Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 206 One Pig, Two Bears And Three Tigers?

While avoiding the area of ​​the black hole, Lin Bei explained to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Don't imagine that there are a few fat snow rabbits in there. When you get close and want to squat down to check, you will 100% Out of an angry and hungry brown or black bear."

"The viewer's statement is completely wrong." Lin Bei looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and Ke Pu said: "When brown bears hibernate, they just lower their core temperature to reduce consumption. They are only in shallow water. Sleeping for a second time does not reduce metabolism in all aspects. A brown bear in hibernation will wake up once an animal passes by or makes a loud noise, or even if the temperature is too high on a certain day. A brown bear waking up from hibernation is not dangerous. Weaker than the estrous period"

"Cio, I thought there was a hot spring down there just now."

"In the Northeast of my hometown, there are one pig, two bears and three tigers, and the wild boar is the worst."

"Wild boar? You really seem to be making me laugh."

"Damn it, Grandpa Bei has it!"

+1! The brown bear will eat a lot of meat when Mr. Pei anals.

"Didn't Master Pei kill a bear last time?"

"By the way, that buddy is really not talking nonsense. I heard the old man say that wild boars are more fierce than bears."

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lin Bei was speechless for a while. A brown bear awakened during hibernation is the only one that dares to face the hard anus of a Siberian tiger. The last time Lin Bei hunted a small female black bear, he jumped on her back by luck. It's hard to say. Even if his attributes have skyrocketed now and he is sure to kill the brown bear, he will not take the risk of doing so. Unless it's a crisis, Lin Bei doesn't want to fight a brown bear.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room has already shifted the topic to the question of whether the wild boar is stronger or the brown bear is stronger. The former Lin Bei only believed in the so-called "one pig, two bears and three tigers". It wasn't until I had the system and started the live broadcast of Survival in the Wilderness that I realized it was nonsense. Some of the sayings spread among the people are the valuable experience summed up by the ancestors, and some of them have been interpreted and contributed by later generations.

The audience in the live broadcast debated for a long time, but they couldn't convince each other, so they had to throw the topic to Lin Bei. After all, in their hearts, Lin Bei is the authority in this regard. After so many episodes of the program, the audience has great trust in his knowledge and professionalism.

Seeing countless bullet screens and gifts, Lin Bei had no choice but to explain: "First of all, let's talk about the size. So far, the largest wild boar found in the world weighs 454 kg. The average weight of wild boar is between 90-200 kg. The wild boars in individual areas may be larger, but they are only about 250 kilograms. The Kodiak brown bear, the largest wild body found so far, is 800 kilograms. The average weight is 380 kilograms, although this is the maximum weight during hibernation, But under normal circumstances, it is also 320 kg. As for the Siberian tiger, the average weight of the female tiger is 212 kg, and the male can reach 280 kg.

After talking about a lot of professional data, Lin Bei spread his hands and said with a smile: "I won't talk about other aspects, just refer to the body shape, and you should know the answer."

I saw that in the live broadcast room, some viewers still compared it to a wild boar. Lin Bei just smiled and stopped talking. An ant, even in anger, is still just an ant. The evolution of top carnivores for tens of millions of years is to better hunt and kill food such as wild boars.

Generally speaking, a carnivore with a body size of more than 100 kilograms can kill prey twice its size. On the African savannah, it is common for lions and cheetahs to kill bison that are several times their size. When the size of the carnivore exceeds the size of the prey, it can basically kill in seconds. Not to mention the Kodiak brown bear, which is bigger than a wild boar, even a Siberian tiger can kill a wild boar in an instant.

Siberian tigers and Kodiak brown bears are top carnivores, ranking at the top of the food chain, while wild boars are only omnivorous animals at the bottom of the food chain. Think of the berserk power of the Kodiak brown bear, the power of a slap, can directly smash the wild boar's head to pieces.

The topic of the audience changed quickly. One moment they were still arguing about this issue, and the next moment they began to discuss how Lin Bei should eat roe deer heads at night. You can eat whatever you want, even if you eat it raw, the only thing Lin Bei worries about now is the shelter. The sun was going to set in less than half an hour, and if he hadn't found a shelter before dark, it would be difficult for him to survive tonight.

When building a shelter here, the first consideration is not safety, but warmth. In the cold night of minus 65 degrees, no wild animals will come out to look for food, because they will be frozen to death before finding food.

The priority of building a shelter is how to avoid the cold wind and make full use of the terrain. Otherwise, if you build it yourself, firstly, the effect will not be good, and secondly, the time will not be enough. Lin Bei at this time

Deliberately slow down and try to keep an eye out for suitable places to build shelter nearby.

As the sun set faster and faster, Lin Bei became more and more anxious. The natural shelter is not so easy to find, even if there is one, it is occupied by the hibernating brown bears and black bears

At this time, Lin Bei found a place. Between the two pine trees, there is a slightly sunken area, but this area is not large, the key is that the depth is less than half a meter.

He raised his head and looked at the setting sun, frowned and pondered for a few seconds, Lin Bei's brain was spinning rapidly, and he began to think about how to transform this place into a suitable shelter. He has no time to look for other suitable shelters place. To survive in the wilderness, many times you need to make a decisive decision. Don't think that you can find better ones ahead. Once it gets dark and there is no shelter, Lin Bei will be completely desperate.

As he continued to think, Lin Bei's furrowed brows gradually relaxed. After making a decision, he quickly went to the pine trees, and with his gloved hands, he planed away the soft snow on the surface of the sunken area. Then he used these soft The snow piled up all around, and in less than ten minutes, the depression that was originally half a meter deep became one meter deep. After doing this, Lin Bei collected many wooden sticks and piled them inside.

Facing the doubts of the audience, Lin Bei took out the parachute from his backpack and explained: "...I have raised the surrounding area with snow to keep out the cold wind. As for the top of my head, I just need to cover it with a parachute It’s ok. Don’t worry about the space being too small, the material of the parachute is very light, as long as the bonfire rises, the hot air can fully expand the parachute like a hot air balloon.”

While speaking, Lin Bei had spread the parachute to cover the top of his head, and firmly pressed down the surrounding area with snow and wooden sticks. After finishing these, the sky had already turned dark "Lin Chui also started to light a fire..

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