bed made of vines, thinking of Lin Qingyu and Chu Niang in her heart. Surviving in the wilderness and learning to endure loneliness is a necessary course. There is no need to deliberately learn, people have learned it unconsciously.

Looking at the live broadcast, Lin Bei leaned on his backpack and said: "It has been five days since I came to the Amazon rainforest. If there is no accident, I will return to the civilized world tomorrow. To be honest, this is the first time I have suffered such a serious injury The wound on my neck, if it was a centimeter deep, I might still be lying in the emergency room of the hospital now."

In fact, it wasn't just the wound on his neck. In front of the huge strength of the jaguar, his shoulder blades were almost brittle and fractured. The danger in it, only he himself knows.

"Many times, survival is like this. You will face many difficulties and dangers. When you survive successfully and return to the civilized world, you will gain a lot." Smiling, he continued: "Forget it, seeing how pitiful you are, I don't even have the heart to trick you. Today's live broadcast is over here. Viewers, see you tomorrow!"

After closing the live broadcast, Lin Bei slowly closed his eyes. The blessing of the Emerald God finally rescued him from the torment of pain. There was no longer a burst of pain in the shoulder blade, but a refreshing coolness.

Listening to the sound of rain, Lin fell asleep.

early morning.

The long-lost sunlight pierced through the overlapping branches and leaves, and fell on Lin Bei's face like stars. Opening his sleepy eyes, Lin Bei was surprised to find that the heavy rain that had lasted for several days had stopped at some point. The sun pierced the dark clouds and shrouded the earth again.

Today's weather is very nice, and Lin Bei is in a very good mood because he will soon return to civilization.

Jumping neatly from the hammock, Lin Bei stretched his body while opening the live broadcast room. Putting on his backpack again, Lin Bei looked at the audience pouring into the live broadcast room, and said: The rare good weather, the annoying heavy rain has finally stopped. Weather like this cannot be wasted, I need to hurry up and try to get back to civilization today. Audience, let's go!"

Perhaps it was a premonition that this episode of the program was coming to an end, and the audience in the live broadcast room were very active, asking questions that they had always wanted to ask.

The closer you get to the city of Manaus, the less danger you get. Because this area is already considered a tourist area, dangerous animals such as jaguars and black caimans have basically been slaughtered. So Lin Jian was not as vigilant as yesterday, and answered the audience's questions with ease.

"The entire Amazon rainforest is very large. There are 114 indigenous tribes, large and small. It is not ruled out that there are mysterious tribes that have not yet been discovered. Most of these 114 indigenous tribes have been assimilated by the civilized world, and less than 5 tribes are still alive. They maintain a primitive life. They live in the hinterland of the Amazon rainforest and are isolated from the world all the year round.” Speaking of this, Lin Bei frowned and continued: “To be fair, I don’t want to be isolated from the world if it’s not necessary. In addition to the difficulty of communication, you never know whether your next action or the pattern on your clothes will offend them.

...asking for flowers...0

"There is no law and morality in their minds. Even if they are killed by them, no one will hold them accountable."

This isolated tribe in the world is a special existence. Morality and law in the civilized world have no restraint and influence on them.

Lin Bei once saw a real news. A British photographer took aerial photos of the Amazon rainforest by helicopter. As a result, halfway through the flight, the helicopter malfunctioned. The pilot and photographer had to parachute and landed in a primitive indigenous tribe.

The result was very surprising, because the pattern on the photographer's T-shirt was considered by the indigenous tribes to insult their ancestors. So the photographer was brutally killed, but the pilot survived, but he was also driven out of the tribe.


Three days later, search and rescue teams found the pilot. After returning to civilization, the pilot reported the incident to the Peruvian government court, who was surprised that the murder case was not tried by the court. The reason is simple, this primitive tribe refuses to integrate into the civilized world, so the court has no right to interfere.

When Lin Bei saw the news, he felt very incredible. After all, in this world, it seems that only the mentally ill are the only ones who kill people without breaking the law. And now there is another kind of person

That is the original indigenous tribe.

As time goes by, the trees in the rainforest begin to thin out. It is not caused by nature, but by man-made deforestation. Brazil's timber exports are very large, most of which are sold to the United States. The source of these woods is the Amazon rainforest.

As far as the eye can see, there are thick tree stumps everywhere. Lin Bei sits on a tree stump for a short rest. After taking a sip of water, he looked ahead and said, "If you walk about ten kilometers, you should be able to meet Indians. Like the Inuit, they have been assimilated by the civilized world. The tourist guide in Manaus City, 80% are Indians. Their daily life is to rely on government assistance and guides for a living."

(Okay, okay, I lost! I won’t write about the Olympic Games, you guys are awesome. I’m going to change the outline! And).

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