Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 77: Master Pei Stop Pretending (25)

Lin Bei moved his wrist and neck while talking, and then continued: "This method is parkour! Parkour is classified as an extreme sport, and it was invented by French soldiers during the Vietnam War as a way to quickly pass through obstacle terrain. Parkour can fully mobilize any part of the body, put you in a high-speed movement, and at this time, it will stimulate people's reaction nerves.

"Dear viewers, I recommend you to learn parkour when you are free. Because it can not only strengthen your body, it can even save your life in some cases. According to research data, when sudden earthquakes, fires, car accidents and other disasters At that time, the escape rate of professional parkour athletes is 20 times that of ordinary people!"

Smiling towards the live broadcast camera, Lin Bei said: "Everyone, watch and learn!"

After speaking, the whole body suddenly started, and after a run-up, Lin Bei leaped high and landed on a big rock two meters away. After jumping up, Lin Bei didn't stop at all. He put his hands on the head of Shi 21, and then continued to move forward.

For a moment, the audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded. Especially seeing the big boulder nearly three meters high, Lin Bei only needed 2 seconds to climb it, and he was stunned.

In their eyes, Lin Bei is like a martial arts master flying over the roof and walls, no matter what kind of obstacles, he will pass through them in an instant without the slightest pause. The whole process is smooth and flowing, giving people a sense of art.

This is mainly due to Lin Bei's strong physical attributes, whether it is strength or agility, they have reached the full value of normal people, and even their physical strength and endurance have surpassed normal people.

With such strong physical attributes, coupled with the superb skills in his mind, Lin Bei felt extremely relaxed. In less than five minutes, Lin Bei passed through this large area of ​​rocky terrain.

Standing on the flat ground, Lin Bei breathed out slightly, and said with a smile: "In the process of parkour, the rhythm of breathing is very important. You need to know when to inhale and when to take a breath. This kind of experience I I can't hand it over to you, I can only explore slowly by myself. After all, everyone is different.

"Okay, let's go! I need to find a shelter as soon as possible, and at the same time light a campfire. It's too cold here at night, and it's hard to survive without a campfire."

The audience in the live broadcast room just came back to their senses, and launched barrages frantically. The scene just now was no less than jumping in the air on the ledge of a deserted island.

"Master Pei, tell me the truth, do you really know kung fu?"

"This is parkour? Master Pei, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"Hold the grass, Mr. Pei, you call it parkour? Then what do I see on the Internet? Running?"

"My God! Mr. Pei is so handsome!"

"Hey, why is my knee out of control, don't kneel!"

"Why is it different from the parkour I watched before? Are there many types of parkour?"

"Upstairs you are so stupid, Master Pei is clearly teasing us. 27

"Don't pretend, Mr. Pei, we've already seen it."

The viewers watching the live broadcast couldn't believe that this was parkour, and Lin Bei couldn't help it. The main reason is that his physical attributes are too good, and his skills are completely top-notch, making the audience mistakenly think that he knows kung fu.

Passing through this rocky area, the next road is much easier to walk. And as the altitude gets lower and lower, the terrain becomes flatter.

Lin Bei raised his head and found that the sky had begun to darken, and it would be completely dark in less than two hours. A shelter must be found as soon as possible.

At this moment, Lin Bei's eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a large dry bush in front of him. These bushes grow extremely densely and overgrown with weeds. Lin Bei stepped forward, looked it over carefully, and found that it was very feasible.

So he squatted down, pointed to the large bushes in front of him and said: "This is a good shelter. I just need to dig out a space from the bushes and weeds that can accommodate me to sleep in. At night, here The temperature will drop to 5 degrees Celsius, and these dry weeds and shrubs can provide me with warmth at night. And it can save a lot of time, allowing me to calmly raise a bonfire and look for food.”

After speaking, Lin Bei started to use his hands. These weeds and shrubs were as tall as half a person, and they grew very densely. Lin Bei could easily separate the weeds with only his hands.

Soon, in less than ten minutes, a circular weed hole 2 meters deep appeared on the screen of the live broadcast room. From a distance, this hole looks more like an animal's den.

Lin Bei collected a lot of dry weeds around and spread them in the grass holes. Lie down and tried it, Lin Bei smiled and said: "Haha, not bad! It's still very warm, but the light inside is too dark. But it's very good to find such a shelter. I have to try it while I still have time. See if you can find some food.

Climbing out of the grass hole, Lin Bei collected a lot of dead branches and weeds first. This one is overgrown with bushes and is easy to collect.

It was less than an hour before it got dark. Lin Bei had to reserve half an hour to start the fire, so he only had half an hour to look for food.

Standing on the mountainside, Lin Bei put his head in his hands and began to choose his target. Gravel and bushes and weeds are everywhere you look. In this environment, only 047 has small rodents living.

Lin Bei can only hold the attitude of giving it a try. If he is lucky, he can catch a mouse or two.

Walking among the bushes, Lin Bei squatted down and turned over the stones from time to time to see if there were any insects hiding underneath.

"I have to find something to eat, preferably protein. In a cold environment, people consume a lot of energy to maintain their body temperature. To give a very simple example, if you have an empty stomach in winter And when you are outside when you are full, you will feel significantly colder when you are empty." Lin Bei said to the live camera while searching for food among stones and bushes.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, Lin Bei suddenly grew up. On a rock in front of him, there was a spider about ten centimeters in size lying on its stomach. If this spider's legs are fully extended, it can even reach 16 cm!

Through the live broadcast, the audience can clearly see this huge gray-white spider, and even the fluff on the spider's body can be seen clearly.

Spiders are inherently unpleasant, especially ones this big. Under the Blu-ray image quality, the audience reflexively distanced themselves from the screen, and even some timid girls covered their eyes. .

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