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Chapter 1062 Everything is ready, the decisive battle will begin

Khadgar was once a spy sent by the Kirin Tor Council to steal knowledge from Medivh. He took the mission to Karazhan, the Tower of the Guardians located in Deadwind Pass.

Medici knew of his intentions, but still accepted the talented Khadgar as his only personal apprentice.

After Medivh's death, Khadgar, who always felt guilty for his mentor, refused to provide Dalaran with Karazhan's precious collection.

For a long time, Khadgar had a very tense dispute with Dalaran because of this matter. He even refused to return to Dalaran City. Thank you for returning to normal.

Varian, who returned from Lordaeron, seized this opportunity and took the initiative to solicit Khadgar.

Relying on his relationship with Lothar to kill Medivh, although Khadgar declined Varian's invitation to become the court mage of the Stormwind Kingdom, he was still willing to provide help to the Stormwind Kingdom within his capacity.

Varian expressed his understanding of Khadgar's refusal. When Khadgar was still in Azeroth, the Kingdom of Stormwind provided him with a lot of resources for his many attempts in Deadwind Pass. Khadgar has always been grateful for this Heart.

Of course, Varian wasn't being taken advantage of. He recruited Khadgar for emotional reasons, but more because he hoped that Medivh's only apprentice could help Stormwind Kingdom solve the environmental problems of Deadwind Pass and even Dusk Forest.

Medivh had a close relationship with Varian's father, King Lane, and Godfather Lothar. Varian also hoped to extend this rare friendship to himself and Khadgar, as an emotional continuation of the deceased elders.

Without the support of his "hometown" Dalaran, Khadgar was very lonely for a while, which was undoubtedly a kind of torture for him with a cheerful personality.

In addition, he was cursed with aging by Medivh during the Battle of Karazhan, and he looked like an old man at a young age, which also dealt a big blow to Khadgar.

Sharlayan had learned about Khadgar's future achievements from the barrage a long time ago. Under his active approach, Khadgar, who had been walking alone for a long time, felt the weight of friendship after a long absence.

Sharlayan had checked Khadgar with the life force from the red dragon.

Medivh's spell had indeed caused damage to his body from the inside to the outside. Even though he was only in his 20s, his physical condition was no different from that of an old man in his 60s.

Sharlayan couldn't completely reverse Medivh's curse, he could only use the power of his life to help Khadgar recuperate his body, barely restoring his physical condition to the prime of his 40s.

As for his cursed and rapidly aging features, there was nothing Sharlayan could do.

Even so, feeling the vitality refilled in his body, Khadgar also sincerely thanked Sharlayan for his selfless help.

Khadgar's age in his 20s, physical condition in his 40s, and appearance in his 60s are unique in the entire history of Azeroth.

After hearing from Akama that Sharlayan had made the plan of internal cooperation and external cooperation, Khadgar chose to believe him without hesitation.

This was not just out of trust in his friends. Khadgar had intuitively felt Sharlayan's layout ability as early as 8 years ago in the action to thwart Ner'zhul's conspiracy.

This point was confirmed again in Aurelia's successive diplomatic actions. Alleria's actions were planned before Sharlayan left Draenor.

Among the five heroes of the expeditionary force, Alleria was undoubtedly the closest to Sharlayan, followed by Khadgar, and then Turalyon.

Because of Falstad's relationship, the bold Kurdran Wildhammer and Sharlayne got along very well, but Danas Trollbane, who stayed behind and sat in the town at that time, had little contact with Sharlayan.

But after all, Danas was an adjutant who was personally approved by Turalyon, and even took over the important task of the leader of the expeditionary force after Turalyon disappeared.

Although not very familiar with Sharlayan, Danath was willing to trust Khadgar's judgment.

"Mr. Akama, please tell Sharlayan Deep Shadow... Duke."

Danas sternly said to the ugly Akama: "We will recall Maraad who sits in Auchindoun as soon as possible, and directly contact the Azeroth coalition forces through the communication technology of the Draenei."

As the messenger, Akama nodded: "That's good, my mission will stop here for now."

"See you on the battlefield when you counterattack to the vicinity of the Dark Portal."


Khadgar stopped Akama who turned to leave: "Mr. Akama, why don't you and your Ashtongue Deathsworn join us?"

"I have heard about your past heroic deeds from Maraad. If Maraad knew that you were still alive, he would definitely..."


Akama refused to accept Khadgar's persuasion, turned around and pulled up his hood.

"I don't want him to see me like this. Help me tell him that the post of garrison archbishop will be handed over to him, and continue to protect our people."

Without waiting for Khadgar to continue persuading, Akama launched a stealth and disappeared in front of everyone and left quickly.

The open-minded Khadgar doesn't care about Akama... or the twisted and ugly appearance of the Broken. In his opinion, the most important thing about a person is not his skin, but his heart.

Danas patted Khadgar's shoulder and comforted him: "His heart knot is not so easy to untie, at least as outsiders we can't help him, let him go."

"I know, it's just a pity."

Khadgar sighed softly, he had indeed heard a lot about Akama's past from Maraad.

Maraad was once one of Akama's much-anticipated lieutenants. In terms of qualifications, he is indeed qualified to inherit the vacated post of Archbishop of Akama.

There is no doubt that Akama is a qualified archbishop. Until the last moment before being contaminated by evil energy, he still led the defenders to stand at the forefront of protecting the people.

It's a pity that the evil energy eroded his body and mind, which not only deformed Akama's appearance, but also left him with a knot that he couldn't let go of for a short time.


Khadgar patted his old cheeks hard: "Now is not the time to think about these things, Danas, we must hurry up and start taking action. The Azeroth coalition forces are still waiting for our response."

Danas nodded solemnly: "I'm here to contact Maraad, Gaiyaan, Kurdran and Alleria, and you go to persuade A'dal."

"If we can get the help of the Storm Fleet in this battle, we will have greater confidence in destroying the demon army under Kazak's command, and temporarily remove the threat from the Dark Portal for Azeroth."

Khadgar turned his head to look at the Hall of Holy Light behind him, with a firm look in his eyes: "I know that defeating the Burning Legion is undoubtedly beneficial to the Holy Light Legion, and I believe that the wise Adal can see the situation clearly. .”


Since Keure was rescued by Muru, Maraad left the town of Tara in Nagrand, and moved with him to Auchindoun, which became more and more chaotic after Archbishop Maradar left.

Today's Auchinton is really a mixed bag.

The arakkoa exiles were forced to settle here after escaping from the Spiers of Arak, and a group of void spirits who came from nowhere also occupied part of the tomb.

In addition, the remnants of the cocooned Shadow Council were dragged in the corner of Auchindoun by a powerful elemental creature they summoned.

The warlocks must keep casting spells at all times in order to imprison the elemental lord named Moore in the tomb.

In order to get as close as possible to Shadowmoon Valley and prepare to purify Kara at any time, Maraad moved the base of the remaining draenei to Auchindoun, replacing the part that was used by Archbishop Maladaar and was gradually abandoned. Tomb area.

Maraad was still working with the arakkoa exiles to cleanse the Shadow Council of orc warlocks and ethereal bandits when they received the contact from Shattrath City.

Knowing that the Portal of Darkness had opened again, Maraad temporarily put down the work in hand without saying a word.

He immediately rushed to Shattrath City with a team of technicians, and set up the communication equipment that had been prepared as quickly as possible.

In the past half a month or so, Sharlayan has not paid much attention to the battlefield that has not changed much, and has been guarding next to the communication equipment with Stellagosa, patiently waiting for the latest news from Draenor.

As for Tinagosa... This active little guy joined the battle between the coalition forces and the Burning Legion on the grounds of feeling the atmosphere of the battlefield.

In order to prevent Tina from being targeted by powerful demons, Stellagosa entrusts Onyxia to follow her and lend a helping hand when necessary.

Coincidentally, Princess Black Dragon was bored at the back of the battlefield without any form of entertainment, so she simply accompanied Tina to the front line, and even caught a few demons to play with when she was interested.

After all, Nellie is the commander of the draenei army. Unlike Sharlayan, she has the task directly assigned by Marshal Gavinrad, so it is impossible for her to stay in the rear all the time.

Over two weeks of watching made Salayan get acquainted with the draenei technicians in charge of maintaining the equipment. If it wasn't for worrying about the influence on the battlefield, Salayan really wanted to take out his playing cards and find them to pass the time. .

The long wait finally ushered in a turning point today. Just as Sarlayan and Stellagosa cuddled together and entered the meditation state, the Draenei technician who was also dozing off by the side was suddenly heard a "beep" from the communication device. Woke up.

Sarlayan and Stellagosa also opened their eyes immediately, looking expectantly at the draenei technician who was frantically connecting.

"... Can you hear me? This is Shattrath, and I am Khadgar, the chief advisor of the Expeditionary Force."

Hearing this long-lost old voice, Sharlayan showed a relieved smile on his face.

"Khadgar, you old boy is still alive."


Khadgar's tone was a bit surprised: "I didn't expect you to stand by the communication equipment in person... Forget it, let's not talk about this."

"According to your plan, except for a small number of troops staying in Wildhammer Fortress, Danas recalled all the expeditionary soldiers who were active outside."

"Kurdran, Alleria, Maraad, and Danath are all beside me, and the Mag'har orcs and Arakkoa exiles are also in their positions."

"And the Broken Akama you sent to pass the message, he has also prepared for battle in Hellfire Peninsula in advance, ready to launch at any time."

"In addition, we also persuaded Adal to use the Storm Fleet to provide fire support from above the battlefield."

"Everything is ready in Draenor, the coalition forces of Azeroth, just waiting for your order."

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