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Chapter 1094 Dogs Can't Change...

The people of Quel'Thalas have never believed in gods, and almost all high elves believe in the Sunwell that brought them everything.

However, in a fantasy world like Azeroth where supernatural power exists, even rational high elves will believe in some mysterious and mysterious things.

The new archmage succeeded in breaking through before the Duke of Deep Shadow was about to lead his army across the sea to fight in Kalimdor. In the eyes of most high elves, this was undoubtedly a good omen.

Leaving aside whether Jaina, who is Sharlayan's partner, can be counted as a Quel'Thalas.

When Silvermoon City was in jubilation due to the birth of a new archmage, Jaina, who had successfully broken through, had already used short-distance teleportation to appear outside the gate of Deep Shadow Mansion.

Jaina, who has just broken through, is still unable to perfectly control the powerful magic power in her body, and her eyes are shining with a strong blue-purple arcane light while holding the Aluneth staff.


Kael'thas, who is Jaina's mentor, was the first to applaud her gratifiedly: "Well done, Jaina, you once again exceeded my expectations."

"I believe that the day is not too far away when you will surpass me and continue to stride forward. I am proud to have taught you."

Jaina gracefully lifted the hem of her robe and bowed to Kael'thas: "Without the mentor's careful teaching and the large collection of books in Quel'Thalas selflessly provided, I would not be able to achieve today's achievements so quickly."

Sharlayan smiled and stepped forward to interrupt the two people's business exchanging: "Okay, let's stop here for the polite words."

"Your Majesty the Sun King, shall we go into the room and discuss in detail?"


Kael'thas smiled wryly and sighed: "Thanks to you, I still have a lot of work to do. Let's talk about it next time when I have time. I'll go back to the royal court to continue working."

Sharlayan showed an apologetic expression on his face: "I'm sorry for causing trouble to His Majesty."

Kael'thas turned around with a smile and waved his hands: "Where is it, this is my duty as a king."

"It's better to say, I should thank you for giving me a chance to be busy after Archimonde's arrival."

The archmages present were all human beings, and they could hear the deep meaning contained in Kael'thas' words.

As high-end talents in Quel'Thalas, the archmages all know the attraction of the Sunwell to Archimonde and the Burning Legion.

Sharlayan had raised a dire hypothesis before in front of all of Quel'Thalas' high command.

Archimonde's coming to Azeroth is a plan that the Burning Legion has made long ago, and the fraudster Kil'jaeden behind the scenes will definitely do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.

The Scourge is the tool he uses to achieve his goals.

In order to summon a demon lord of Archimonde's level to Azeroth, a huge amount of energy needs to be consumed.

According to common sense, the Scourge should have assembled all forces to attack Quel'Thalas and capture the Sunwell.

Under Sharlayan's ingenious operation, Quel'Thalas perfectly avoided this possible future.

Kael'thas took the initiative to hand over a large dose of pure Sunwell water to Kel'Thuzad through secret channels, and claimed that the well water drained the Sunwell's energy in a short period of time.

This prevented the Scourge and the Burning Legion from targeting Quel'Thalas, which was already "useless", and turned their attention to the world tree Nordrassil on the other side of the sea.

In fact, the water from the Sunwell given to Kel'Thuzad did temporarily drain the Sunwell.

However, this "temporary" duration is not as long as outsiders think, and it only takes 1-2 months to basically restore energy output.

If there was no Alcandor, the fruit of miracles brought back and popularized by Sharlayan in advance, a large number of lost souls suffering from addiction to magic would have been born in Quel'Thalas in just two months.

Quel'Thalas executives, including Kael'thas, were once again amazed by Sharlayan's vision.

As Sharlayan launched the long-prepared misfortune diversion plan, Archimonde and the main force of the Burning Legion were guided to Kalimdor as expected.

Quel'Thalas had to bear much less pressure as long as he had to face the Scourge without the elite... Not to mention that the Scourge still had the young men that Sharlayan had planted long ago.

According to the current situation in Azeroth, Sharlayan suggested that Kael'thas divide Quel'Thalas' troops into three.

The most elite part is led by Sharlayan himself. They will sail across the sea to the Broken Isles to meet up with the Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren, and then rush to Kalimdor to reinforce the night elves.

Alleria, who had just returned to Quel'Thalas to reunite with her family, volunteered to join the army along the way. Senior generals such as Ranger General Sylvanas and Morning Herald Commander Liadrin also led their troops along with them. .

The second army will stay in Quel'Thalas just in case, and concentrate its main defense forces on the Salas Gate at the junction with East Weald. Lylas Windrunner, who was urgently transferred back from Northrend not long ago, will who is the coach.

Compared with the other two armies with important missions, Lailas, who stayed in the mainland, was under relatively less pressure.

Under the leadership of Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell, the possibility of the Scourge remaining in the Eastern Kingdom to attack the already "worthless" Quel'Thalas is extremely slim.

The third army is led by Vereesa, who is familiar with the Northrend environment, and is mainly composed of Northrend's New Sandara garrison and the Kul Tiras Northern Expedition. The nerubians offer covert support.

The main purpose of this army is to ensure that Thoras Trollbane can pick the peaches smoothly when necessary, and take advantage of the firefight between the Burning Legion led by Tichondrius and the Scourge Legion to get chestnuts from the fire, and to fight the snipe and the clam to catch the fisherman. profit.

It's a pity that the night elf pioneer team led by Fandral Staghelmet was recalled in large numbers to Kalimdor to assist in the defense not long ago, and they were unable to attack Icecrown Glacier together from both sides, but this is not a big deal.

Without the tremendous pressure exerted by Archimonde, Kael'thas was able to sit in Silvermoon City and provide sufficient logistical support for the three-party battlefield.

After sending off the busy Kael'thas and the archmages who came to congratulate him, Sharlayan did not return to Sunsail Harbor immediately, but stayed to discuss the next plan with Jaina, who was still trying to control the overflowing arcane energy.

Jaina asked a little depressed: "It's hard to become an archmage, can I really not go to Kalimdor with you?"

Sharlayan gently rubbed Jaina's bright long golden hair: "Now you can't control your own power very well, it is very dangerous to go to the battlefield at this time."

"Staying behind temporarily does not mean that you have nothing to do. On the contrary, your next task is also very heavy."

Sharlayan said to Jaina seriously: "Do you remember what we saw in Dalaran before? Rhonin, who was striving for reform, was entangled by the old-fashioned faction, and he was still unable to show his strength. Even sending troops to reinforce Kalimdor this time It has been a long time since the matter passed the parliament."

Having said that, Jaina also straightened her face: "I know what to do, I need to see Mentor Antonidas first."

Sharlayan smiled and gave Jaina a hug: "Go, I hope that when we meet again in Kalimdor next time, as a new member of the Kirin Tor, you can already control your power."


Although it is called the Magic Kingdom, Dalaran is actually an independent city-state with a very free spirit.

Except for Dalaran City, which has been transformed into a floating city, the territory under the Kingdom of Dalaran is not that big, only a small circle around the satellite town of Amber Mill.

The mages of Dalaran have always done their own way, but at least they know the truth of life and death.

After learning that the main force of the Burning Legion came with Archimonde, the mages who had stayed near the Dark Portal to do research returned to Dalaran one after another.

However, on the issue of the deployment of these mages, Speaker Luo Ning had disagreements with Modera and other members.

It's still an old problem. Even with the support of Aethas Sunreaver, Luo Ning still can only be annoyed that he is tied with the conservative MPs in the number of votes, and no one can convince the other.

If the previous matter regarding the reform of the Dalaran cabinet was just a difference of ideas between the two sides, this time Modera and other old-school archmages are a bit impulsive about the overall situation of the world.

They hoped to use this matter to force Luo Ning, who has a strong sense of responsibility, to make concessions on the replacement of the councilor, and the archmage Vargoth recommended by them will enter the Kirin Tor Council.

However, once the conservative Vargas joins, the balance of power that could barely be maintained will be broken immediately, and in the future, the chairman of the conference, Ronin, will become a rubber stamp, which Modera and the others can fiddle with at will.

Ronin, who is determined to revitalize Dalaran with reforms, cannot tolerate such a situation, but considering the situation in Kalimdor, he cannot play with the safety of Azeroth like the shameless Modera three political game.

If Jaina fails to take that step for a long time, Ronin should still be forced to give in in the end, but this is obviously not in the interests of Ronin himself and Quel'Thalas.

Not only Sharlayan is eagerly looking forward to Jaina's breakthrough, but Rhonin has also been eagerly waiting for his old friend to send good news from Quel'Thalas as soon as possible.

Just as Modera, Ansrem, and Karin were gearing up and trying to press on, a huge "bad news" suddenly fell on the head of the conservative MP.

Jaina Proudmoore, who was highly expected by Antonidas and Ronin, officially broke through and became an archmage in Quel'Thalas. At this moment, she is "gossiping" with her mentor in Antonidas' hermitage.

"How can this be!"

Kalein scratched his barren head frantically: "An archmage who is only 19 years old?! Titans! Is this some kind of nasty joke?"

Ansrem sighed with a bitter expression: "This is the end of the matter, there is nothing you can do... Let it go, don't use the important matters related to the safety of Azeroth to satisfy your selfish desires, you don't have to be shameless, I still want it .”

Modera was silent for a long time before she said with difficulty: "Let's do this first. The various forces behind Jaina are not something we can offend. Ronin... let him be happy for a while."

Modera gritted her teeth and said, "Dalaran is a magical kingdom belonging to humans. Next step, we have to drive out that ungrateful alien running dog first!"

"Tell Vargas not to be discouraged, and let him be ready to replace him at any time."

"The road is still long."

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