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Chapter 1030 Little Star's Reverse Scale

Compared with Valeera, Gianna, and Onyxia, who have more distinctive personalities and are more active, Stellagosa is very docile in most cases, and is the favorite gentle and pleasant companion of many barrage netizens.

Note that in most cases.

Once you touch the reverse scale of the little star, she will let you feel the anger from the blue dragon.

For Stellagosa, who looks forward to her sister Jackie Chan, Tinagosa is undoubtedly one of her reverse scales.

For a long time, Stellagosa has always been worried about Tinagosa's education. As long as she can spare time from her busy work, she will choose to personally teach her cheerful younger sister.

However, Stellagosa shouldered the important task of being the chief secretary of Sarlayan, but Sarlayan was also a hands-off shopkeeper who only cared about the general direction.

Coordination with all aspects required Stellagosa to come forward, which resulted in her daily working hours being much longer than those of Salayan when the cat was at home, and there would always be times when Tinagosa could not be taken care of.

The lively and active Tina obviously can't sit still. Once she finishes the homework assigned by her sister, she will perform on the spot what it means to let go.

Since her little friend Jaina left Quel'Thalas to continue her studies in Dalaran, Tinagosa has indeed restrained herself a lot.

But that was only relative to her previous excessive mischievousness.

So here comes the question, when Sarlayan, Valeera, and Stellagosa are all busy with their own work, who will have the most time to have fun with Little Tina?

The answer is actually self-evident.

What can I learn from Onyxia, who is a hedonist who eats, drinks and has fun all day long, and who was regarded as a demon king by her dragon friends when she was a child?

Sharlayan commented in two words: "Hehe."

Fortunately, Onyxia still had a sense of propriety and didn't take Tinagosa too far.

However, following Onyxia for a long time to play wildly in the territory, after all, she will still be affected by her.

No, the little guy's proficient sap technique made Stellagosa, who had always hoped that she could grow into an upright dragon, a little bit depressed.

After one move was successful, Onyxia laughed heartily, ignoring Stellagosa's thoughts along the way, and rushed out of the encirclement with her strong defense against the crazy counterattacks of countless harpies.

After noticing that there were passengers on the black dragon's back, some of the harpies shifted their targets and began to cast spells on Sharlayan and the others.

Some harpies have the ability to cast spells, they can not only attack with sharp claws, otherwise they would not become one of the nightmares of the Kalimdor merchant group in the wild.

Traveling without a trace in the air, and being able to fly kites from a distance with spells, any business traveler who was targeted by the harpies would have a headache. When walking outside, they would inevitably recruit mercenaries with good strength and good at long-range attacks.

Otherwise... just wait for people and money to be empty.

Facing the harpy's continuous long-range magic attacks, Stellagosa finally couldn't care less about scolding Onyxia for bringing bad children, and pulled Tina, who suddenly became honest after knowing the truth, and Ji, who suppressed her smile. Anna propped up the defensive barrier together.

Don’t think Jaina is a good baby. In the early years, the mischievous combination she formed with Tina caused a lot of troubles, but she gradually became a lady as she grew older and for some special reasons. .

This special reason is Sharlayan. Jaina doesn't want her brother Sharlayan to treat her as a little brat who only knows how to play crazy, so she forces herself to become mature and stable.

But as the barrage said, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Occasionally, Jaina will accidentally reveal her playful side.

The harpies following Onyxia did not chase after her.

This joint operation launched to recapture Aviana was jointly participated by multiple clans. What Sharlayan and his party captured was only the mistress of one of the clans, and only members of that clan followed behind in an attempt to regain the head of the clan.

The other clans gave chase for a token moment before turning back and rejoining the attack on the druid of the raptor.

There are priorities, and the death of a patriarch is nothing compared to the importance of recapturing Aviana.

It's not their own mistress anyway.

After the sharp reduction in the number of pursuers, the number of harpies still hanging behind Onyxia is more in line with Sharlayan's conventional cognition, and there are only a few dozen people in total.

Onyxia has never had a temper that can be tolerated. Seeing that the pursuit pressure behind her has been greatly reduced, she made a big U-turn on the spot with her huge body.

Although this unexpected way of maneuvering caused Onyxia to turn around and appear behind the Harpy pursuit team, her impulsive move almost threw Sharlayan, who was unprepared and weak-handed.

Fortunately, Valiera quickly used another hook to tie Salayan to herself, and finally did not let Salayan fall freely from the sky.

Under Valeera's stern scolding, Onyxia also realized that she had caused trouble above her, so she could only pretend that she was concentrating on the battle and didn't hear anything, taking a deep breath and cremating all the harpies who couldn't turn around in time.

Only about a hundred Harpys were wiped out by Sharlayan and the others, which seemed to have no effect on the overall situation.

However, when Onyxia rushed into the enemy's line before, it attracted the attention of about half of the harpy, which obviously slowed down the efficiency of their forward attack.

Accidentally obtained this precious respite, the raptor druids who were a little stunned by a set of combos gradually came back to their senses.

The reinforcements staying above the canopy of Garnier also took advantage of this opportunity to catch up, and the druids of raptors finally regained their formation and once again welcomed the Harpy's attack with a more stable posture.

In contrast, the Harpy seemed a little impatient.

Because they all know that the druid of the raptor is not the most difficult enemy in the emerald dream.

"hold head high!"

The sound of the dragon chant from a distance fulfilled the bad premonition of the harpy mistresses.

Due to the delay caused by Sarlayan's group, they failed to break through the defense line of the raptor druids in a wave as expected, and the green dragon army, who noticed the strangeness, had rushed over after hearing the news.

"Damn black dragon!"

One of the harpy mistresses who was in command at the rear glared angrily at Onyxia who had already flown away, gritted her teeth and gave the latest order to her clan.

"The opportunity is lost, the green dragon will arrive soon, let's withdraw!"

Even though they desperately want to regain Aviana's soul egg, most of the harpy leaders are still not up, they know the strength gap between themselves and the green dragonflight.

Facing the raptor druid who was caught off guard, the well-prepared harpy had no small chance of winning the battle, after all, the opponent was just a mortal.

But when facing dragons, the situation is completely different. The gap between extraordinary creatures and mortals cannot be bridged by numbers alone.

Except for the two upper clans who were still attacking the raptor druids like crazy and had already built a solid line of defense, most of the Harpy clans quickly dispersed and retreated under the leadership of their respective mistresses.

After the Green Dragon Army sensed the scene, they quickly wiped out the remaining harpies with the acid dragon's breath.

The leading green dragon with the largest body first greeted Omulon, the leader of the raptor druids, and then looked puzzled at the disturbing black dragon that was about to disappear.

"That's... Onyxia? How did she appear in the Emerald Dream?"

"about this point……"

Omulon, known as the Skyscreamer, answered the leading green dragon's doubts.

"Melinsera, I received news from Malfurion not long ago that Onyxia and her partner, Sharlayan Deep Shadow, happened to be guests at the World Tree Temple in the material world. It is said that they I need to go to the dreamland to discuss with the demigod of the wilderness."

The Green Dragon Princess Merlinthra, she is the legitimate daughter of Ysera the Sleeper and the legal heir of the Green Dragonflight.

Merlinsera's father is the strongest member of the Green Dragon Army except Ysera, the green dragon warrior Eranikus.

As Ysera's personally appointed first-in-line heir, Melinthra, together with the crown princes of other three-color giant dragons, participated in the first battle of quicksand on behalf of their elders.

The war was fought horribly, and a large number of dragons fell under the hurling attacks of the Anubisath Colossus corrupted by C'Thun.

The three dragon crown princes, Alygos, Kerestrasz, and Merlinsera, were unfortunately shot down and captured. Only the bronze dragon prince, Anachronos, escaped by staying behind.

Under the help of Salayan, the three dragon crown princes were personally rescued by their elders in the second Quicksand War, and successfully won the Quicksand War, sealing C'Thun again.

Merlinsera had heard the name Sharlayan Deep Shadow from her friend Arygos long ago, and knew that he was the biggest contributor behind the second Quicksand War, and also knew that he was the Eli Nastasza's own son.

"Onyxia actually found a partner?"

As a member of the direct royal family of the five dragon clans, Merlinsera has known Onyxia since she was a child.

Her character is relatively stable, and she can't play well with Onyxia and Chromie, two escaped demon kings.

Even so, as a little friend who grew up together, Merlinthra knows Onyxia quite well, knowing that she has been forced by the tyrant father Deathwing for a long time, and lives a life like a slave without autonomy.

Melinsera once thought that Onyxia would let go of herself under pressure and anesthetize herself by changing partners frequently.

After learning that Onyxia had escaped Deathwing's control and returned to the right path, she was even happy for her childhood playmate, but she never expected that she would find her life partner ahead of her.

"Sharlayan Deep Shadow..."

Inas has half the blood of the green dragon, and is half a generation older than Melinsera in terms of seniority.

However, the long-lived Dragon Clan doesn't care much about seniority, and the relationship between Melinthra and Inas is not bad, they can be regarded as friends, and they naturally pay more attention to her son.

"Heh~ It's a good thing someone can contain Onyxia's restless heart."

Merlinsera shook her head with a smile, put aside her thoughts of gossip for the time being, and chatted with Sky Screamer O'Muron about business.

"Come back to business, what happened to the Harpy's sudden attack? Why didn't we receive any relevant information in advance?"

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