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Chapter 1070 Khadgar who lost the chain at the critical moment

The black knights were originally just a group of swindling profiteers. After they were incorporated into Medivh's servants, these poor creatures who were bound by magic were also strengthened by Medivh's spells.

Moreover, they have the authority to use the artifacts they have collected over the years. Even if their actual combat power is not strong, with the blessing of those artifacts with various functions, Khadgar may really capsize in the gutter.

Sharlayan grew up in Quel'Thalas, and he grew up listening to the legends of the Spellbreakers.

In Sharlayan's cognition, the ability to ban magic is not a rare ability, maybe there will be a certain artifact with this function.

If it's him, it's fine, Khadgar...

It wasn't that Sharlayan looked down on him. Khadgar's strength was all in spells. Once he encountered the forbidden magic domain, 10% of his strength would be reduced by at least 90%, turning him into a powerless rookie.

Khadgar waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, this is not the first time I have dealt with the Black Knight."

"Before I went to Draenor with the expeditionary force, I lived near Karazhan all year round, and I have a clear understanding of the logic of the actions of those black knights who only follow the established rules."

Since Khadgar is so confident, Sharlayan can't keep sweeping his face.

Leaving Khadgar alone to go to the entrance to the Catacombs of Karazhan, Sharlayan stepped into the town to finish his work.

"It's saving souls again."

Sharlayan sighed with some emotion: "Since I obtained the death subplane of Zlos, the realm of withering, this is the first time I have superseded the undead? Why do I look like a necromancer."

[It's not bad, the Thorny Whisperer already controls the power of death, and you happen to have the Blight Realm that can directly connect to the Shadow Realm, so it's okay to make a cameo once in a while, just treat it as a good deed every day. 】

Sharlayan shrugged with a smile: "All right, I'm just complaining casually."

Taking advantage of the time spent chatting with Danmaku, Sharlayan walked around the entire town step by step, leaving beacons that formed the magic circle at certain key positions.

There are still a large number of undead still lingering in this satellite town of Karazhan. They seem to be repeating the daily routine of the last day of their lives mechanically, and have not reacted at all to Sharlayan, an outsider who broke into the town.

But Sharlayan knew that this was only temporary.

In the words of the barrage, these ghosts are all ground-bound spirits, as long as no one disturbs them, they will not respond in any way.

Once someone tries to disrupt their day-to-day, year-after-year cycle, these ghosts will immediately show their fierce side.

Although Sharlayan is not afraid of these lowly undead, there is no need to stand up to their endless harassment work.

Before finishing the final characterization of the magic circle, he didn't show the slightest clue to intervene in the "daily life" of these ghosts, but left dozens of beacons of death power inside and outside the town that seemed to be irrelevant.

"Okay, let's get started."

Returning to the entrance of the town facing Karazhan, Sharlayan's expression became serious.

As Sharlayan's hands began to flash the gray magic light, many beacons in the town also started to connect points with each other in the same way, and soon the points were connected into lines, and then the lines formed a plane, three-dimensional three-dimensional magic circle .

Until this time, those ghosts who were still living leisurely did not wake up like a dream.

They immediately tore off the camouflage they had maintained on the surface, and turned into grievous spirits with grim expressions, frantically rushing towards Sarlayan's position.


When these wraiths tried to leave the town to attack Sharlayan, which was destroying their "peaceful daily life", a translucent barrier suddenly appeared, and a large number of wraiths huddled together and hit the barrier one after another, biting and scratching impotently and furiously with.

Sharlayan didn't pay attention to these wraiths at all. He was displacing space with the magic circle that gradually took shape, connecting the town with the Blight Realm that was directly controlled by him.

Speaking of this, Sharlayan had to complain about Kyrian who was promoted to the fortress again.

The souls of this group of innocent people who were shaken to death by the aftermath of Medivh's death have been wandering here for at least ten years. For such a long time, no Kyrian came to greet them.

"Is it true that people without mind have no human rights? Why don't you be so snobbish?"

While complaining with the barrage, Sarlayan continued to perfect the magic circle.

Due to the existence of the Blight Realm, Sharlayan can open a passage to the Shadow Realm through this death subplane.

Moreover, he had done the Queen of Winter a big favor before. Sharlayan even obtained the queen's permission to directly send the soul he needed to the Blazing Blue Fields without going through a procedure, bypassing the arbitrator.

However, Sharlayan didn't want to use this privilege lightly. Favors were always used less and less, and it was best to use them in the most critical places.

Ignoring those wraiths who were barking their teeth and claws, under the control of Sharlayan, the Withered Realm opened a passage to the eternal city of Olympus, and all the wraiths were packed up and thrown to the arbitrator.

Anyway, the current arbitrator is just a fully automatic AI that can only complete the mechanized work according to the set procedures, and Sharlayan doesn't bother to communicate with it, it's a waste of time.


After confirming that all the wraiths had been sucked into the Shadow Realm, Sharlayan snapped his fingers to cancel the space replacement, and the magic circle covering the entire town also dissipated.

Just as Sharlayan was about to check to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net just in case, his long elf ears with amazing hearing trembled suddenly.

"Is this... a call for help?"

Looking back at the entrance to the catacombs east of Karazhan, Sharlayan showed a very delicate expression on his face.

"Khadgar, this is what you call being clear about the logic of the Black Knight's actions? Do you want to slap your face so quickly..."

[Grass, the cowhide is blown to pieces. 】

[Just get used to it, Khadgar often loses the chain at critical moments, this is not the first time. 】

Although he was crazily complaining, Sharlayan didn't stop his movements, and immediately turned around and accelerated towards the entrance of the tomb.

Although this catacomb is named "Crypt", it is not used to bury corpses, but a large underground warehouse used by the Black Knights to store artifacts.

Except for Medivon himself, only Khadgar, who inherited all his inheritance, can open all the seals of Karazhan.

But it is quite interesting to say that Medivh, who left a legacy, was resurrected with sit-ups.

Fortunately, Medivh had made it clear long ago that he did not intend to take back everything in Karazhan, and would leave it to Khadgar as originally agreed, otherwise the ownership of this "inheritance" would be a bit embarrassing.


Speaking of Medivh, Sharlayan suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, did I forget to tell Khadgar that Medivh has come back to life?"

[It's true that I didn't say it. 】

[My suggestion is not to say it for the time being, and tell Khadgar after he has taken care of the "inheritance", otherwise this guy will be embarrassed to take over Karazhan. 】

"Hmm..." Sharlayan lowered his head and thought for a while, "Okay, I'll tell him another time after I finish solving Karazhan's problem."

After parting with Medivh and Aegwynn last time, the mother and son returned to the Guardian Sanctuary in Dalaran to revive the new Tirisfal Council with the busy Meri Winterwind.

Because Sharlayan used a weak strategy to show the enemy, he also specially greeted Aegwynn who was far away in Dalaran before, telling them not to go to the cursed land to join in the fun and continue to develop wretchedly.

At that time, he heard from Aegwynn that Meri Dongfeng had indeed awakened Alodi's remnant soul.

This remnant soul doesn't have any power, only a lot of knowledge and experience.

Under the guidance of Alodi, Medivh is researching the whereabouts of the artifact staff once used by the first-generation guardian—the Ebon Chill.

Medivh's original weapon was the "chicken leg staff" passed down from generation to generation by the guardians of Tirisfal - the staff of Atiesh.

Now that Atiesh's staff is in Khadgar's hand, Medivh has no intention of getting it back from him.

Unlike the old mother who no longer intends to go to the front line to participate in the battle, Medivh's blood has not yet cooled down.

Since you want to continue to protect Azeroth, a good weapon is naturally indispensable.

Medivh considered the Aluneth Staff used by his mother, but considering that this self-aware staff was difficult to control, he finally chose to inherit Alodi's Ebon Chill.

Medivh's choice was not entirely irrelevant to Sharlayan.

Jaina happened to be short of an artifact staff. If Medivh chose Aluneth, Sharlayan planned to go to the Guardian Sanctuary and ask Alodi about the whereabouts of Ebonchill, and vice versa.

While discussing the matter with Danmaku, Sarlayan jumped directly from the middle of the long spiral staircase inside the tomb.

What? walk the stair? What a waste of time.


Before landing, Sharlayan used a heroic leap in mid-air to step on the air to borrow strength, and landed firmly on the ground at the bottom of the tomb.

Hearing the movement behind him, Khadgar, who was fleeing in a panic, hurriedly called for help.

"Is it Sharlayan?! Come and help me! There is actually a magic barrier in this ghost place!"

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