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Chapter 1106: The Reality Beneath the Appearance

"Don't worry, now is not the right time."

Vereesa calmly looked at the army of demons and undead that was forming a ball at the front line.

"According to Sharlayan's plan, we need to take advantage of their dog-eat-dog opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

"It's not long since Tichondrius arrived in Northrend, and the reinforcements led by Arthas have not returned from the Eastern Kingdom."

"Now the two sides are just testing each other, and the battle is far from reaching a fever pitch."

Turning her eyes to look at the cold and solid Icecrown Fortress, a strange look flashed in Vereesa's eyes.

"Wait until they fight each other for real, and fight out the dog's brains on the battlefield, then is the best time for us to act."

There is an important piece of information that Vereesa has kept secret.

As early as the beginning of the construction of Icecrown Citadel, Ner'zhul left a little-known escape route in an inconspicuous corner of the lower part of the fortress.

Unfortunately, through years of outstanding performance, Kel'Thuzad, who has long been fully trusted by Ner'zhul, happens to be one of those few people.

To put it nicely, Ner'zhul was thinking about defeat before winning, and he looked like a famous general.

To put it bluntly, this guy is a conventional coward, first create a way out for himself when necessary.

"According to the information Sharlayan obtained from secret channels..."

Vereesa withdrew her gaze and continued to explain to the three who were still frowning: "The eternally frozen ice that seals Ner'zhul's soul and the Helm of Domination is extremely strong, and Kil'jaeden's spell prohibition is also engraved on it."

"Unless you can have a strength close to or even surpassing the fraudster himself, it is impossible to physically break through the perpetually frozen ice through strong means."

Solas asked with a headache on his face: "Then how do I take out the Helm of Domination from the eternally frozen ice?"

"The answer is simple."

Vereesa smiled meaningfully: "Frostmourne."

Solas: "Huh?"

Vereesa continued to explain: "Frostmourne is the execution weapon given by Kil'jaeden to the dreadlords who are responsible for monitoring Ner'zhul. Only it can easily penetrate the eternal frozen ice and destroy Ner'zhul's body. soul."

"I don't know how Ner'zhul tricked Frostmourne from Detherok and the others to be used by Alsace. Maybe there is another secret behind it."

"But anyway..."

Daelin rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "If we want to kill Ner'zhul and seize the Helm of Dominion, we must first snatch from Arthas the magic sword that is said to affect the mind of the holder?"

Vereesa nodded solemnly: "That's right, and what His Majesty Dai Lin mentioned is not just a legend."

"Frostmourne does have the ability to affect the mind of the holder. Ner'zhul somehow linked Frostmourne and the Helm of Domination, and he can use this to subtly change the person who holds Frostmourne way of thinking."

Vereesa did not explain the reason in detail, but Salayan had already told her the answer in advance.

The ownership of Frostmourne and the linkage with the Helm of Dominion are actually small tricks of the dreadlords behind the scenes of the Burning Legion, in order for Ner'zhul to take the opportunity to meet Denathrius who is far away in the Shadow Realm. online.

On the bright side, only Ner'zhul's titular master, Kil'jaeden, is coveting the undead cannon fodder of the Scourge.

But in fact, he is not the only one who is eyeing Ner'zhul... and even the entire Scourge. Sarlayan and Denathrius have also been watching the progress of the situation silently in the dark, ready to enter the field at any time. .

However, whether Denathrius will enter the arena depends on whether Ner'zhul is worthy of his exposure.

Based on Ner'zhul's ability over the years, Sharlayan boldly speculated that this sad old orc might not be able to catch Denathrius' eyes, and would most likely be abandoned.

This is also the reason why Tichondrius, the leader of the Dread Demon King, reversed the previous ambiguous gestures of the Dread Demon Kings and led the army of demon generals to attack with all their strength.

To put it bluntly, Ner'zhul has been given up by Denathrius.

After some weighing, Denathius decided that an incompetent Lich King wasn't worth exposing Nathrezim's cards.

In order to erase the traces of Ner'zhul's contact with the Shadow Realm over the years, Denathius secretly ordered Tichondrius to kill Ner'zhul himself and destroy the body, leaving all evidence to dust.

There is no need to tell the three of Dai Lin about these behind-the-scenes intrigues.

If Solas can successfully snatch the Helm of Domination from Ner'zhul, Sharlayan will come to Northrend in person to explain the secret behind this matter to him, so as to prevent him from being killed by Denathi without knowing the inside story. Si's rhetoric deceived.

"So..." Solas spread his hands and asked: "We can only wait patiently for the further development of the situation for the time being? Is there nothing else we can do?"

"That's not true."

Vereesa beckoned the three of them to follow her, and returned to Crystalsong Forest below the dam through the small teleportation array.

"Your Majesty Solas, you are different from Archbishop Fao. You have been awakened from death for a short time, so you probably can't perfectly control this undead body?"

Solas sighed and admitted: "Indeed, I always feel very stiff when I move around. When I was sparring with Danas, I was lucky enough to get a move by that kid. This has never happened before."

Vereesa smiled and explained: "This is normal, even undead creatures need to maintain their bodies frequently."

"In the next period of time, His Majesty Solas will first learn to re-adapt to his body under the guidance of Archbishop Fao, at least to restore 80-90% of his peak strength before his death."

"For a meritorious king like you, Alsace's combat power is nothing, but he holds the Frostmourne that restrains all souls."

Vereesa emphasized sternly: "Once Frostmourne inflicts even a small wound on the body, this magic sword will activate the function of absorbing souls, which is extremely harmful to undead creatures that rely on souls to drive their bodies powerful."

Solas groaned and rubbed his chin: "That is to say, I must defeat Arthas and capture Frostmourne without being injured?"

"And after getting Frostmourne, I still have to stick to my will and eliminate the long-range spiritual influence exerted by Ner'zhul?"

Solas smiled wryly and shook his head: "The task is heavy, is there enough time?"


Vereesa shrugged: "It depends on your progress speed and how the battlefield situation develops."

"Don't worry, if the situation is urgent, Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras will send troops together to help you buy more time."

"However, please be sure to leave before the final battle on Mount Hyjal begins. This is related to Sharlayan's next plan."

"Sharlayan Lord Deep Shadow?"

Solas twitched the corners of his mouth with a stiff expression: "Quel'Thalas really has a great character... Well, I will adapt to this undead body as soon as possible."

"Your Majesty Faol, I will leave it to you during this time."

Faol still nodded with a gentle expression: "It should be, everything we do is for Azeroth."

The three of Vereesa clenched their fists and hammered their chests in a unified manner: "For Azeroth."

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