Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1071 Half of the correct answer

When Sharlayan quickly turned the corner and saw Khadgar, what he was facing was not the black knight who was supposed to guard the catacomb, but a dozen or so skeleton soldiers who came from nowhere.

Yes, skeleton soldiers.

In the battle sequence of the undead, the skeleton soldiers are the lowest level of weak soldiers, but it is precisely these weak miscellaneous soldiers that surround Khadgar in the center, forcing him to dodge constantly in embarrassment.

Because he fell into the trap set by the black knight by mistake, the enchantment barrier covering the entire catacomb made it impossible for Khadgar's powerful mana to be used. He had a sense of time and space disorder when he first came into contact with magic when he was a child.


Sharlayan patted his forehead dumbfounded, and did not rush to save Khadgar.

The skeleton soldiers with weak hands and feet are unlikely to threaten Khadgar's life even if they are used to the limit, just to make him have a long memory.

"Didn't I remind you that once you are affected by forbidden magic props, you, a seriously biased guy, will become meat on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others."

"A mere team of skeleton soldiers can make you so embarrassed. If the news is sent back to Dalaran, you may become an enduring negative example among the mage community."

Khadgar, who was sweating profusely and waving the staff of Atiesh, still had the strength to retort loudly: "So don't just look around there! Come and help me!"


While jumping into the catacombs, Sharlayan felt the suppression of some kind of power.

Like Khadgar, he couldn't use spells of any kind at the moment.

However, unlike Khadgar who has no power to restrain chickens, Sharlayan has legendary strength even with physical strength alone.

After Sharlayan swung his two swords and cut down the skeleton soldiers three times, five times and two times, Khadgar sat down on the ground in relief.

"Huh...huh...the last time I...had such a large amount of was several years ago."

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Take it as a lesson, it's time for you to exercise."

"I don't ask you to be able to defeat all mages in Dalaran by hand-to-hand combat like Luo Nin, at least you must have basic self-protection ability?"

In fact, Khadgar's situation is not an exception.

When Antonidas was in charge of the Kirin Tor Council, pure back-row fort mages like him and Khadgar who specialized in spells and neglected physical exercise were the mainstream of Dalaran.

However, the times are always changing, and if you can't keep up with the changes of the times, you can only be abandoned by the times.

Rhonin once participated in the rescue of the Red Dragon Queen with Salayan, Vereesa and Valeera.

Working with the teammates of the three chopper teams, he was more or less affected.

In some occasions where it is more convenient to use hands than wands, Rhonin began to try to put aside Dalaran's rather arrogant principle of supremacy of spells and do it himself.

This concept was later brought back to Dalaran by Rhonin. Encouraged by Sharlayan, he began to take time out to exercise while studying spells.

Nearly ten years later, Luo Ning, who was young and frizzy at the beginning, has become the chairman of the Kirin Tor.

Under his relentless training, no mage in Dalaran can beat him in hand-to-hand combat.

Judging by Sharlayan's standards, this is nothing to be proud of. After all, Dalaran is mostly old-school mages like Antonidas, who think arcane can solve everything, and don't pay much attention to physical exercise at all.

In addition, during the daily work and research, the heavy work will be assigned to the apprentices in their own mage tower, which further encourages the "laziness" of the mages.

Long before Rhonin formally succeeded the Kirin Tor Speaker, he began to try to change the inherent thinking of the Dalaran mages.

With the permission of Antonidas, Ronin included a set of mage-specific self-defense techniques he developed into the compulsory learning items for Dalaran apprentices.

This set of self-defense techniques does not require mages to be able to wield their wands to defeat those melee occupations. Its purpose is to strengthen the self-protection ability of mages under special conditions, at least until other companions reach out to help, so as not to be close by the enemy Instant kill with one move.

A few years later, Rhonin's reform of Dalaran was carried out smoothly, and Quel'Thalas also took this opportunity to implement a similar reform of the Arcanist assessment system in China.

But... this has nothing to do with Khadgar, who has been trapped in Draenor for more than 8 years, completely out of touch with Azeroth.

Although Khadgar always lost the chain at critical moments, he was not a person who would not listen to advice. This personal experience scared him into a cold sweat, and he immediately accepted Sharlayan's suggestion with a wry smile.

After Khadgar regained some strength, Sharlayan watched with amused gritted teeth as he poked the tail of Atiesh's staff into a crack in the wall.

"This trap should be just a 'transmitter'. The main body that caused the enchantment to be triggered does not seem to be here."

Khadgar gasped and nodded: "That's right, this is the power of some kind of artifact. I must find out this evil thing!"

Sharlayan smiled helplessly: "You will fall into such a 'classic' trap? I'm afraid you have lost your vigilance to danger because you have been pampered in Draenor for too long, right?"

After disposing of the trap device, the effect of the enchantment will dissipate immediately.

Feeling the return of majestic mana all over his body, Khadgar finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was not in a hurry to continue searching for the warehouse where the black knight stored the artifacts, and sat down on the spot again with his staff.

"Perhaps, I haven't left Shattrath much in the past few years, and I have been asking Adal and Naaru for advice. I am indeed a bit slack."

Barrage does not know when the Holy Light Legion was officially established.

However, according to the information obtained by the barrage, the leader of the Holy Light Corps, Zela, the Mother of the Holy Light, was the first batch of beings born during the cosmic ordering period, and the Holy Light Corps founded by her should have a long history.

The longer an organization exists, the more knowledge it preserves.

For a mage like Khadgar who is determined to pursue the truth, knowledge is like an addictive blood thistle, and the unknown knowledge that Adal possesses makes him completely irresistible.

The Alliance Expeditionary Force was trapped in Draenor for nearly 9 years. Except for the first 2 years before the arrival of the Storm Fleet, Khadgar almost stayed in Shattrath and did not move much, in order to empty out the naaru as soon as possible. A lot of knowledge.

Until the reopening of the Dark Portal, there are still many things that Khadgar hasn't learned on the Naaru side, but at least he still knows what's important.

Taking advantage of the weak Khadgar resting and recovering, Sharlayan chatted with him casually about various topics.

"Let's talk." Khadgar asked Sharlayan curiously: "Although I am very grateful that you are willing to accompany me to clean up Karazhan, but... you should have other business to do, right? Just follow me to hide in the headwind Is the trail really suitable?"

Khadgar's hiding words are really correct.

He hadn't figured out how to respond to Ronin's kind invitation, so he ran to the Deadwind Path with the excuse of taking back Karazhan.

To some extent, this is also a temporary escape.

"Heh~" Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "How do you know that I am not doing business if I leave the front line temporarily?"

Khadgar's eyes moved slightly: "What are you planning? Who is the unlucky one this time?"

Sharlayan didn't answer Khadgar's question directly, but turned to another topic.

"You have been away from Azeroth for more than 8 years, and you still don't know about the many changes that have taken place in Azeroth over the years."

"Let me tell you something first. After Queen Calia led the rebuilding of the alliance, Quel'Thalas quickly opened up the sea route from Eversong Forest to the Damned Land."

"Then the question is, why didn't I let the Quel'Thalas army return quickly on a transport ship, but let them slowly go northward through the winding road?"


Khadgar is not stupid, he just left Azeroth for too long and lacked some intelligence that could help him gain insight into the truth.

Under Sharlayan's step-by-step guidance, Khadgar's brain began to run at high speed. Combined with some information he had heard recently, he came up with an answer that he didn't know was correct, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Did you do it on purpose? In order to lure out all the main force of the Scourge Legion?"

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "Assuming you got half of the answers right, as for the other can continue to use your brain to think about it slowly."


Sharlayan stood up from the ground: "The intermission is over, hurry up and find the warehouse where the artifact is stored, I don't want to fight with the black knight who may come back anytime in this ghost place."

The teased Khadgar yelled frantically: "Hey! Wait! You should finish your sentence anyway! Disgraceful dog!!"

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