Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1102 Mannoroth's

Azgalor was very annoyed at Maiev who was blinking and wandering around.

The abyss lords are too large, they are naturally suitable for charging on the battlefield, but they will not be flexible enough in small-scale battles.

With the advantages of mobility, Maiev has been constantly harassing around Azgalor.

Whenever he had the intention of returning to the battlefield and tearing apart the battle line, Maiev would take the opportunity to give Azgalor a round of explosive damage, and the rough-skinned and thick-skinned abyss lord screamed.

The senior officers of the Burning Legion do have quite a few demigod-level powerhouses, but demigods are not Chinese cabbage among the demons with a large base, and one can be caught at will.

As Annihilan... that is, the fourth member of the abyss lord family, Azgalor is also a demigod-level demon officer.

However, compared with Mannoroth, Magtheridon, and Brutalus who are ahead of him, Azgalo is relatively weak. In Sharlayan's words, he is a demigod goalkeeper who barely stepped into the half-god. God level threshold.

It is true that there is a huge difference in the nature of life between demigods and mortals.

But in terms of performance, Azgalor, who has just stepped into the threshold of a demigod, and Maiev, who has reached the peak of mortals, do not have the gap between heaven and earth.

As Garald's older sister, Maiev knew his abilities better than anyone else, so she could safely hand over the task of commanding the battle to Garald, and devote herself wholeheartedly to the battle against Azgalor.

As the vanguard of the legion, Azgalor couldn't concentrate like Maiev. He also shouldered the task of tearing apart the battle line, and he was distracted from time to time to command the demons under him when fighting Maiev.

Coincidentally, the battle between Illidan and the doom lord Kazrogar is also a similar situation.

Compared with Kazak, the big brother of the Doom Guard, Kazloga is less powerful, but not far behind.

If he can make full use of his air superiority, it will be difficult for Illidan to restrain Kazrogar without absorbing the power of Gul'dan's head and growing wings.

Unfortunately, after Illidan and Maiev rushed to the battlefield, they relied on a sneak attack and teamed up to abolish Kazrogar's wings immediately, leaving him aggrieved to fight Illidan on the ground, with only 100% strength. Can play 70% to 80%.

"Hmph! These two useless trash."

Although Archimonde was not in a hurry to advance, he was very dissatisfied with the performance of his two senior officers, and he made up his mind to punish them accordingly.

After observing the still anxious battle situation at last, Archimonde looked towards the east of Ashenvale with some empty eyes.

"Mannoroth, I hope you won't disappoint me like these two wastes. I look forward to your performance."


Mannoroth, the leader of Annihelan, whom Archimonde placed high hopes on, is stationed in a hidden canyon bordering the Azshara region in the east of Ashenvale.

As the number one general under Archimonde, Mannoroth naturally has to undertake the most difficult task. His goal is to break through the big tree guarded by the green dragon and slow down the speed of dragon reinforcements rushing to the frontline battlefield.

However, just as Mannoroth was about to move his huge body to attack the big shade tree planted with giant rune trees that could connect to the Emerald Dream, the scouts from the rear suddenly sent him a very interesting piece of information.

"Ha ha!"

Mannoroth looked towards the direction of the desolate red land where the legion had landed with great interest.

"Orcs? Is there any remnants of my cute toys in Azeroth?"

"In this case……"

Mannoroth, who has always been ridiculed by his colleagues for being empty-headed, had a rare thoughtful look in his eyes: "Let the orcs replace us as the vanguard of the attack, ha! That will be interesting."


Due to the time difference, the tribal army that "snatched" the ship from South Sea Town set off a few days later than the alliance's reinforcements.

The orcs, including Goel, did not know that these ships docked in South Sea Town not by coincidence, but by some people deliberately, in order to allow the orcs to have transportation to cross the sea after accepting Medivh's guidance Go to Kalimdor.

These transport ships sponsored by Kul Tiras are all old ships that are close to the retirement age.

Even if Sharlayan didn't mention it, Daelin still planned to scrap them after a while, which could be regarded as the last use of waste.

After all, it is an old ship that is close to being scrapped, and it is far from being comparable to the latest transport ship used by the alliance reinforcements in terms of stability and comfort.

But for the orcs made by Pishi Nai, this small problem is nothing.

Grom and his Warsong clan entered Azeroth after the main war of the Second Orc War, and they did not experience what the old Horde did with the Alliance in Hillsbrad and the Wetlands. A naval battle.

The warships used by the Horde at that time were junk goods provided by mercenary goblins at a high price, and they were no better than the ships Gouel and the others were currently riding on.

At that time, the orcs who had just arrived did not understand the situation in Azeroth, and were coaxed by the goblins to give a large amount of gold coins collected from the ruins of Stormwind City, but what they got was a bunch of useless garbage.

The elite navy of Kul Tiras could have beaten them to shit at sea if it weren't for the Red Dragon Knights provided by the Dragonmaw clan to escort them in the air.

It was also because of the joining of the Red Dragon Knight that Dai Lin, who originally thought there would be no suspense in this sea battle, lost his beloved son.

The crown prince of Kul Tiras, Jaina, and Tandre's elder brother, Derek Proudmoore, unfortunately died under the flames of the red dragon. Daelin also hated the orcs from then on.

Among the orcs under Goel's command, there are many veterans who have participated in the old Horde and Alliance naval battles. They don't think there is any problem with the state of the ships they snatched from South Sea Town. Others follow the trend and think that they are Alliance ships. normality.

Like the Darkspear trolls, Go'el's fleet also encountered a summer tropical storm at sea.

Unlike the sturdy and durable high-quality transport ships provided by the Blackwater Pirates, the old broken ship that the tribe was on was severely damaged in the storm and was forced to dock on an isolated island at sea to temporarily repair the ship.

As the saying goes, there is no coincidence, the Darkspear troll who took refuge on the island first happened to collide with the orc who also landed on the island.

When the old tribes ravaged Azeroth, they also tentatively attacked Stranglethorn Vale, but due to the fierce resistance of the jungle trolls, the orcs did not continue to invest more troops in Stranglethorn Vale, which had little strategic value.

After all, the main goal of the orcs at that time was to defeat the alliance, and the trolls who lived in a corner could be left to take care of them later.

During the Second Orc War, Vol'jin was still very young and did not directly participate in the war between the orcs.

However, Wojin had heard about the ferocious and bloodthirsty nature of the orcs from many seniors, so they met unexpectedly on the deserted island, and the two sides entered a tense situation without any accident.

To Vol'jin's surprise, the orc army he encountered was not as violent and warlike as the legend said.

Although some orcs are eager to take the initiative to attack, they can temporarily maintain restraint under the restraint of other kin.

Needless to say, it is known that these orcs who want to go to war directly are from the Warsong clan.

Thanks to the rational performance of the leaders of both sides, the orcs and the Darkspear trolls, who were also living on the deserted island, reached a temporary peace agreement.

Knowing that Goel and other orcs also plan to rush to Kalimdor to fight the Burning Legion, Vol'jin boldly invites the new tribe with a large number of damaged ships to borrow the Blackwater Pirates' ship to set off together. .

The Alliance fleet can land directly at the Port of Estorante, which is under the control of the night elves.

Since the Darkspear trolls missed the time to rendezvous with the alliance fleet, in order to avoid misunderstanding and hostility from the natives of Kalimdor, this mixed fleet could only find an uninhabited wasteland to land.

Coincidentally, this wasteland is the red land where the Burning Legion landed before and left scouts to monitor it all the time.

In the future of the original history, this place will become the base camp of the new tribe, named by Goel after his father... Durotar.

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