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Chapter 1027 The vengeful wolf god and the even more vengeful black dragon princess

Before meeting Sharlayan, reuniting with her mother Sinestra through his help, and recognizing her never-masked younger brother Ebisian, Onyxia's state of mind was quite gloomy.

Looking back now, before getting acquainted with Salayan, the happiest time in her life was when she was making trouble with Chromie when she was a child.

After the War of the Ancients, Onyxia, who grew up gradually, witnessed the breakup of her parents and the change of her brother's personality. As a result, her life took a completely different path from her carefree childhood.

Under the cruel and high demands of the fallen Deathwing, Onyxia's strength has improved rapidly, and the name of the Black Dragon Princess has gradually spread.

However, the cheerful nature of her youth gradually faded with Deathwing's rigorous training.

To use Onyxia's self-deprecating words after enlightenment, in those long thousands of years, she lived less and less like herself.

Under Deathwing's deliberate guidance, Onyxia's heart was gradually filled with negative emotions.

She began to be keen on using intrigues and schemes to play with others, and fully appreciated all the ugliness they exposed in desperation.

Onyxia herself knew that her twisted hobby was undoubtedly pathological, but when she couldn't see any light ahead, she willingly indulged in the short-term pleasure of torturing others.

If she couldn't entertain herself with those boring tasks, she felt that sooner or later, she would be tortured to the point of insanity by the increasingly insane Deathwing.

Just like her mother who could no longer bear her husband's crazy transformation and suddenly left without saying goodbye one day.

Due to Deathwing's deliberate misleading, Onyxia, who was young when Sinestra left, really thought that her mother had abandoned her on her own initiative.

With Nefarian, who knew the truth, keeping silent, and Deathwing wantonly using the history books, Onyxia, under the guidance of her father, naturally embarked on a road of no return to the darkest.

It wasn't until she reunited with her mother in Draenor after thousands of years that Onyxia learned the truth from her mouth.

If it's just like this, that's all. In Onyxia's cognition at the time, she and her mother whose strength has been greatly weakened due to injury cannot compete with Deathwing, who commands the Black Dragon Legion.

Still under the efforts of Sharlayan, Onyxia unexpectedly learned that the hometown of the black dragon, High Mountain, actually lived in seclusion with a pure-blooded black dragon royal family who was not polluted by Deathwing's mad blood, her biological brother.

That is, Abyssian with the pseudonym Noire.

Onyxia, who is lazy and playful by nature, is not interested in being a banner of resistance, and lacks the motivation to restore the reputation of the black dragon clan after all the chaos.

The appearance of Ebixien just happened to be able to shoulder the responsibilities she should have assumed. For a while, Onyxia pinned all her hopes on this younger brother who had not obtained the complete black dragon inheritance, hoping that he would grow up to The height of mother's expectations.

Fortunately, Ebixien is good enough. Although this guy has a bad habit of bragging, this personal hobby is harmless.

Under Sinestra's wholehearted training, Ebisian gradually showed the magnanimity and skill that a black dragon royal family should have.

More and more establishment black dragons returned to the Dragonbone Wilderness under Sinestra's running call, and gathered in the Obsidian Holy Land, under the banner of Ebythian.

Onyxia knew very well who brought about all these changes, which made her curious about Sharlayan who planned the whole process.

There is a saying in Danmaku that when a woman develops a strong curiosity and desire to find out about a certain opposite sex, it is often the beginning of her falling in love.

Taking advantage of Deathwing's serious injury and escaping from the world, Onyxia, persuaded by her mother, finally made up her mind to get rid of Deathwing's control, throw away those things imposed by others, and return to her true self.

So Sharlayan saw a fun-loving person who was becoming lazy and playful day by day. This was Onyxia's true character after shedding her beauty.

Referring to the deeds and fate of the black dragon princess in the original history, Sharlayan believes that Onyxia’s changes are not bad, at least she will no longer stand against the defenders of Azeroth, and the dragon’s head will not be hung on Decorate the gate of Stormwind City.

Going around for thousands of years, under the strict control of Deathwing, Onyxia lived like a marionette, and was in a high-pressure environment of fear all day long.

companion? At that time, Onyxia didn't have the extra energy to think about this issue at all. How to survive the increasingly stringent requirements of Deathwing was the biggest issue she faced at that time.

There is a saying that the more repressed certain emotions are, the more ferocious they will be when they explode.

Sharlayan has completely changed Onyxia's life in a substantial sense, giving her a chance to choose her own future.

Don't look at Onyxia's giggling and indifferent appearance all day long, in fact, she loves and values ​​Sarlayan in her heart no less than Valeera, who is the most intense on the outside.

To use an inappropriate metaphor...

"Only I can 'bully' my partner, when will it be your turn to hurt him, cats and dogs?"

The new Nightmare King Valothen escaped with the help of N'Zoth's protection as always, but he has not realized that he has been targeted by three guys who are not easy to mess with.

Fortunately, Garald said that as long as he was not allowed to summon a large army to launch a siege with exquisite military command art, Garald's personal strength alone would not be able to pose a fatal threat to Varothen, who was almost the pinnacle of martial arts among mortals.

However... At the same time, there is also a vengeful wolf god and an even more vengeful black dragon princess who are eyeing Varosen.

After completely destroying the half-finished dream sub-plane constructed by N'Zoth, Onyxia also returned to the material world following Sharlayan and others.

As Onyxia expected, Valeera immediately took over the weak Sarlayan from Stellagosa and Jaina, and glared at the others angrily and anxiously.

But that's all.

As Sarlayan said, Valeera is not an unreasonable person. After learning the truth from Stella Gosa with a wry smile on her face, she could only shake her head and complain helplessly.

"Goldrinn...Forget it, let's talk to him later."

"Everything is almost done, shall we head home now?"

With Valeera's physique as a thief, it was quite difficult to carry the strong and strong Sharlayan.

Just at this time, Onyxia stepped forward to help, and she still naughtyly hooked Sharlayan's palm lightly, and gave him a subtle wink.

Sharlayan, who hadn't recovered yet, gave her an angry look, and answered Valeera's question first.

"Let's report the situation to Remulos first."

"As for the next itinerary... I don't want to take a bumpy fast boat in this terrible state. Let's go to Mount Hyjal and visit Malfurion."

Valli was stunned for a moment, and then said suddenly: "Do you want to use the road of dreams to directly teleport back to the Temple of Desom?"

Since Malfurion connected Quel'Thalas' sacred tree of life, Sas'ara, to the world tree network built by the Emerald Dream, through the transfer of the Emerald Road, theoretically, it can be directly transmitted from the Temple of Desom to any An area where the World Tree and the Miracle Tree take root.

However, if you want to use the Dream Road, the first major premise is that the individual using it must have a certain degree of natural power, and be allowed to enter the Emerald Dream by the Green Dragon Queen Ysera.

There are not many people with such qualifications in Quel'Thalas. The way of druid introduced by Sarlayan has only been developed in Quel'Thalas for less than ten years. They are not qualified to touch the Emerald Dream.

However, Sharlayan himself is an exception. With the blood of the green dragon, he has long been given authority by Ysera, and he can even bring a few more entourages with him when using the Dreamland Road.

The reason why they didn't come here was because Sharlayan had already planned to deal with Agamaggan and Aegwynn's mother and son first, and the family's leisurely voyage at sea could also be regarded as part of their honeymoon trip.

Given Sarlayan's current state, it was obviously not suitable for continuing to take the boat, and Valeera subconsciously thought that he wanted to use the road of dreams to directly return to the Temple of Dysum on the other side of the sea.

But Sharlayan shook his head and denied Valeera's guess: "I don't plan to go back so soon, but indeed, I have a plan to go to the Emerald Dreamland, cultivate my soul in the dreamland, and confirm some miscellaneous things by the way. matter."


The world tree Nordrassil, blessed by the three dragon kings, is the closest place to the Emerald Dreamland except the Emerald Dragon Sanctuary in Dragonbone Wilderness.

Night elf druids can easily dream near the temple near the new Well of Eternity lake. For ten thousand years, they have been assisting the green dragon to maintain the tranquility of the dream world.

Knowing that Sharlayan came to visit, Malfurion, who was in charge of his itinerary, was somewhat surprised. He thought that Sharlayan and his party would return directly after leaving Moonglade.

Under the arrangement of Malfurion, Shandris Feathermoon, the Sentinel in charge of the defense of Mount Hyjal, came to the entrance of Mount Hyjal and greeted Sharlayan, who was riding on Onyxia itself. On top of Mount Hyjal.

When Sharlayan and others landed in front of the World Tree Temple by the new Well of Eternity Lake, Malfurion had already come here from the treetop city Andarius to wait in advance.

Seeing Sarayana's still somewhat sick face, Malfurion realized that something was wrong.

As a genius proficient in all aspects of druidism, Malfurion knew about Sharlayan's situation as soon as he set his hands on it.

"Power overdrawn?"

A look of surprise appeared on Malfurion's face, and he stroked his beard subconsciously to calm down his emotions.

"What kind of enemy can overdraw you with the blood of the red dragon and the green dragon to such an extent?"

Sharlayan's face was still a little pale, and he shook his head with a wry smile: "It is true that I encountered an enemy, but my physical condition was not caused by him."

"Let's not talk about this first."

Sharlayan warned Malfurion with a serious expression: "We have already found out the identity of the Nightmare King, and that guy is still your old acquaintance - Queen Azshara's former guard captain, Varothen. "

Hearing this familiar name, Malfurion's pupils shrank suddenly.

"...What? Valocen is still alive?!"

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