Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1054 Frontline Military Conference

In the original history known to the barrage, Gavinrad Doom did not return to the Kingdom of Stormwind after the Second Orc War, but stayed in Lordaeron with other Silver Hand paladins, and finally fought Died at the hands of the corrupted Arthas.

Sharlayan didn't know how this butterfly effect came about. As a result, Gavinrad accepted Varian's invitation and followed him back to Elwynn Forest to rebuild the ruined Stormwind City.

It is precisely because Gavinrad's return has brought a heritage to the Stormwind Kingdom, Bolvar Fordragon, who is already talented in military affairs, should have higher achievements than in the original history.

Perhaps because of the long-term hard work after returning to the Stormwind Kingdom, Gavinrad aged much faster than the older Uther.

According to Kael'thas, this battle against the Burning Legion for the Dark Portal should be the last war in Gavinrad's life.

Regardless of the final outcome of the war, Gavin Ladd is determined to give up the position of Marshal of the Stormwind Kingdom and give the room for advancement to outstanding young people.

This young man was Bolvar Fortagan, who was not yet 30 years old, Gavin Ladd's personal apprentice.

Azeroth also has the habit of ranking seniority, and people always subconsciously think that older people will have more experience and stronger abilities.

If it weren't for Gavin Ladd's endorsement behind him, even with the status of Duke, Bolvar's qualifications are still far from being able to take over the position of Marshal of the Stormwind Kingdom.

Sarlayan didn't know how many interests were exchanged behind this matter, and he didn't have the interest to delve into it. This is something the intelligence agencies should worry about.

As the last swan song in his life, Gavin Ladd will never allow this war to end in failure.

The leading generals of other countries also knowingly gave up the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces to this veteran who is about to retire.

The military representative of Quel'Thalas is the leader of the Sunfury Legion directly under the Sun King, Chapman Sunfury, who is also a veteran who plans to abdicate.

Chapman's chosen heir to the Legion Commander is still an "acquaintance" whom the barrage knows, and it is said that his name is Kane Sunfury.

In the original history known to the barrage, since Quel'Thalas was breached by the Scourge, Kane Sunfury's fate took a 180° turn.

He did not inherit the command of the Sunfury Legion from Chapman who died in battle, but resolutely followed Prince Kael'thas to Outland to seek a new source of magic power for his group.

By accident, Kane Sunfury became a demon hunter following Illidan Stormrage, and he also had a highlight performance in subsequent versions.

"Ah~ Duke Deep Shadow, you are finally here."

Chapman Sunfury stood up and beckoned Sharlayan to come to him, and offered to give up his original identity as the representative of Quel'Thalas, and stood behind Sharlayan willingly.

Today's Sarlayan is no longer the unknown solo adventurer he was back then. Leaving aside his popularity among the people, at least among the high-level people in various countries, the name Sarlayan Deep Shadow has long been heard.

The Sun King's right-hand man, the dragon descendant living in the mortal kingdom, and the behind-the-scenes manipulator who is good at planning, each title is enough for the senior officers present to give him enough attention.

Although he is also the Sun King's confidant, the old and refined Chapman knows very well that Sharlayan's weight in Kael'thas's heart is by no means comparable to him.

This was not just because of Sharlayan's special status. After so many years of hard work, Sharlayan's abilities had also been generally recognized by the senior management of Quel'Thalas.

Time was running out, Sarayan didn't play the three-push table trick, and sat in Chapman's previous position without hesitation.

"Sorry, Marshal Gavinrad, I'm late."

Gavin Ladd's character is quite easy-going, he shook his head with a smile and said: "The commander of the Sunfury Legion has explained to us before that the Duke of Deep Shadow has other important things to do, and he just rushed back to the territory to preside over the situation two days ago. For the New Year's Eve celebration, it's not easy to come here so quickly."

"Let's go here first for greetings."

After briefly explaining something to Salayan, Gavinrad suppressed his smile and brought the topic back to the point.

"The Burning Legion is coming. Thanks to the information provided by Quel'Thalas, we successfully prevented the Burning Legion's initial attack."

"However, what comes next is the point."

Gavin Ladd turned around with a serious expression, and tapped heavily on the huge map behind him, his finger just poking at the location of the Dark Portal.

"According to the strategic goals formulated by the coalition forces before the war, we not only want to block the offensive of the Burning Legion, but also push the battle line to the other end of the Dark Portal, and stay in Draenor many years ago to buy time for Azeroth Alliance Expeditionary Force reestablishes contact."

Falstad, acting Highlord of the Wildhammers, immediately expressed his approval: "Our Highlord Kurdran Wildhammer has been trapped in Draenor for many years. Taking this opportunity to rebuild the Council of Three Hammers, all dwarves urgently hope that this The warrior with outstanding merits can return safely."

Muradin Bronzebeard also nodded and said, "It's not just Kurdran, there must be many relatives and friends who joined the expedition, right?"

Gavin Ladd raised his hand and stroked his snow-white beard: "Alliance Generalissimo Turalyon also stayed in Draenor with the expeditionary force. At the moment when the alliance is being rebuilt, we need him to re-command the coalition forces of various countries."

Sharlayan took the words and said, "Before entering the Fortress, I deliberately ascended to the sky for reconnaissance."

"There is no trace of the expeditionary force near the Dark Portal. With Turalyon's commanding ability, I don't think the expeditionary force will be easily wiped out by the Burning Legion. At this moment, they should be hiding somewhere in Draenor waiting for a counterattack. time."

In the words of barrage, Turayang is the son of destiny who really holds the script of the protagonist.

Turalyon's background was very ordinary, just the son of a jailer, but he was favored by Archbishop Alonsus Faol of the Holy Light when he was young, and was accepted as a personal apprentice.

After becoming a paladin under the baptism of Alonsus, Turalyon has made great progress all the way. With his powerful military talent, he became the deputy and the heir in a real sense of the alliance's first generalissimo, Anduin Lothar.

Anduin Lothar died in the last battle of the Second Orc War, and Turalyon took over his mantle as the second Grand Marshal of the Alliance.

After that, Turalyon rallied the Alliance Expeditionary Force to brave the Dark Portal and enter a completely unknown hostile world in order to eliminate the threat from Draenor once and for all.

After defeating the remnants of the tribe gathered by Ner'zhul, Turayang resolutely decided to stay in that desolate world eroded by evil energy for a long time, and built the first place for Azeroth at the other end of the Dark Portal. road barrier.

If there is no deviation in history, Turalyon will miss the trap in an operation, and be thrown into the Twisting Nether together with Alleria.

However, Turayang's strong luck once again played a huge role at this time.

A completely different fate than Ner'zhul, who was also trapped in the Twisting Nether.

Turayang accidentally met the Legion of the Holy Light who happened to be passing by, and was reused by Zela, the mother of the Holy Light. He also gained a long lifespan that most short-lived races could not match because of Zela's holy light infusion.

Even someone like Sharlayan has to lament that Turalyon's luck and opportunity are really outrageous.

Sharlayan is not sure if Turalyon will join forces with the Legion of Light as it did in the past, as history has changed drastically.

But in any case, he doesn't think the Alliance Expeditionary Force will be completely wiped out by the Burning Legion.

One thing is certain, with the continuous input of reinforcements from the Burning Legion, it is inevitable that the expeditionary force that cannot receive reinforcements will fall into a disadvantage.

As long as the current leaders of the Expeditionary Force are sensible enough, they will not choose to continue to fight against the Legion at an absolute disadvantage. Instead, they will save their vitality and wait for the opportunity to launch a deadly backstab from the Legion's back at a critical moment.

Sarlayan's analysis was unanimously approved by the senior military officers present.

Gavin Ladd turned the topic back calmly: "Then the question is, how can we turn the tide of the battle as soon as possible and push the front to the other side of the Dark Portal?"

When everyone else was silent, Gavinrad turned his gaze to Sharlayan, who was still holding his head up confidently.

"Duke Deep Shadow, do you have a suitable plan? Please speak freely."

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