Live Singled Out Wilderness

Chapter 78 Australian Tarantula (35)

Soon, after the audience in the live broadcast room came to their senses, they launched barrages one after another.

"Nimma, what kind of spider is this, why is it so big!"

*666, I feel that this spider can eat mice. "

"Fuck, I'm getting goosebumps."

"Pei Ye, don't say you want to eat this! I really can't take it!"

"It's so exciting! Haha, it's finally time for heavy flavors again!"

"Eat it raw? I can't do it!"

"High energy ahead, non-combatants quickly evacuated from the scene."

"Grandpa Bei is still so irritable."

Lin Bei has no time to pay attention to the live broadcast room at the moment, this is a tarantula, and they move very fast. If you don't pay attention, it will go away.

Apparently, this tarantula has spotted Lin Bei. It's just that he hasn't moved yet, so the tarantula doesn't feel any danger, and stays quietly on the stone.

With his eyes fixed on the tarantula, Lin Bei took a deep breath. Then suddenly launched an attack, and the whole person rushed up quickly. The tarantula's movements were also very fast, and its jumping ability was amazing. The moment Lin Bei pounced, the tarantula quickly jumped towards the bushes.

If it escapes into the bushes, it will be impossible to catch it.

Lin Bei threw himself on the ground, but was swiftly dodged by the tarantula. When the tarantula continued to jump and wanted to escape into the bushes, Lin Bei saw the opportunity and reached out his hand to catch it in the air at the moment it jumped.

"Haha, I still want to run!" Lin Bei laughed and stood up from the ground, raised his right hand in front of the live broadcast camera, and said, "This is a tarantula. To be honest, it is only in a few places such as Australia and the Amazon jungle. Only then can we see such a large tarantula. Tarantulas are also poisonous, but it is not a big problem for humans. Even if they are bitten, they will feel pain in the wound at most. But their venom is fatal to other mammals force.".

"Someone once saw a tarantula in Australia and killed a dog." Lin Bei pinched the back of the tarantula with his left hand, then took out the dagger, cut off the head of the tarantula, and continued: "As long as the head is cut off, the rest can be eaten. However, it cannot be eaten raw, because there are many hairs on the surface of the wolf spider's body. Once these hairs enter the respiratory tract, it will cause allergies, and in severe cases, it will cause asphyxiation shock."

Taking the tarantula all the way back to the sanctuary, Lin Bei threw the completely dead tarantula on the ground and started to make a fire. Although there are countless random stones here, but there is no kindling suitable for the method of making fire with flint, Lin Bei can only honestly and practically drill wood to make fire.

Fortunately, the weather here has been good in the past few days, and the dead branches are relatively dry. Lin Bei managed to light the bonfire well before night fell. Suddenly, the warm firelight dispelled the chill.

Lin Bei picked up a thin dead branch, put a tarantula on it, and slowly roasted it on the campfire. Turning the tarantula over, he said to the live broadcast camera: "Just put it on the bonfire, and the flame will burn all the fluff on it."

After roasting for less than a minute, Lin Bei took the tarantula off the campfire, cooled it carefully, tore off a leg and threw it into his mouth. After chewing for a while, Lin Bei nodded appreciatively and said, "Unexpectedly, the taste is very good, even better than crab legs. The shell on the legs is roasted very crispy, and the meat in the legs is very delicate."

After eating all the legs of the tarantula, there was only the last body left. Lin Bei took a big bite without any reason. Smashing your mouth, you frowned and said: "Obviously, the taste of the body part is not as good as the legs. The texture and taste are very bad, and it feels like it's full of mucus.

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room had already started launching barrage.

"Pei Ye, please let me go, don't f*ck!"

"Okay, okay, I lost."

"Ouch! Brothers, I can't do it anymore."

"666, I see you are so fucking irritable."

"To be fair, the spider legs taste good. Sprinkle some cumin, it's delicious.

"What I look forward to the most every day is watching Master Pei eat."

"Except for the hump, I don't think I've ever seen Mr. Pei picky."

"Upstairs you are still too young. That's because there is still a whole camel. If there is only a hump, see if Master Pei will eat it."

A whole tarantula was the size of a palm, and Lin Bei didn't feel disgusted at all. In comparison, roasted tarantulas are much more delicious than raw scorpion beetles.

"Although I am not full, at least I have added a lot of protein. It is enough for me to resist the severe cold." Sitting by the campfire, Lin Bei added some dead branches from time to time, and then said: "Today is my first time in the wilderness of eastern Australia. One day, to be honest, this place is very unfriendly to me. Tomorrow, I will start trekking through mountains and rivers and face challenges in the wilderness. Believe me, this episode of the program will definitely not let you down, and it is also a great challenge for me!"

Today's live broadcast is over here, I need to raise my spirits to meet tomorrow's challenge. Everyone, see you tomorrow!"

Amid the barrage of audience's reluctance, Lin Bei closed the live broadcast room. After putting away the aerial photography drone, Lin Bei put out the bonfire and buried the embers with soil. This was done primarily to prevent the night wind from setting his shelter ablaze.

His shelter is made entirely of dry weeds and shrubs, like a giant firewood pile. Once it is ignited, it will ignite a raging fire in an instant.

Getting into the hole in the grass, Lin Bei zipped up his jacket. Close your eyes and gradually fall asleep.

In the wilderness, Lin Bei never suffers from sleeplessness. Faced with various dangers every day, it consumes a lot of physical and mental energy. Once (King's) lay in the safe shelter, it will fall asleep in no time.

The next day, early morning.

As the sun rose gradually, the entire mountain range seemed to come to life for a while, and the singing of birds and animals echoed in the valley. Lin Bei rubbed his sleepy eyes and got out of the grass hole.

Breathing the chilly morning air, Lin Bei glanced back at the low grass hole. Not to mention, last night the grass hole was surprisingly effective in keeping warm. plus his strong physique

It didn't even feel cold.

After opening the live broadcast room, the aerial photography drone rose slowly.

Lin Bei looked at the audience pouring into the live broadcast room, and said: "A new day has begun. Yesterday I made a survival route on the commanding heights. I need to go all the way down to the valley from here, and then head southeast." Walk all the way. Not only is the terrain relatively flat, but there are also water sources.”

"Everyone, let's go!"

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