Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1029 Skillful Sap Technique

There are many different theories about the origin of the Harpy in various parts of Azeroth.

One of the most widely circulated rumors is that the harpy was also a night elf who was transformed into a half-human, half-bird form by some kind of curse.

This kind of argument is widely spread among the people, mainly based on the curvaceous upper body and glamorous appearance of the Harpy.

However, for Sharlayan, who had already known the true origin of the Harpy from the barrage, this kind of folk rumors made him smile bitterly.

Unlike the naga, the harpy has no blood relationship with the night elves. They are actually the offspring of Aviana, the mother of all birds and known as the messenger of the demigod.

Before the demigods of the wilderness officially joined the War of the Ancients, Cenarius was the first to find Aviana perched on the top of the Ganir tree, and entrusted her to convey the information of the Burning Legion's invasion to the other demigods of the wilderness.

As the mother of all birds, Aviana's flying speed is far beyond that of ordinary birds.

In just a few days, she flew all over Azeroth, delivering the message Cenarius had commissioned to every wild demigod.

It is precisely because of this super-fast transmission of news and the achievements of connecting all the demigods in the wilderness that Aviana was given the honorary title of demigod messenger by demigods and mortals.

However, compared to those wilderness demigods with outstanding combat power like Malorne, Asaman, Goldrin, Agamaggan, Ursoc, and the Usor brothers, Aviana's combat ability is half Relatively backward among the gods.

In terms of overall combat effectiveness, Aviana is not even as good as Cenarius, who has always been looked down upon by Goldrinn.

As the courier of the coalition forces, Aviana has been active at the forefront for a long time, shuttled back and forth over the battlefield with her speed that is difficult for the enemy to match.

There is a saying in the world where the barrage is located, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will never get wet.

After noticing the powerful intelligence support provided by Aviana's existence to the coalition forces, the Burning Legion quickly formulated a hunting plan specifically for her.

Under the ambushes prepared in advance by a large number of doomsday guards with the ability to fly, Aviana slammed into the trap and struggled for a long time, but was finally outnumbered and pierced by spears, and fell from the sky while spraying hot blood.

The mother tree Ganir that lived with Aviana also withered and withered quickly with her fall. Cenarius and Malfurion who came to hear the news only had time to pluck the last tree from Ganir's trunk. root twigs.

By the way, the acorn fruit from which Nordaniel was planted later hangs on this last Ganir twig.

During the War of the Ancients, the harpy also joined the coalition with their mother and participated in the battle against the demons.

The air brigade composed of harpies provided important protection for the heads of the coalition forces. They fought side by side with the dragons, and with difficulty withstood the wave after wave of massive doom guards.

Just like the self-defeating wild boar, who lost the protection and guidance of the demigod, after the end of the war of the ancients, the harpy who had made great contributions in the war also quickly degenerated.

They no longer guard the sky for other races in Azeroth, but spread out and inhabit all corners of the Kalimdor continent, often looting other races in the past.

Since there are no males in the harpies, if they want to have offspring, they can only abduct males from other races for mating and laying eggs.

Don't think that this is some kind of eclectic experience, none of the men who were captured by the harpies can come out alive.

Without Aviana's integration, the harpies split countless clans, and each clan would have a mistress leading the clansmen, which is similar to the large number of orc clans.

Usually, different Harpy clans do not cooperate, but fight each other for resources.

Therefore, Sharlayan had rarely seen more than 100 harpies before, and he had never seen thousands of harpies gathering together to fight for the same goal.

That's right, Sharlayan was also targeted by Harpy during his travels in Kalimdor.

However, with his strength, a mere few dozen harpies could not pose too much threat at all, and Sharlayan didn't even bother to talk about this kind of thing.

The Emerald Dream can theoretically accommodate the souls of all creatures in the entire Azeroth after entering the dream, but not everyone can easily enter the dream.

The green dragon clan led by Ysera the Sleeper will strictly screen the qualifications for dreaming with the assistance of druids.

Sharlayan suspected that the thousand or so harpy souls in front of him should be the total number of harpy souls who had been able to enter the Emerald Dream over the years.

This means that the harpy has been preparing for this raid for at least ten years, or even decades, and they are obviously determined to break the boat to win.

Judging from the number of raptor druids at the scene and their defensive formation, they obviously lacked sufficient defense against the Harpy's surprise attack, and they were beaten back after the battle started.

As an outsider, Sharlayan didn't want to intervene in the conflict between the harpy and the night elves, but he couldn't guarantee what the harpy would do with Aviana's soul egg.

In order to ensure that Aviana can be resurrected smoothly when the distance between the major subplanes and Azeroth gets closer, Sharlayan cannot just watch her being taken away by the harpies.

If Onyxia, whose strength had reached the level of a demigod, charged in, even if she couldn't completely repel the enemy, she should be able to retreat relatively easily.

But at this time, Onyxia still carried a few "oil bottles" on her back, one of which was still sick.

When receiving Sharlayan's instructions, the Black Dragon Princess obviously hesitated.

Valeera also frowned and asked, "Are you sure you want to rush in with us? In your current state, a few harpies will be able to capture you."

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "Aren't you still protecting me? I hope to go to the front line to understand the actual situation."

Withdrawing the smile on his face, Sharlayan looked thoughtfully at the high-spirited Harpy troop.

"Are these harpies really just trying to get back Aviana's soul egg? I always feel that they have another purpose behind it...or, in other words, someone is taking advantage of these harpies' long-cherished wish to welcome back the mother of all birds. "

Although Jaina is not good at guessing people's hearts, combined with her recent experience, she, who is smart and ice-snow, quickly had an association.

"Do you suspect that Varosen is playing tricks?"


Sharlayan nodded seriously: "People from the Ancient God faction are very good at deceiving people. As the Nightmare King, Varothen obviously has the ability to sneak into the Emerald Dream without Ysera noticing."

"I don't think he would honestly do nothing all these years, otherwise the dream subplane constructed by N'Zoth would not be that barren scene."

If Varosen had made up his mind to farm first and develop insignificantly, he would definitely be the first to develop his base camp.

However, according to what Sarlayan and his party had seen before, Varosen did not do this, so what he did in the past few years after taking over from Xavius ​​as the Nightmare Queen... is very intriguing.

"Oni, whether my guess is correct or not..."

Sharlayan patted Onyxia's sturdy scales and said, "As long as you can rush into the enemy line and capture a harpy leader who is not low in status, you should have a way to pry information from her, right?"

"Heh~ That's needless to say."

Onyxia chuckled confidently and said, "Okay, then sit still... Valeera, Stellagosa and Jaina, protect him, I'm going to speed up!"

Tina Gosa jumped up and shouted unhappily: "Why did you skip me!"

Onyxia was not in the mood to appease her little sister right now, and after confirming that Salayan lowered her center of gravity and was ready, she violently flapped her powerful wings.

The movement caused by the huge black dragon flying at full speed was not small, and the harpy who was still busy with the frontal assault quickly noticed the threat from the rear.

However, with their small bodies, they couldn't stop the huge adult black dragon at all.


Before Onyxia burst into the enemy line, she first sprayed out a charged dragon's breath, and a large number of feathers on the harpies were ignited by the shadow flame dragon's breath, screaming and falling from the air.

Onyxia ignored the few miscellaneous soldiers left on the way, and forced her way into it with the help of the black dragon scales with strong defense power against the attack.

Before Onyxia started to move, Sharlayan used Hawkeye to lock on a harpy who looked like a leader in advance.

Under his instructions, Onyxia sprinted straight in the direction of the leader Harpy.

"It's now!"

Sharlayan, who was in poor health, did not take any action himself. Seeing that Onyxia was not far from the target, he calmly ordered: "Stella, trap her!"

"Little squirrel, use the hook lock to pull her over!"

Valeera retorted reflexively: "Don't call me a little squirrel!"

Although she said so, her body followed Sharlayan's order honestly and began to act.


Stellagosa made the first move, and the quasi-miniature black hole made of arcane arts appeared directly in front of the leader of the harpy with more ornate feathers.

The huge suction trapped her in place, unable to move, she could only scream and flap her wings vigorously, but it didn't work.

Under the suggestion of Sharlayan (or Barrage), Valeera specially built two strong hook locks a long time ago, and after a long period of practice, she has been able to use them proficiently in battle.

The hook lock played a big role in Valeera's previous battle to capture Calgar Thornrib.


The sharp front end of the rapidly stretching hook lock was precisely hooked on the collarbone of the leader of the harpy. Stella Gosa dispersed the mini black hole in a timely manner, allowing Valeera to take the leader of the harpy who was a little out of strength after struggling too much. Pulled back.

In order to prevent the target from losing too much blood, Tinagosa also "intimately" helped her heal her wounds with an unskilled holy light spell, and by the way knocked the Harpy leader unconscious with a stick.

"This skilled technique..."

Stellagosa frowned: "Why do I feel like I've seen it somewhere?"

Onyxia, who had already begun to stand out from the encirclement, laughed loudly: "Of course you have seen it. This is the special method I used when I beat Sap with Chromie."


Sharlayan comforted the furious Stellagosa, dumbfounded: "Let's talk after we have something to say, we should withdraw."

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