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Chapter 1095 I heard the road is still long? ah right

Sharlayan didn't know for the time being what Modera was planning behind the scenes, but he at least knew that even the three members of Dalaran's old-school councilors were not completely of one mind.

There is an old saying in another world that is easy to change, but hard to change one's nature.

Of course, there is a more popular version of this sentence, which will not be shown for the time being.

Modera is an evergreen tree of the Kirin Tor Council, a well-established veteran in the political arena, and the talent of being able to bend and stretch has long been fully utilized.

When the respected Antonidas was still there, the older, more cunning Kirin Tor speaker could easily suppress Modera's various small thoughts, just to see if it was necessary.

The former Quel'Thalas can be called internal and external troubles.

Inside, there are great nobles headed by the Silvermoon Council and the Sunstrider royal family fighting for power, outside there are Amani trolls watching closely, and the neighbor next door, Lordaeron, is also hiding in the dark and watching with good intentions, ready to attack at any time. Take a bite out of your mouth.

At that time, Quel'Thalas had a profound background, but it did not have a strong deterrent that could deter its neighbors.

No, even Prince Kael'thas, who is the only heir to the throne, went to Dalaran to avoid domestic political struggles and never returned home for hundreds of years.

Facing such an "ancient power" that is strong outside but capable in the middle, it is normal for Antonidas to look down on Kael'thas who fled from Dalaran.

That's why he turned a blind eye to Modera's rejection of Kael'thas.

However, this time and that time.

With the birth of Sharlayan, the internal and external difficulties of Quel'Thalas were greatly alleviated in just a few years, and Kael'thas also returned to his hometown, successfully taking over from the old king and securing his throne.

That being the case, as the chief culprit who took the lead against Kael'thas in the first place, Modera, who used "selfishness" to destroy the relationship between the two countries, will of course be severely punished.

Antonidas did not hesitate to let the Dalaran political evergreen sit on the bench for several years. It was not until two years ago that she was "released after serving her sentence" with the understanding of Quel'Thalas.

After losing such a big person and suffering such a big loss, Modera just swallowed her grievances and never mentioned it again?

Obviously it is impossible, the clay figurines are still angry.

However, the situation is stronger than others. Under the watchful eye of the veteran speaker Antonidas, Modera dare not show it no matter how much she thinks.

After all, Antonidas was old, and after training two outstanding successors, the old speaker retired with satisfaction, passing on the future of Dalaran to a new generation of leader——Ronin.

In terms of various abilities, Luo Ning, who has served as a member of parliament for several years, is indeed qualified to inherit the position of speaker.

But some things don't just depend on ability. The set of rules for human relations is the same in any country.

Luo Ning, who just came to power, has not had time to cultivate direct subordinates who are completely loyal to him. Modera has spotted this opportunity and plans to further expand his influence before Luo Ning's wings are full.

But after all, Modera has been sitting on the bench for several years. There is a saying that people should leave the tea, and she has just returned to the Kirin Tor Council for two years, and her power has long been inferior to before.

In desperation, Modera, who originally planned to eat alone, could only recruit Karaine and Ansrem to form the so-called conservative faction, resolutely resisting various reform proposals by Ronin.

Unlike Modera, who was ambitious and wanted to regain power and even aspire to the position of speaker, the reason why Ansrem Ruinvivor opposed Ronin's reform was only because some of the reform plans offended his interests.

This issue involves the distribution of resources and benefits within Dalaran. Salayan only had a rough understanding of it, and did not delve into it. It is enough to know Ansrem's motives for opposing Ronin.

To describe it in one sentence, the conflict between Anslem and Ronin is not irreconcilable, it's just that the young Ronin's approach to dealing with the problem was not smooth enough, and he failed to take into account the interests of other congressmen.

Kalain's motives were even more pure. He just couldn't bear the sight of Luo Ning, who was several decades younger than him, stepping on his head in one step.

If Luo Ning can lower his body a little and take the initiative to show his favor, Kalein is not a completely unreasonable person, and he can take advantage of the situation to get off the donkey.

However, when Ronin was busy formulating reform plans and had no time for him, Modera, who had other plans, stepped in and mentioned Jaina who was younger than Ronin but was more valued by Antonidas.

Modera's fueling of the flames successfully irritated Kalein, who was more irritable in the mage group, and the old-school councilors kneaded into a whole temporarily with their own thoughts.

"So that's what happened..."

Before setting off from Quel'Thalas, Jaina rubbed the center of her brows with a wry smile after listening to Sharlayan's detailed analysis.

"In the final analysis, Luo Ning, who just took office as speaker, lacks experience. He was too eager to promote reforms, and failed to take care of the minds and interests of his colleagues."

Sharlayan spread his hands and said, "Simply speaking, that's it."

"Ansrem and Carlein are old fritters who have followed Antonidas for many years. There was nothing serious about it. It's just that the young Ronin can't understand people's hearts, and someone took the opportunity to fuel the flames behind, which made the situation gradually worse. It has fermented to this point today.”

"Jianna, your joining will inevitably break the current 3:3 vote balance maintained by the Kirin Tor Council, but... I don't want you to be as radical as Ronin and push forward reforms, do you understand what I mean?"

Jaina nodded meaningfully: "I understand. Before solving the hidden dangers in Dalaran, I will try my best to abstain from the vote on Rhonin's reform plan, and first find a way to relieve the hearts of Ansrem and Kalaine. Knot."

Sharlayan patted Jaina on the head approvingly: "Very well, although we don't have direct evidence that Modera is behind the scenes, this matter doesn't actually need evidence, as long as we speculate based on the development of the situation that we will get Whoever is beneficial will do.”

"Khadgar's joining the Kirin Tor Council is inevitable. Ronin will never compromise on this matter. Even Antonidas, who once had conflicts with Khadgar, will secretly promote this matter behind his back."

"Ansrem, Kalein, and Modera are no longer young, and have no potential to tap, but you, Rhonin, and Khadgar represent the future of Dalaran."

"For the consideration of Dalaran's future development, the Kirin Tor...or even Dalaran as a whole will put their bets on which side, there is no need for much hesitation at all."

"After you entered the Kirin Tor first to fill the seat, Khadgar's arrival means that a Kirin Tor councilor will inevitably be squeezed out."

Sharlayan sneered and hooked the corners of his lips: "From the standpoint of Quel'Thalas, I hope this person is Modera who never changes his mind."

Modera has indeed been very low-key in recent years, but Sharlayan doesn't think that this resilient old politician will swallow the big loss he suffered in Quel'Thalas back then.

If it wasn't for Antonidas, who was short of staff at the time, to make peace, and Kael'thas, who had a gentle personality, "forgave" her in consideration of the overall situation. Salayan originally planned to push this great humanist to death on the bench.

Now that the Kirin Tor Council is no longer short of people, it is a matter of course to kick Modera, who has always harbored malice towards Quel'Thalas, first.

Sarlayan, Ansrem, and Kalein are just nodding acquaintances, and they are not interested in in-depth contact with them.

Aethas Sunreaver is the spokesperson of Quel'Thalas, Speaker Rhonin and Khadgar are Sharlayan's friends, and Jaina is Sharlayan's partner.

As long as these four people can gain a firm foothold in the Kirin Tor Council, the opinions of Ansrem, Kalein... and even the replacement members will not be too important. Anyway, they are also in the voting system of the Kirin Tor Council. Can't turn the sky.

But just in case...

"Jianna, you can take a look at the tone of that Archmage Vargos when you have time."

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "People who are willing to take the initiative to stay in Draenor with the expeditionary force don't look like conservative people. I always feel that there is something strange behind this matter."


Jaina is extremely talented in arcane arts, but she is still very young after all, lacks experience in communicating with people, and her control over human nature is far inferior to Sharlayan, who often fights with old foxes.

The conservative MPs headed by Modera originally thought that after Jaina entered the parliament, she would rush to stand on Rhonin's side and forcefully push the reform bill, further pushing Ansrem and Kalein, who were still somewhat vacillating, further and further away. .

However, contrary to Modera's expectations, Jaina actually gradually narrowed the relationship with Ansrem and Kalein with a smooth wrist that did not match her age.

In the vote on the reform proposals proposed by Rhonin, who had high hopes for Jaina, Jaina also pretended to be a fool and abstained on the grounds that she was new to Dalaran and did not understand the internal affairs of Dalaran.

At the beginning, Luo Ning was a little confused by Jaina's abnormal behavior. It wasn't until Antonidas, who had lived in seclusion for a long time, came to him to "gossip", that Luo Ning woke up like a dream and began to change his overly radical reform attitude .

Putting aside the subsequent power struggle in Daala, at least Jaina did not hesitate to express her support for sending reinforcements to Kalimdor.

Counting the two-vote authority of Rhonin as the Speaker, the new round of voting in the Kirin Tor Council finally passed the resolution with a vote of 4 to 3, and Dalaran officially decided to send additional reinforcements to the Kalimdor continent.

However, taking into account issues such as personnel selection and logistical material deployment, Dalaran's reinforcements will start later than Quel'Thalas, which completed preparations earlier.

Jaina can just take advantage of this time to consolidate the realm she has just broken through, and gain a deeper understanding of Dalaran's current political ecology, so as to prepare for the next step.

At the same time, the army of Quel'Thalas, commanded by Sharlayan himself, set sail from Sunsail Port and went all the way down the river to the port of Boralus, the capital of Kul Tiras. The Tiras naval fleet meets.

To Sharlayan's surprise, Dai Lin, who has always been in good health, unexpectedly fell ill at this time.

Although the admiral, who has always shown a tough image, planned to go to the expedition in spite of illness, but under the strong persuasion of Queen Catherine and Lady Ashvane, he had no choice but to give up his original plan.

"Sharlayan! Ahem~"

On the pier of Boralus Harbor, Daelin, with a sick face, held Sharlayan's right hand tightly and said earnestly, "I'll leave Tandre to you. You must...cough~ bring him back alive."

Sharlayan knew the reason why Dai Lin was so nervous, and he solemnly made a promise to his old father-in-law.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, Tandre will never be in danger."

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