Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 185: Start Lightly

Most of the Indians in the Amazon are in Brazil, and their living conditions are very similar to the Inuit that Lin Bei met in Alaska. Indians with money and brains have all moved to the cities.

Those who still live in the rainforest basically rely on government relief for a living. But compared to before, their life is much better now. Nowadays, the tourism industry is developed, and many tourists come here every year to experience the mystery and excitement of the original rainforest.

Most tourists will buy traditional handicrafts from Indian tribes, which also brings a lot of income to Indians.

In the rainforest under the scorching sun, the temperature rises sharply, reaching 35 degrees Celsius at noon. After Lin Bei rested for a while, he stood up and set off again. Due to the felling of a large number of trees

With no trees overhead to shade him from the sun, he was sweating profusely in no time. "Eight Zero Three"

While walking and chatting with the audience, more than an hour later, more than a dozen wooden houses in the forest appeared in front of Lin Bei. By the river not far from the wooden house, several Indian women were washing clothes. There is no difference between their dress and civilized people, and they are not surprised to see Lin Bei.

"See? These Indians have been completely assimilated. There are all kinds of modern appliances in their houses." Lin Bei said, walking over.

At this moment, Lin Bei saw an old-fashioned Ford pickup parked in front of one of the wooden houses. I don't know how many years this car has been used, and the paint on the outside has begun to peel off. The rusty car body reminded Lin Bei of the tractor of the forest guard in Shennongjia.

It wasn't just him who had this illusion, some old viewers in the live broadcast room also recalled that god-like tractor one after another.

Walking quickly through the hut, Lin Bei's arrival did not attract any attention. A couple of naked kids, without even looking at him, are still teasing a monkey

When he came to the house of the pickup truck, Lin Bei asked, "Is anyone there?"

Soon, a burly man with a swollen face came out of the wooden house, looked at Lin Bei carefully [then said impatiently in terrible English: "There is nothing for sale."

Obviously, he regarded Lin Bei as a tourist who came to buy traditional handicrafts. In Brazil, there is a very interesting phenomenon. Most Brazilians, don't actually speak English. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil because Portugal once colonized it. Interestingly, the proportion of these indigenous tribes who can speak English is much higher than that of Brazilians.

This is because they deal with all kinds of tourists all year round. Lin Bei's English is actually not very good, and sometimes he can't understand some uncommon words, but daily communication is still no problem.

"Uh...I'm not here to buy handicrafts, I just want to ask if your car can still be used? Can you take me to Manaus?" Lin Bei was afraid that he could not understand some words, so he used gestures while speaking I made a gesture.

Hearing Lin Bei's words, there was a flash of greed in the eyes of the strong Indian, and he stretched out a palm and said, "500 dollars!"

For a moment, Lin Bei laughed angrily at this guy. It's only 30 kilometers away from the city of Manaus, and this guy charged himself $500. It's not that Lin Bei is stingy, he really doesn't care about the $500. In the past, he rented a helicopter for more than $10,000, and he paid directly without blinking an eye.

It's just this feeling of being cheated by others makes him very unhappy.

Lin Bei is not racist, he knows that no matter what country people are, there are good people and bad people. There is no harm without comparison, think about how the Inuit entertain guests, and look at the strong man in front of you. These Indians rely on government relief and money from tourists every day, which makes them become mercenary.

He is a person who likes to make friends. It's just that the Indians in front of him cast a layer of gloom on his originally happy mood, and he doesn't want to stay here for a second. Thinking of this, Lin Bei couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and was about to turn around and leave.

Seeing that Lin Bei wanted to leave, the strong Indian man suddenly showed a fierce look. At this time, two more Indians rushed out from the wooden house and surrounded Lin Bei.

"Boy, $500!" The strong Indian man stepped forward with a smirk and spoke English mixed with some indigenous languages ​​that Lin Bei could not understand.

Looking at their skillful movements, it seems that this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing. As Lin Bei thought, this is not the first time that these guys have blackmailed tourists... Especially Lin Bei, a solo tourist, sold a handicraft worth more than ten dollars for hundreds or even thousands of dollars .

Even some beautiful female tourists will be harassed by them.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt very angry when they saw this scene, and at the same time expressed sympathy for these Indians. To be honest, the audience really didn't think these three Indians could pose any threat to Lin Bei. You know, the scenes of Lin Bei killing the jaguar and punching the black caiman to death are still vivid in my memory.

"Yes, very strong!"

"666, I just admire these Indians "really kind."

"There are still many people in this world who are not afraid of death."

"Nimma, I was cheated last time. Things worth tens of dollars and hundreds of dollars were insisted on being sold to me. If you don't buy them, you can't do it.

"Come on, brother upstairs, tell your story."

"Master Pei, be gentle, you will go to jail if you kill someone.

"Big brother, you know nothing about harm."

"I bet on a cousin who was born in 1998, Master Pei can handle them in ten seconds."

"German Orthopedics welcomes you, 800 hospital beds are available for you to choose.

Lin Bei was really angry at this moment, and without warning, he punched the strong Indian man in the stomach in front of him. This guy originally saw that Lin Bei was alone, and he was not tall and strong at 0.3, so he started to buy and sell by force.

Just when he was about to speak, Lin Bei didn't expect Lin Bei to make a move suddenly. For a while, the severe pain from the abdomen almost made him faint. Covering his stomach, he fell limply to the ground and howled silently.

Lin Bei not only did not start the hunting rhythm, but also did not use his full strength. Otherwise, with his 17 points of strength, if he burst out with all his strength, he would probably injure this guy's internal organs, causing organ failure and death. In that case, I am afraid that I will be imprisoned.

The other two Indians hadn't reacted yet, and there was also severe pain in their stomachs. Lin Bei, with a four-dimensional attribute of 17 points, does not even need to use basic fighting, and is completely suppressed by attributes.

Glancing at the three Indians lying on the ground, Lin Bei raised a middle finger towards them, then turned and left gracefully. .

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