Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 76 Live Broadcast With Life (15)

Gradually, as Lin Bei continued to advance, he began to approach the high mountain, and sparse trees began to appear in front of him.

"My current exact location is in the area where the Central Plains meet the Great Dividing Range. The Great Dividing Range in Australia is a peculiar geographical phenomenon, a huge mountain range stretching thousands of kilometers, completely blocking the eastern coast from the inland."

After walking into the high mountain, the trees became denser as you went deeper. Lin Bei stepped on the soft fallen leaves and continued: "The entire Great Dividing Range is about 3,000 kilometers long and 160-320 kilometers wide. My survival plan is to cross the The mountain range in front of me, back to the eastern coastal area, where the population is large, the chances of getting rescue are much greater than inland. I need to climb to the top of the mountain as soon as possible, and then see the situation ahead, and formulate a detailed "Twenty-four Seven" route."

"I'm near the Great Dividing Range now, and the temperature here is only 15 degrees this season. But do you know? It's inland behind me." Lin Bei pointed behind him and continued: "The temperature in the inland wilderness is at least 33 degrees, In the northern and western regions, it may even reach 38 degrees Celsius. Especially in the hottest summer, the temperature there can reach 51 degrees Celsius, all because of this great watershed. It blocks the sea breeze from the eastern sea from blowing inland , leading to the extreme environment in the outback. If you get lost in the Australian wilderness and don't have the right survival skills, your mortality rate can be as high as 75%!"

The mountain was not too steep, and Lin Bei had to speed up in order to catch up on time. At the same time, he explained to the live camera: "I have to speed up, you know, every time the height increases by 100 meters, the temperature will drop by 0.6 degrees Celsius. This mountain is at least 1200 meters high. At its top, the temperature is only 5 degrees Celsius ...especially at night, when the temperature drops below zero. I don't want to spend the night on a cold mountaintop, so I have to hurry."

At this moment, Lin Bei, who was moving swiftly, suddenly stopped and took a step back. Then he adjusted the angle of the live broadcast camera and pointed the camera at the ten withered and yellow shrubs in front of him.

I saw a small piece of spider web on two shrub branches, and a black spider was crawling quietly in the center of the web. The spider was about the size of a fingernail and had a small bright red spot on its black back.

Lin Bei stared at the spider and introduced: "Did you see it? This is the redback spider I just mentioned. I think you should have heard its previous name, which is the black widow spider. The origin of this name It's because when redback spiders mate, the females will kill the males and eat them. Redback spiders are very cruel, and when food is scarce, they will choose to eat their own kind."

"The poison of the redback spider is very strong, and after being bitten by it, you don't feel any discomfort. It's very scary, and it makes people feel that they haven't been bitten at all. After five minutes, the wound starts to heat up. At this time The toxicity has begun to spread. You will have symptoms such as vomiting, fever, and even shock within an hour. If it is not treated in time, it will cause death."

"Let's go! It's not a good choice to provoke them, withdraw!"

In the wilderness, Lin Bei only needs half an hour or even less for a distance of more than 1,000 meters. But when the kilometer turns into a steep mountain, the time required will increase exponentially.

Lin Bei walked through the jungle for more than 3 hours without stopping for a moment. Finally, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Bei successfully reached the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, facing the biting cold wind, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery for a while. Wherever he looked, there were continuous mountains, and he couldn't see the end at a glance.

Lin Bei pointed to the southeast, a relatively flat area and said: "The mountain range is relatively flat, and walking from there can save a lot of time and energy. The average width of the Great Dividing Range is 240 kilometers. Obviously, I can't Go in a straight line, because some peaks are too high and too steep. I can only choose places with relatively easy terrain, but in this way, I need to make more way. I expect to walk out of the mountains in five days, of course this is not In case of an accident."

"To be honest, this episode of the program is my biggest challenge so far. If I am not careful, I will die... I am giving my life to live broadcast for everyone. Viewers, watch and learn!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to joke.

"666, Master Pei who is live broadcasting with his life."

"Grandpa Pei: Pipi Shrimp, let's go!"

"This episode feels like it will be very exciting, looking forward to it.

"The front row sells melon seed snacks and soft drinks."

"Boss, a bottle of 1982 Sprite."

"I'd like some Kobe spicy noodles."

"I suddenly remembered those two anchors who imitated Mr. Pei, the gap was insurmountable.

*2333, I have nothing to do now, so I went to their live broadcast room to scold a few words. "

Looking at the bullet screen, Lin Bei smiled lightly, and then began to descend the mountain cautiously. Many people say that going downhill is faster than going uphill, but that's just for tourist attractions. In the real wilderness and high mountains, the time to go down the mountain is much more troublesome than the time to go up the mountain.

When going down the mountain, you need to pay attention to your feet all the time, because you don't know which stone will suddenly shatter after you step on it.

Over time, the area of ​​the mountain that Lin Bei has left has become less steep. This part of the mountain is in the shade, and the time of sunshine is very short every day. So it's not like the dense trees on the sunny side of the mountain.

Here, there are weeds, and 5.4 countless large pieces of stones.

Soon, Lin Bei stopped walking down the mountain. Because the slope in front of him was covered with large and fast rocks. Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Bei said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, do you think this scene is very familiar?"

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room said that they had seen it in the first episode, Lin Bei smiled and said: "That's right, I encountered such a terrain in the first episode of Shennongjia. But the difference is that it was up the mountain that time. This time it's downhill."

"I don't have any trees around me right now, so I can't use the pole vault method. However, I will use a new method, which is widely used in the military of various countries. This method can maximize the use of every muscle in the human body. Group, the efficiency is not lower than the pole vault method."

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