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Chapter 1026 Don't make up for the deficiency?

Not everyone can control Goldrinn's power. The werewolf who almost completely lost his mind is a typical negative example.

As Sharlayan's awareness of the warrior profession continued to increase, his warrior level had reached level 58, which was not too far away from the mortal limit of level 60.

Since Sharlayan adopted a method of balanced distribution of experience, after long-term experience, his druid level also crossed the last hurdle of level 55, reaching a high level of level 56.

Sharlayan once considered whether to concentrate on climbing one of the professions to the pinnacle of mortals, but after discussing with Danmaku, he finally gave up this tempting idea and chose two professions to go hand in hand.

In the words of the barrage, Sharlayan hasn't gotten enough of Azshara's favorability, and he can't get the most critical information from her to break through as a mortal and become a demigod.

Even if he concentrates on raising the warrior level to the limit, Sharlayan will not be able to break through again for the time being.

From Malfurion and Tyrande being stuck at the peak for 10,000 years, it can be intuitively concluded that the boundary between mortals and demigods is not so easy to break through.

Even if Sharlayan had the blood of an extraordinary creature like the Dragon Clan, he didn't think he could easily surpass a talent like Malfurion.

With no one leading the way and only being able to work behind closed doors, even Sharlayan, who has the blood of the Dragon Race, may need to spend tens of hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years, to cross that threshold.

Due to the long-term influence exerted by the barrage, Sharlayan's outlook on life is closer to that of ephemeral species.

Knowing that Azeroth will be full of disasters and disasters in the future, he can't wait that long.

This "gift" from Goldrinn... let's call it a gift, it came at the right time.

Although Sharlayan, who had just endured the added power of rage, could barely control his mind, if he could completely digest it as Goldrinn said, he would be able to open that path from another angle. The key to the gate.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Jaina, Tinagosa, and Stellagosa quickly moved away from the emotionally unstable Sharlayan under the solemn greeting of Onyxia, whose back was bristling.

After about half an hour, Sharlayan, who had bruised veins on his forehead and a blood-red face, finally got rid of the influence of his fury while panting heavily.

From the big drops of sweat streaming down his forehead, it can be seen that the process of controlling emotions is not easy.

The women who had been watching him with worried faces in the distance immediately surrounded him. Onyxia, who was the strongest, was the first to help Sharlayan, who was still bent over, up.

"Are you okay?"

Onyxia, who has always been calm about all kinds of things, rarely showed obvious worry and dissatisfaction.

"That fellow Goldrinn is really reckless, injecting highly concentrated rage power into your body without even saying hello."

"If you make a mistake, you may completely lose your mind like a werewolf!"

After the congestion in the head gradually subsided, Sarlayan's originally flushed face quickly turned pale, and he was visibly showing a little sickness.

He forced his still very weak body to smile wryly and shook his head at Onyxia: "This is how the wolf god chooses his patrons... or companions."

"It may be a bit of an afterthought to say that. I had expected this kind of situation to happen again when I first received the blessing of the wolf soul."

"Hey~" Onyxia smiled helplessly: "That's right, Goldrinn has such a temper... So what? What benefits did you get from this new blessing?"

"I am not sure."

Sharlayan shook his slightly trembling hands in a daze: "Maybe it's because the blessing came too suddenly, or maybe I haven't touched the core part of the blessing, at least I haven't felt any difference at this stage. place."

Stellagosa scanned Sharlayan's physical condition with a spell, and said to him with concern: "Don't be in a hurry, your current state is very bad."

"In order to suppress the furious force in your body, your own energy is extremely overdrawn, and you need to rest as soon as possible."

Of course Sharlayan himself knew best about his own body. He nodded with a bitter face: "Since I awakened the blood of the red dragon, I have never felt such a weak state."

"Anyway, the main tasks of this visit to Kalimdor have been completed, and it's time to take a good rest."

After confirming that Sharlayan's body was just overdrawn and weak, Jaina finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, let's go back to the material world to meet Valeera... I don't know if she will blame us for not protecting you well."


Sharlayan smiled and rubbed the head of Jaina who was depressed, just like comforting the young princess of Kul Tiras back then.

"Don't worry, Valeera is not unreasonable."

"Compared to this insignificant little thing..."

Sharlayan turned to look at the black dragon princess who supported her the whole time: "Oni, it's time for you to fulfill the promise you made earlier."

Onyxia knew what Salayan was referring to, and handed over the task of helping Salayan to Stellagosa and Jaina.

Tina? The little guy turned into a dwarf was as tall as Sharlayan's waist, and he had no strength to support him.

Tinagosa, who had gradually become sensible, did not jump on Sarlayan's shoulder to be naughty as before, but tried to restore Sarlayan's state with the still unskilled holy light spell.

One thing to say, Sharlayan didn't even know when this girl also cultivated the power of the holy light.

But after thinking about it, for the dragon clan with a long lifespan, it is strange to only specialize in one kind of power.

Just like Stellagosa, although she always uses arcane magic to simulate gravity, she actually dabbles in various spell types, but she doesn't delve into it deeply.

Valeera's situation is also similar. As the thief profession grows slower and slower, she begins to follow Onyxia to learn how to use the power of shadow in depth, hoping to further strengthen her ability by analogy.

As for Jaina, she does not have abilities other than arcane. The power of arcane itself and the ice and fire spells simulated by arcane are enough for her to study.

After receiving further inspiration from Sharlayan, Jaina also tried to use arcane magic to simulate the expressions of the two elements of terroir.

Jaina has made some progress in the simulation element after visiting and learning from the real shaman Nobundo in New Shattras.

Not only is Sharlayan growing up, in order to keep up with his footsteps, the confidante around Sarlayan did not relax their efforts to improve their own strength.

In the words of the barrage, the small family centered on Sarlayan is an inward engine, and the outsiders such as Lyras, Liadrin, Lor'themar, Vereesa, and Cirvanas are all involved. Unconsciously increased the training intensity.

The power that makes up this sub-plane of dreams comes from N'Zoth, and of course it is based on the power of the void that the ancient gods are best at.

And Onyxia happened to hold the best weapon in her hand to break through the realm of the power of the void - the Dark Empire Blade.


As Sharlayan and others left one after another, Onyxia, who maintained her human form, was filled with black energy. She poured a large amount of shadow power into the Dark Empire Blade in her hand, and carefully untied Xalatas. part of the seal.

All the Old Gods are chatterboxes. They have been locked in the seal for a long time. They can only watch Onyxia’s mood and chat with her occasionally. Xalatath’s remnant soul has long been suppressed. Become crazy.

After finally seeing a gap, it couldn't wait to get out, trying to break through the seal imposed by Azadas.

Onyxia took advantage of Xalatath's eagerness to guide its power to strengthen the Blade of the Dark Empire again, but it didn't really give it a chance to break free from the seal.

As the blade of the dagger pierced into one of the key nodes that constitute the subplane in front of the Black Dragon Princess, a large number of substantial cracks appeared with the naked eye centered on this point.


Before this sub-plane of dreams completely collapsed, Onyxia's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a flash of ice-cold light in her usual lazy and godless eyes.

"Don't blame me for venting my anger unreasonably. I can't beat Goldrinn, so you can't deal with it?"

"Wash your neck and wait for me. Next time we meet, I won't give N'Zoth another chance to save you from leaving."

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