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Chapter 1101 Archimonde's Bad Taste

In the usual time cognition of long-lived species like high elves, a few short years are nothing at all, and the drunkenness and dreams of attending banquets every day will soon pass.

But for a person like Sarlayan who strives to live every day well, paying attention to 365 days in a year feels like a long time to him.

Not to mention that Sharlayan and Aurelia had been separated for nearly 9 years, and these 9 years happened to be the period when Sharlayan grew the fastest.

Alleria's impression of Sharlayan subconsciously stays at the Tie Hanhan who only knew recklessness back then. She is still a little uncomfortable with his huge growth, and always feels an inexplicable strangeness.

But this is just Aurelia's feeling.

For Sharlayan, Alleria is still the same Alleria.

Nine years hadn't carved many traces of weather on her body, but after many experiences in Draenor, her character became a little~~slightly calmer.

Just as Sharlayan has always respected Aurelia Adam as her own sister, Aurelia also loves this unrelated younger brother very much.

Because of this inexplicable sense of strangeness, Alleria felt a little anxious in her heart. She was eager to get to know Sharlayan who had grown significantly, and to draw closer to her brother again.

The Farstriders led by Alleria were not a regular army, and were relatively less subject to the official restrictions of Quel'Thalas.

With a roll of her eyes, Alleria waved her hand and called Halduron Brightwing, the adjutant who was organizing the Farstrider team, over.

Halduron and Alleria belonged to the same generation. He had witnessed Alleria's most aggressive growth period, and he never dared to stab her in front of her.

After seeing Alleria's actions, Halduron, who used to be carefree in the past, immediately ran over.

"Boss, do you need me?"


Alleria showed a familiar smile that made Halduron's vest a little cold: "Halduron, I have important things to leave the camp, and I will leave the Farstrider to you for the time being."

"Ah this..."

Halduron reflexively wanted to persuade him a few words, but when he noticed the meaningful look in Alleria's eyes, his skin tightened all of a sudden, and he swallowed the words that were about to reach his lips.

"No problem! Please rest assured and leave it to me!"



Onyxia, who came to Kalimdor with Sharlayan, yawned lazily. There is no chance for her to play here for the time being.

After witnessing the whole process of the interaction between Alleria and Halduron, Onyxia poked Stellagosa, who was busy with paperwork, with her finger in a funny way.

Stellagosa frowned and looked at the black dragon princess with a smirk on her face: "Why? I still have things to do."


Onyxia pointed at Alleria who was quietly leaving the temporary camp: "Kalimdor is not safe at all, don't we need to call her back?"


Stellagosa looked at the back of Alleria leaving and pondered for a moment: "Forget it, Alleria is not a little guy like Tina who doesn't care about the importance, she has her own measure."

"Compared to this..."

Stellagosa raised her eyebrows and stared at the empty-handed Onyxia: "If you have time to pay attention to others, why don't you help me with some work?"

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders, and finally stood up lazily: "Okay, whoever told you not to bring Tina over to help, I'll do what I can to help you."

Stellagosa didn't explain anything, just shook her head silently.

'In the face of such a dangerous situation where even a demigod may perish, how can I safely bring Tina here? It's better to let her stay in the territory and continue to familiarize herself with official duties with Aunt Inas. '


Sharlayan knew nothing about the series of episodes that happened in the camp after he left.

At this moment, he had just arrived at Andarius, the capital of the Dark Night Republic on the top of Hyjal, to discuss the follow-up defense work with the chairman of the Dark Night Council, Malfurion.

At the same time, Valeera and other high elf scouts have spread out efficiently in Winterspring Valley and Felwood Forest, and a small team of field observers is heading straight to the front line of Ashenvale.

If the idea provided by Sharlayan is correct, in order to create a more favorable home court advantage for the Burning Legion, Archimonde should send the Dreadlord, who is good at sneaking and infiltrating, to sneak behind the battlefield to wreak havoc.

Tichondrius was sent by Archimonde to Northrend to deal with the Lich King, and Archimonde was followed by Anaseron, the number two of the Nathrezim clan.


After arriving in Felwood Forest, Valeera quickly detected a strange flow of fel energy through the magic items that Stellagosa gave her.

Going upstream in the direction of the surge of fel energy, Valeera, who was acting alone, found the commander of the Dreadlord, Anasseron, who was guarding a certain fel artifact in the center of Felwood Forest.

After carefully observing the unique appearance of the artifact that was spreading corrosive power to the entire forest, Valeera slightly closed her eyes to hide the killing intent in her eyes.

'The head of Gul'dan... was really hit by Sharlayan. '

The forest is without a doubt the home of the night elves.

Night elves, as the name suggests, they can exert stronger combat effectiveness in a dark environment.

Ashenvale and Felwood forest grow huge trees that block out the sky and the sun. The night elves can perfectly display their racial advantages such as night vision and shadow escape, which has caused a lot of trouble for the Burning Legion.

Valeera was not in a hurry to make a move, and calmly maintained a stealth state to monitor Anaceron's every move.

‘Let’s observe it for now, and pass the news back to Sharlayan. I am afraid that I am not the opponent of this dreadlord. '


The Ashenvale front on the other side.

With Illidan and Maiev personally rushing to the front, the battle situation on the front line has not made breakthrough progress for the time being.

Of course, this was because Archimonde hadn't personally acted yet, and he stayed behind with great interest and looked forward to the development of the battle, as if he was watching a wonderful monkey show.

The Defiler is very confident that as long as he takes action himself, all the achievements of these pathetic mortals will collapse in an instant. He is very happy to see the despair in the eyes of these mortals when that scene happens.

Not to mention Archimonde's bad taste of wanting to see the emotional roller coaster of the enemy.

At this time, the abyss lord Azgalor and the doom lord Kazloga who commanded the battle on the front line of the legion were very annoyed by the stalemate in the battle.

In terms of individual combat effectiveness, the main force of the Burning Legion under Archimonde's command is undoubtedly higher than that of the night elf defenders.

However, when Azgalor and Kazloga planned to lead by example and charge to tear apart the enemy's line of defense, Illidan and Maiev stepped forward in time to stop them.

The senior officers of the Burning Legion were unable to open up the battle situation, and the demon army, which clearly had an advantage in strength, also fell into a quagmire under Jarod's exquisite command, and was unable to break through for a while.

Archimonde is not in a hurry, anyway, he still has other backups.

But Azgalo and Kazloga, who knew Archimonde's temper, had to be in a hurry. They didn't want to accept severe punishment from the polluters after their failure.

"Damn mortal! Come out and face me!"

Maiev, who was hiding in the dark and observing, ignored Azgalor's soaring anger, and calmly waited for the next opportunity to make a move.

"Demon, don't think that the night elves have made no progress in the past ten thousand years. Your old-fashioned offensive will never easily break through our defenses!"

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