Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 205: Simple And Rude Are Useful

Snow wolves are highly intelligent beasts, they know how to use tactics. People who used to live in Siberia hated the snow wolf the most. Because every winter when food is scarce, these guys will gather in large numbers, and then attack the pastures or forest farms. Until recent decades, the Russian government began to slaughter snow wolves every year in a planned way, strictly controlling their number

The local rural residents are much better off.

You know, a dozen or twenty snow wolves are not scary, and they can be driven away with a shotgun by relying on the house. But when the snow wolves gathered together, forming hundreds or thousands, they couldn't resist unless troops were dispatched. Even in 2001, some city governments in Siberia issued a reward order to reward 1,000 rubles (1,000 rubles equal to 120 RMB) for killing a female wolf.

Siberian tigers are very fierce. There was once a record of a Siberian tiger fighting a pack of wolves alone and killing 28 snow wolves. But in the face of hundreds of wolves, the Siberian 21 tiger can only hide in the corner and shiver, otherwise it will be torn to pieces by the wolves in just a few seconds.

It's no problem for Lin Bei to fight a dozen snow wolves head-on, but if he encounters a sneak attack, the outcome is hard to say. In winter, snow wolves' fur will turn gray and white, and they will also use their protective color to hide themselves in the jungle snow, waiting for their prey to pass by.

Therefore, Lin Bei walked cautiously, his eyes sweeping over the snow on the surrounding ground from time to time. The footprints on the snow ahead are getting more and more messy. Just by the footprints, one can imagine that there was a chase here. He didn't think that a roe deer could escape under the pursuit of five snow wolves. He only hoped that these snow wolves could leave some leftovers for him.

Soon, on the white snow in front, bloodstains appeared dotted with dots. Lin Bei's eyes lit up, and he walked forward along the bloodstains. Within a few steps, I saw the dead body of a roe deer lying in the snow. The red blood dyed the surrounding snow red, which was particularly conspicuous in the single-color pine forest.

"At this time, you have to be more careful. Don't underestimate the wisdom of snow wolves, they will use inedible food as bait." Lin Bei looked serious, looked at the live broadcast today, and continued: "There was once a real According to a story, after a group of snow wolves killed a red deer, they did not finish eating the red deer. Instead, they left part of the meat. These snow wolves hid nearby. Soon, the smell of blood attracted a lynx lynx, and as a result, it should be clear to you that both lynx and red deer end up being their food."

This story is true. A forest ranger in the Siberian forest area witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. As for the creatures like wolves, Lin Bei has always believed that they are the most intelligent and cunning existence among animals. He said before that animals are stronger than humans in terms of attributes. It would be terrible if they could use their intelligence, and wolves are just such animals. This is also the reason why they can span the long river of time, from hundreds of millions of years ago to the present day.

When he was about 30 meters away from the dead roe deer, Lin Bei stopped and held his breath. Immediately, the entire pine forest became deathly silent, and Lin Bei could not hear any other sound except his own heartbeat. Standing like this for five full minutes, until he was so cold that he couldn't bear it, and felt that the blood in his whole body seemed to be coagulated, and after making sure that there were no snow wolves in ambush around him, Lin Bei breathed a sigh of relief and strode towards the dead body of the roe deer. .

When he got closer, Lin Bei realized that the internal organs of this roe deer had been completely hollowed out. The entire belly of the meat has been eaten, leaving only a layer of fur. Lin Bei squatted down, checked carefully, and found that the roe deer only had a small piece of meat left on the head and hind legs.

Mosquitoes are small, but they are also meat. This palm-sized piece of meat could at least warm him up again. Using a dagger to cut off the meat and bones, Lin Bei also cut off the head of the roe deer

Both the sheath and the brain of the head are edible and are rich in protein. In the Siberian ice sheet, where food is extremely scarce, "wasting food is absolutely unforgivable.

"Although I wasted more than half an hour on the road, it's totally worth it. Everything on this roe deer is useful to me, and I want to take it all away." Lin Bei said, ready to start removing the roe deer's fur peel off.

It's just that the fur is not easy to peel, and the extreme low temperature freezes the fur very hard. After making a few cuts with the dagger, Lin Bei frowned and said, "No, I'm going to start a bonfire first. My fingers are about to freeze, and I can't hold the dagger to do such delicate work."

Standing up, after collecting some hay and firewood around, Lin Bei quickly lit up a bonfire. Dragging the whole hollowed-out roe deer carcass to the campfire, Lin Bei cut the fur with a dagger while explaining: "This fur has many uses, it can be used as a blanket at night, or it can be made into a sled. "

With the bonfire, the speed of Lin Bei's hands is obviously much faster. In less than ten minutes, he peeled off a complete roe deer skin, stuffed all these things into the backpack, extinguished the campfire, and Lin Bei set off again. After having the food, his heart became much more stable, and even his steps became lighter.

"If you get lost here, it is basically a sentence of death. In fact, if you want to keep walking in the predetermined direction, there is a simple and crude 220 method, that is, every 50 meters is like looking behind you. Snow's footprints are in a straight line, then congratulations, you are not going around in circles. Although this method is a bit stupid, in many cases, the more stupid the method is, the more effective it is. Just like a tool, the more precise the tool, the easier it is damage. That’s why many explorers and expeditions, even with all the advanced positioning instruments, still carry a spare compass.”

Lin Bei, who found the food, was in a good mood. The thought of having a hot barbecue tonight makes me feel full of energy.

At this moment, Lin Bei, who was walking briskly, suddenly slowed down. The words I was chatting with the audience, I also swallowed them back. About 20 meters in front of him, between two pine trees, there is a large sunken area. Between the dry grass and the snow, there was a dark hole that was steaming. The entrance of the cave is not big, only the size of a human head. Due to the angle problem, it is difficult to see the situation inside.

Glancing at the live broadcast camera, Lin Bei backed away lightly. He didn't explain until he exited the range of 50 meters: "If you find this hole in the pine forest of the Siberian ice sheet, you are curious and want to go forward. Check it out, and wait to be torn to shreds.”

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