Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1061 Eight years of isolation and helplessness

"pretty close."

Facing Khadgar's confirmation, Danas rubbed his forehead worriedly.

"Due to the strict blockade of the Burning Legion, we are short of major generals and cannot infiltrate intelligence personnel into the depths of the Hellfire Peninsula. The information we can obtain is extremely limited."

"According to their recent military mobilization, it should be that most of their troops have been transferred to the vicinity of the Dark Portal, and the defense forces on the border of Talador have weakened... You should know what this means."

"The door of darkness..."

Khadgar rubbed his temples with a headache: "Why is this ghost thing so lingering? I really don't know how Medivh made it in the first place."


Complaining was useless at the moment, Khadgar adjusted his emotions, and let out a long breath: "Do you want me to help you convince A'dal to dispatch the Storm Fleet to help us break through the Burning Legion's blockade?"

Danas: "That's right, now we can only seek help from Naaru."

Khadgar stroked his snow-white beard with embarrassment: "I can't guarantee success, but I will try my best."

"You first try to recall Alleria, who has not yet made any progress, and gather all the combat power to prepare for an all-out attack."

Danas nodded with a serious expression: "If the portal of darkness is really opened again, this may be good news for us instead."

Although Khadgar is extremely intelligent, his political and military sensitivity is not as good as that of Danas, the acting leader of the Expeditionary Force.

"How do you say that?"

Danas didn't explain in detail, he just smiled and brought up the whole topic.

"It's a long story. In short, let's all act first. I hope that Azeroth can prepare for the opening of the Dark Portal in advance."

"If we can take advantage of this opportunity to form a trend of internal and external cooperation, maybe..."

"Sir! The forward scouts have an urgent military report!"

Before Danas finished speaking, a high elf scout covered in dust, surrounded by more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers, stumbled in front of Danas and Khadgar.

Seeing the collapsed look of this scout who had been lurking near the border to inquire about intelligence after a long journey, Danas' expression became solemn.

As an excellent commander, he had a vague feeling that the fighter plane the expeditionary force had been waiting for might have arrived.

"Don't worry, calm down first and then speak slowly."

Under the comfort of Danas' gentle words, the tired high elf scout finally calmed down his breathing.

"Commander Trollbane, a foreigner claiming to be the leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn took the initiative to approach our scout team, saying that he has important information from Hellfire Peninsula to convey to you personally."

"Ashtongue Deathsworn?"

Danas looked at Khadgar beside him suspiciously.

The "old" mage seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his face changed, and he took the initiative to take the topic and asked, "Is that foreigner similar to the Draenei in terms of body structure?"


The scout was stunned for a moment before scratching his head and replied: "You said that... I just noticed that their appearances are very different, but their recurved hooves are exactly the same."


Facing Danas' questioning gaze, Khadgar pondered for a moment before explaining: "If I'm not mistaken, this organization called the Ashtongue Deathsworn should be composed of the Broken."

Without waiting for Danas to ask questions, Khadgar took the initiative to explain: "The Broken are a mutated species of the Draenei who were deeply polluted by fel energy. Evil can torture."

"Danas, you should have heard of them, they are those humanoid beasts that wander in the wilderness and have long lost their minds."

After listening to Khadgar's explanation, Danas showed a sudden look: "So it's them, but you didn't say this before...Have the Broken Ones already lost their humanity?"

Khadgar shook his head: "Even if you are both Broken, you can't say the same thing."

"I heard from Maraad that among the draenei who fled into Azeroth, there are also some broken ones who are determined and still maintain their rationality."

"This Ashtongue Deathsworn organization should be composed of those broken people who have not yet fully fallen."

"Anyway, let's meet the leader of the Ashtongue Deathsworn first."

Khadgar touched his chin thoughtfully: "I have a hunch that he should be able to bring us some good news."


As the Burning Legion stepped up its offensive on the Hellfire Peninsula, the expeditionary force, lacking reinforcements, could not continue to maintain the line of defense after all.

Under the order of Turalyon, in order to preserve the vitality, the expeditionary force reluctantly transferred the remaining main force to the Talador Forest next to the Hellfire Peninsula.

Relying on the strength of the expeditionary force alone, it is impossible to launch a counterattack against Hellfire. Turalyon, who is in urgent need of reinforcements, remembered the suggestion made by Sharlayan before he left.

Under Alleria's volunteering, Turalyon sent a small group of elites to follow her to the Nagrand Prairie to meet up with the left-behind Draenei who were recuperating in Tara Town.

During the period when the Draenei and the orcs lived in peace for the time being, in order to closely observe the situation of the crashed spaceship Genidaer, the Draenei secretly built a small town in the south of Nagrand - Tara Town.

Due to the power of the holy light unconsciously released by the injured Naruk Ure, the souls of the death orcs were unexpectedly attracted to him.

Over time, the remains of Genidaar were regarded as a sacred mountain by the orcs of Nagrand.

Throughout the year, shamans who believe in the way of the ancestors will go to the holy mountain they call Oshu Valley piously to worship and listen to the teachings of the ancestors' souls.

Over time, this tradition of ancestor worship gradually spread to all orc clans throughout Draenor.

Until the crazy evil orcs completely gave up their belief in their ancestors and embraced the evil energy wholeheartedly.

Since Tara Town was too close to the war-thirsty Warsong Clan's residence, after the war between the two clans started, it was a matter of course that it became the first target of the Warsong Clan who was dazzled by the blood of the demons.

As Grom Hellscream responded to Ner'zhul's call, he led the main force of the Warsong clan to Azeroth for reinforcements.

The only remaining Warsong orcs in Nagrand were old, weak, and sick, including Grom's son, Garrosh, who was suffering from the rash plague.

After Garrosh was transferred to Galadar for medical treatment, the remaining orcs of the Warsong clan had a worse life.

It took a long time to wait for the return of the patriarch. Instead, with the arrival of the alliance expeditionary force, they received the sad news of the tribe's destruction. These old, weak, sick and disabled who had not drank the blood of demons were persuaded by Garrosh's letter, and all of them simply joined The Mag'har clan dominated by Gaiaan.

Today, the original residence of the Warsong clan has long been deserted, and only a very small number of old orcs who cannot move around continue to stay behind with the idea that their homeland is hard to leave.

Most of the warsong orcs who are still active have relocated to the north of Nagrand, near Galadar by the lakeside of Throne of the Elements.

The relocation of the Warsong clan gave Maraad the opportunity to rebuild the town of Tara.

Maraad still kept in mind Sharlayan's entrustment before he left. He wanted to rescue the seriously injured and dying Naruk'ure from the wreckage of Jinidar.

However, without many powerful users of the Holy Light headed by Velen, it is impossible to heal Keure's injury with the manpower left behind on Draenor. We can only slow down the speed at which he degenerates into a dark naaru as much as possible. .

While Maraad and the others were busy stabilizing Keuree's injuries, Alleria led the diplomatic team to the newly rebuilt town of Tara.

After some hard work, Alleria successfully persuaded the reasonable Mag'har chief Gaiyaan to reach a preliminary cooperation agreement with the Mag'har clan.

However, the Mag'har orcs at that time hadn't completely got rid of the plague of the rash, and they could provide limited help to the Alliance Expeditionary Force.

In order to attract more reinforcements, Alleria then rushed to the Peak Forest of Alanka without stopping.

Relying on the important information left by Sharlayan, she quietly intervened in the dispute between the arakkoa and the exiles. After more than two years, she finally drew the exiles who were nearing the end of their fortunes into the camp of the expeditionary army.

In fact, what Alleria wanted to win over at the beginning were the winged crowmen who lived on Tongtian Peak with stronger fighting power.

But the arrogant attitude of the group of arakkoa nobles made Alleria return without success, so she could only change her mind to win over their enemies.

After the naaru headed by A'dal drove the storm fleet to Draenor, Turalyon, who was worrying about how to stabilize the Talador forest's defense line, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Since this fleet was originally only to rescue Draenei refugees, the fleet did not contain many troops, it was more like an immigrant fleet, and it was not enough to support Turalyon's counterattack plan.

In desperation, Turalyon could only hold back his impulse for the time being, and steadily rebuild the Shattrath ruins as a brand new base camp with the help of the naaru.

About half a year before Tulayang disappeared, with the help of a naaru who is good at healing injuries—Muru, Maraad and others finally succeeded in rescuing the seriously injured Keurei, preventing him from falling into darkness. The tragic fate of the naaru.

Originally, Maraad wanted to ask the naaru to make persistent efforts to rescue the "Dark Star" Kara floating above Shadowmoon Valley, but unfortunately, a large number of demons poured out from Gul'dan's hand blocked their progress.

In order to ensure that the rear of the Talador forest would not be attacked by demons, Kurdran Wildhammer, one of the five heroes of the expeditionary force, took the initiative to apply to go to the junction of the southeastern part of Talador and Shadowmoon Valley, and built a strong Wildhammer fortress. He personally led the army and stationed here all the year round.

So far, the situation in Draenor has stabilized.

The Burning Legion was unable to break into the forest of Talador, threatening Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge further back.

The expeditionary army did not have enough troops to launch a counterattack, so the two sides temporarily stalemate.

The Doomsday Lord Kazak received the order to restart the Dark Portal, launch an attack at the same time as the Scourge, weaken Azeroth's defense as much as possible, and prepare for the arrival of Archimonde.

In order to complete the fraudster's layout, Kazak did not hesitate to mobilize the defenders stationed at the border of the Talador forest, and concentrated all his forces to attack the cursed land.

And this happened to give the expeditionary force, which had already been ready to go, an excellent opportunity to counterattack.

"You said, this is Sharlayan Deep Shadow's plan?"

After hearing the contact from Akama, Danas, who didn't know enough about Sharlayan, hadn't expressed his opinion yet. Khadgar first exclaimed in astonishment.

"So, Azeroth has long been fully prepared for the reopening of the Dark Portal, just waiting for us to backstab the Burning Legion from the rear?"

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