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Chapter 1107 The pressure came to Kel'Thuzad?

Quel'Thalas and Kul Tiras chose to sit back and watch the battle in Northrend, allowing the demons of the Burning Legion and the undead of the Scourge to fight to the death on the cold glaciers.

These two races are not afraid of cold and heat, but the high elves and humans, who are mortals, cannot.

Standing on standby on extremely cold glaciers for a long time, the soldiers' bodies will sooner or later be overwhelmed, resulting in unnecessary non-combat attrition.

Fortunately, the Iron Wall Dam military base that Sarayan advocated to build happened to be stuck on the edge of the enchantment of Crystalsong Forest, and was still protected by the enchantment, so it would not be attacked by the cold wind of Icecrown Glacier.

Ner'zhul and Tichondrius were not stupid. Even though the two sides were fighting in full swing in the middle of the flat glacier, they were still wary of the high elves hiding on the edge of the glacier to watch the battle.

As the Burning Legion's frontline barracks attacked from north to south, Mal'Ganis asked Tichondrius, who was still calm and composed, with concern on his face: "Boss, there is really no need to find a way to deal with the group of elders who are waiting for us to lose. ears?"

Tichondrius waved his hand indifferently: "I know what they are thinking, and I also know what you are worried about."

"Don't worry, I made arrangements in advance, what do you think Bannazar is going to do?"

"Picking peaches is not so easy for a stupid mortal, so just watch carefully."

"Compared to those ants who only dare to make small moves behind their backs..."

Tichondrius looked up at the majestic Icecrown Fortress with a solemn expression.

"Keeping tigers is a problem... You guys really created a problem for me."

Although the Icecrown Fortress was urgently completed by the undead of the Scourge Legion, but this strong fortress with a completely different architectural style from the orcs, its construction blueprints were actually made by the Dreadlord.

As the leader of the Nathrezim clan, how could Tichondrius fail to recognize the origin of this fortress.

Tichondrius was annoyed that it was this design of his own countrymen that stood in the way of the Burning Legion...or Denathrius "cleaning the door" and destroying the corpses.

Mal'Ganis, Detherok, and Varimathras heard the anger from Tichondrius' playful tone, and the three hurriedly bowed to admit their mistake.

"Leader, forgive me, we didn't expect that guy Ner'zhul..."


Tichondrius put away his piercing and weird smile, and interrupted the explanation of the three with a blank expression.

"Your excuses will be presented to the master in person after the event. Now I just want to know, who can break through this fortress?"

Tichondrius scanned the three of them with deep eyes: "Ner'zhul knows too much, we must not let him be captured by Kil'jaeden!"

"That cowardly old orc can't bear the torture of the Witch Council. When the time comes, he will spit out everything he knows. This is a huge threat to us."

"The master personally issued an order to me, be sure to shut him up forever before the Burning Legion recovers Ner'zhul!"

The four Dreadlords present were all of their own, and they could all understand the seriousness of the problem.

Ditherock lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his hand and said, "Chief, I may have a way."

Tichondrius: "Say."


Detherok said in a calm tone: "As the number two figure of the Scourge, the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad has authority second only to Ner'zhul himself."

"And because Ner'zhul, who has no body, cannot move freely, at certain times, Kel'Thuzad's authority can even briefly override Ner'zhul."

"Of course, the premise is that Ner'zhul did not use the Helm of Domination."

"Speaking of which..." Tichondrius asked rather puzzled: "The grand lich you mentioned has not been included in the control network of the Helm of Domination?"

Detherok nodded: "Kel'Thuzad was the first important talent to join the Scourge, and he took the initiative to join the Lich King based on his in-depth study of the mysteries of death spells."

"Therefore, Ner'zhul has always respected this knowledgeable lich, and did not want to forcibly control his thinking and curb his creativity."

"Over the years, Mal'Ganis and I have tested Kel'Thuzad many times. His determination to seek the Tao is very firm, and he can't fake it at all."

"However, he has always been wary of us from the Burning Legion. Kel'Thuzad has been unwilling to communicate with us behind Ner'zhul's back."

Varimathras took the topic and added: "According to our secret observations, Kel'Thuzad's knowledge of psychic spells is far higher than that of Ner'zhul, who became a monk halfway through."

"In the beginning, Kel'Thuzad had reverence for Ner'zhul, who claimed to be the Lich King, and he hoped to learn the knowledge he needed from Ner'zhul."

"But..." Varimathras shrugged with a sneer: "Because everyone knows, the academic knowledge that Ner'zhul can take out is quite limited, and a limited part is also instilled in him by us."

"Over time, the clever Kel'Thuzad naturally realized that the so-called Lich King is just an academic liar with a lot of bragging."

"Although he is still extremely loyal to Ner'zhul on the surface because it is difficult to turn around when he is on a thief ship, we believe that this is only because he does not want Ner'zhul to think that he is rebellious, and he is forcibly brought into the control of the Helm of Domination network."


Tichondrius himself was a master of conspiracy, and he easily heard the available information from the words of the three subordinates.

"What do you mean... to plot against Kel'Thuzad? Using knowledge as a bait to make him truly my Lord's direct subordinate in Azeroth?"

Detherlock: "Yes."

Tichondrius bowed his head in silence for a while before speaking again: "You have been lurking in Azeroth for many years, and you know Kel'Thuzad better than I do."

"How sure are you that you can instigate Ner'zhul to rebel against him?"

Mal'Ganis: "If we let Kel'Thuzad know that we can temporarily curb the Helm of Domination's control over him, I think... there is at least an 80% certainty."

"Kel'Thuzad is a very typical Dalaran scholar, he is willing to pay any price for the pursuit of truth."

"As long as we can pay for the knowledge that interests him, and remove the possible consequences of betraying Ner'zhul for him in advance, I don't think he will really be loyal to that academic liar to the end."

The Helmet of Dominion is personally forged by the talisman engraver (warlord) according to the needs of the warden.

In order to avoid attracting the suspicion of the extraordinarily shrewd and cautious fraudsters, and thus attracting the attention of the unparalleled fallen titans, the Warden dared not leave a back door in the Helm of Dominion.

However, this doesn't mean that Tichondrius can't make small moves on the Helm of Domination.

In the final analysis, Ner'zhul is only the holder of the Helm of Domination, not its real master.

Using the theory commonly used in the world where the barrage is located, the Helm of Dominion is like a public computer. Ner'zhul, who thinks he is the owner of the Helm of Domination, actually only has the authority of tourists, and Tichondrius, who is also a tourist, is equal.

If Tichondrius can bypass the undead army and go straight to the Frozen Throne with the assistance of Kel'Thuzad, in theory, he can compete with Ner'zhul and interfere with the normal use of the Helm of Dominion with the same authority level, so that Ner'zhul is temporarily unable to control the ability of the helm of domination.

Ultimately, however, the plan has risks.

The Dreadlord understands the complexity of the human heart better than anyone else, and they can't guarantee that Kel'Thuzad will definitely betray the Lich King who has served for many years and turn to a great existence of unknown origin for the time being.

Mal'Ganis and others proposed a solution, and the final decision could only be made by Tichondrius, the leader of the Nathrezim clan.

Regardless of whether this plan ultimately succeeds or fails, Tichondrius should... and must bear most of the credit or responsibility.

The Nathrezim family is good at manipulating people's hearts, and the same is true for Nai.

Tichondrius also sat in today's position after experiencing many betrayals and calculations. He needs to consider whether Mal'Ganis and others deliberately came up with a seemingly good idea to calculate himself, and wanted to take the opportunity Take your leadership position.

"This plan is reserved for the time being. I need to personally investigate all the information on Kel'Thuzad."

Tichondrius still looked at the three subordinates calmly and said: "During the time I am out, you continue to command the army to maintain the offensive."

"I hope that by the time I return, you will have pushed the battle line to the gate of Icecrown Citadel and made all the preparations before launching the plan."

Tichondrius said with deep meaning: "Don't let me down, if this plan succeeds, I will help you to intercede with the master and save you from the stupid mistakes you made earlier."

The three fearful demon kings were shocked at the same time when they heard the words, and hurriedly stood up straight and beat their chests with one hand: "Obey! Leader!"

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