Many nations and races took part in this battle to defend the world.

First of all, the recently reorganized alliance is led by the Kingdom of Stormwind, which is the closest to the Dark Portal, and the six human kingdoms, Quel'Thalas, Khaz Modan, and Gnomeregan have all sent reinforcements without exception. It's just that there are more or less troops.

Braving the hail of bullets, Salayan saw the Lordaeron infantry led by Mograine, the highland cavalry from Stormgard, the mixed regiment of Gilneas, and the Alterac army. Mountain Army.

Including the Dalaran mage standing on the city wall and casting spells and the Kul Tiras sailors manipulating the city's fire artillery to counterattack, the seven human kingdoms arrived very neatly.

Sharlayan was not surprised that Lordaeron's trump card Knights of the Silver Hand did not come.

After all, there are still many problems in Lordaeron that need to be dealt with. The first thing to bear the brunt is to eliminate those demonic spies who infiltrate guerrillas everywhere.

Thinking of the major difficulties Lordaeron is about to face, Sharlayan couldn't help sighing.

Sometimes, things like luck are also an indispensable unexpected factor in determining the direction of war.

With the Knights of the Silver Hand, commanded by Uther, staying at home, it might not be so easy for the Scourge to break through Lordaeron's rear defenses.

In addition to the armies of the Seven Kingdoms of Humanity, the dwarves of the three clans of Kaz Modan who had just returned to each other also sent some additional reinforcements, followed by the dwarves who had always been inseparable from the dwarves.

However, for the dwarves, who still have many internal conflicts that need to be bridged, this war led by the Stormwind Kingdom is more for military training, and to try their best to adjust the tacit understanding among the three long-split dwarf armies.

In addition, Sharlayan also saw a small number of draenei troops on the battlefield.

It's not that the Draenei didn't want to send more troops to hand over this belated nomination certificate, they really have more than enough energy now.

Under the pursuit of the Burning Legion for tens of thousands of years, the population of the draenei fleeing in embarrassment became smaller and smaller. In Draenor, they encountered a massacre of a wave of orc tribes.

After finally escaping from Draenor, a part of the army headed by Vindicator Maraad voluntarily stayed in that dying world, and built a barrier for Azeroth with the Alliance Expeditionary Force. The Nepalese strive for time to recuperate.

Unfortunately, the draenei are also long-lived species, and their fertility rate is not much higher.

Just a few years is far from being able to bring the population of Draenei back up significantly. It can only be said that the overall situation is improving and more time is needed to rest.

Even so, it is necessary to participate in this war in order to fully integrate the draenei into Azeroth.

The Council of Bishops gritted its teeth and dispatched most of the troops it could use at this stage, led by the Ranger Archbishop Nelly himself.

Blue Secret Isle and Blood Secret Isle only left a very small number of second-line troops for maintaining law and order. In order to participate in this war, the Draenei, who are short of major generals, have already tried their best.

When he sprinted all the way to the front of the Fort's enchantment, Sharlayan saw several night elves on the city wall.

After all, the Eastern Kingdom is not the home of the night elves, and it is very troublesome to transport troops across the sea on a large scale. These few night elves should be the personal guards who followed Jarod and Maiev to check the battle situation on the front line.

Although under Hellfire's uninterrupted airborne operations, huge fel stone men can be seen everywhere in the entire cursed land, but the main attack direction of the demonic army of the Burning Legion is still the south gate of the Fort Watch, facing the Portal of Darkness.

However, the four Sharlayan who smashed the wandering hellfire all the way approached from the east gate of the Fortress, and their appearance was completely different from the strange demons.

The alliance soldiers in charge of guarding the east gate quickly noticed these suspected friendly troops approaching at high speed.

Now is the time of war, in order to prevent the dread demon king from changing into his own people to infiltrate the city, the soldiers on the city wall dutifully shouted and asked Sharlayan and others about their identity and purpose.


The Mountain Legion of the Kingdom of Alterac was in charge of commanding the defenders of the East Gate. During the Alterac War of Independence a few years ago, although Sharlayan was hidden behind the scenes, he still had some connections with the Alterac army. contacted.

The general defending Alterac obviously recognized Sharlayan, and he asked a few important questions related to the Alterac War of Independence. After confirming that the visitor was the Duke of Deep Shadow himself, he immediately ordered The mage opens the enchantment to let go.

The giant barrier covering the entire fortress opened a small door that only allowed one person to pass through. After the four of Sharlayan entered in a file, the tiny entrance quickly closed again.

The war situation is urgent, and now is not the time to reminisce about the past.

Sharlayan straight to the point asked the bald middle-aged officer who looked familiar to him where the headquarters was.

The Alterac officer, who knew Sharlayan's identity, was also very straightforward. Without saying a word, he sent a herald to lead the four of Sharlayan to the fortress in the corner of the castle.


Just when a group of people were about to enter the interior of the fortress, another ball of hellfire hit directly above the barrier, and the huge impact caused the entire castle to shake slightly.

Fortunately, the enchantment propped up by the mages in advance was quite powerful, and the surface of the barrier only flickered slightly before returning to normal.

This Alterac messenger was still a new recruit, and the blast of fel energy that exploded on his head made his whole body tremble with a stiff expression.

Sharlayan, who looked normal, reached out and patted the young soldier's shoulder: "Just send us here, we should be able to find the next way."

"Do not!"

Sharlayan's kindness actually aroused the young soldier's fighting spirit, and he gritted his teeth and slapped his trembling legs vigorously.

"Thanks to the Duke of Deep Shadow's help, the people of Alterac can stand up again and proudly announce their country's name."

"I'm just an insignificant recruit, and I can only repay your kindness to the people of Alterac in this way."

Sharlayan was silent for a moment before nodding his head and saying, "Okay, recruit, cheer up and carry out the task entrusted to you by the commander to the end!"


This Alterac recruit's situation is not unique on the battlefield.

Azeroth has been at peace for a long time, and many of the newly recruited young soldiers have never participated in actual combat. When they first come up, they will fight against difficult enemies at the level of the Burning Legion, which is a great test for their psychological quality.

However, most soldiers can maintain the most basic fighting spirit under the orders of their commanders, because this war is not a territorial dispute with neighboring countries, but to protect the homeland that everyone depends on for life.

At least at this moment, the soldiers stationed at Fort Watch have no clear nationality or camp. They only have one common identity—the defender of Azeroth.

Onyxia's mouth curled up into a smile: "Seeing the big from the small, the military spirit is useful."


Seeing the slightly staggering steps of the recruit, Sharlayan also had a flash of a smile on his face, but he quickly restrained his expression.

It's not the time to put on a hippie grin on such a serious battlefield.

Following the messengers to the command room on the second floor of the fortress, after some simple handovers, Sharlayan and his party finally met several senior generals of the Azeroth coalition forces.

Standing on the most central seat is an old man with white beard and hair, but still in good spirits. Duke Bolvar Fortagan, who is known as the new generation leader of the Stormwind Kingdom's military, stands beside him respectfully. .

Needless to say, Sharlayan recognized the identity of this veteran at a glance.

One of the five first-generation paladins of the Silver Hand Knights, Gavinrad Doom returned to his hometown with King Varian after the war.

Gan! The computer system crashed, and it took a long time to reinstall it. Today, I can only reduce the number of words.

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