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Chapter 1108 Tichondrius: No one can find me

As far away as Stratholme, Kel'Thuzad dispatched the Eastern Kingdom's left-behind undead to secure a solid line of defense. He had no idea that he was being personally investigated by the leader of the Nathrezim clan.

Ever since Alsace led a part of the main natural disaster force to Northrend, the army of the undead in the Eastern Kingdom has taken advantage of the trend to switch from offense to defense.

The Kingdom of Lordaeron, which had stood firm for a long time, finally waited until Mograine led the main force to return, and the problem of the emptiness of domestic troops has been greatly improved.

However, the damage already done could not be recovered. Archimonde's demonstration before leaving completely destroyed the entire town of Andorhal.

To this day, there is still a lot of violent fel energy around the giant pit centered on Andorhal, and all creatures that are close to the giant pit of Andorhal will be infected by fel energy.

A large number of wild animals living near Andorhal have been contaminated and become more aggressive.

Until Lordaeron...or the Alliance finds a way to clean up the remaining fel energy near the Andorhal pit, this area has temporarily become a forbidden area for life.

Taking the maximum radiation range of Andorhal's giant crater as the dividing line, the army of Lordaeron and the Scourge set a boundary to rule.

After Alsace was ordered to leave, Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell immediately dispatched troops to pull the defense back to the front line of Gaelon Farm.

On the one hand, it is to avoid the heavily polluted ruins of Andorhal, and on the other hand, it is also to shrink the troops to deal with the threat from the rear.

The remaining members of the Knights of the Silver Hand in East Weald are still trying to regain lost ground.

Abides, Tyrosus and others have cleared away the sporadic undead blocking the road in front of their respective gates, and they have come to join forces at the crossing of Corin, preparing to concentrate their superior forces to take back Dalon in the south of East Weald first. county.

The Scourge's most important base in the Eastern Kingdoms is undoubtedly Stratholme City, but Darrowshire, as the forward stronghold in the south of East Weald, must not be lost, otherwise the undead army marching into East Tirisfal will face enemies from both sides. Dilemma.

Without the annoying radical faction of Alsace, Kel'Thuzad and Baron Rivendell, who had other plans, actually didn't want to continue to attack.

However, in order to complete the stay-at-home mission assigned by the Lich King, they still need to play it anyway, at least they can't be forced to return to Stratholme's lair by the main returning alliance.

Unbeknownst to Kel'Thuzad himself, Tichondrius quietly returned to the Eastern Kingdoms through the remaining Legion portals in East Weld.

The master of the disguised Dreadlord turned into a Stratholme survivor and a smuggler with ties to the Scourge.

Yes, survivors.

Just as Sharlayan revealed at the Alliance Conference before, there are still a lot of living people in Stratholme City, and these people were all saved from the completely blackened Alsace poison because of Baron Rivendell's request. spared.

Undead do not need food and water, nor do they need clothing to keep out the cold.

However, in order to build various weapons and equipment and large-scale war weapons for the armed forces, the Scourge still needs strategic materials such as stone, wood, and steel, and Stratholme's inventory alone is obviously not enough.

The Scourge, which has long been the enemy of the living, cannot buy what they want through formal channels. Even Quel'Thalas, who has a secret connection with Kel'Thuzad, cannot blatantly transport these things to Stratholme.

As a result, speculators such as smugglers emerged in due course.

Today's Stratholme City has many living merchants with smuggling channels.

These profit-seeking guys usually have no integrity at all. As long as they have money to earn and a life to live, they can even sell their own mothers, and betrayal of the race is nothing to them.

The smuggling businessman Tichondrius chose to replace was quite powerful. He had a well-equipped armed bodyguard under him, and was responsible for smuggling various items from Quel'Thalas and selling them to the Scourge for profit.

Such a miscellaneous fish mixed in the gray area of ​​the bottom of the society naturally couldn't resist Tichondrius. Without anyone noticing, Tichondrius replaced the smuggler nicknamed Scareye.

Coincidentally, three days later, Baron Rivendell will summon smugglers, including Scareye, to come to deliver goods, and Kel'Thuzad should be with him at that time.

Tichondrius, who had done some investigation first, planned to take this opportunity to get close to Kel'Thuzad and personally assess whether he was worth the risk of being recruited by the Nathrezim.

At the same time, Inas and Tinagosa who were sitting in Unicorn City noticed something was wrong.

The infiltration ability of the Dread Demon King is indeed not to be underestimated, not to mention that this shot is beneficial to Tichondrius who is the apex of all Dread Demon Kings.

But... There is still a basic law to follow in everything.

The method used by the Dreadlord to replace the original owner is not to completely swallow his existence and memory, but to imitate his own character and behavior as perfectly as possible through his own superb observation skills and acting skills.

However, there are some things that those who don't know just don't know.

The smuggler "Scareye" who was killed and replaced by Tichondrius was not a real smuggler, but a peripheral intelligence agent that the Backlight Blade had developed in Stratholme several years ago.

Not even Kel'Thuzad and Lord Rivendell knew about this.

At regular intervals, Scareye would avoid all his subordinates, record the recent observations in Stratholme City, put the letter in the agreed place, and wait for the elite of Backlighting Blade to come and take it away.

I don’t know if it’s because of Tichondrius’ bad luck or because of the number of days, but during the more than a month of his observation and imitation of Scareye, he just perfectly avoided the time between Scareye and the online connection. .

So of course, Tichondrius failed to grasp this crucial information.

The fifth day after the real Scareye's death was supposed to be the time he had agreed to contact the upline of Backlight Blade, but the high elf elite thieves who sneaked into Stratholme still failed to find the letter that should have been deposited in the agreed place.

What's even more strange is that when the elite thief thought that Scareye was in an accident or defected, and sneaked into the vicinity of Scareye's smuggling den for surveillance, he unexpectedly found that Scareye was still alive and well, and there was no reason for betrayal. The meaning of running away.

As a demigod-level demon, Tichondrius immediately noticed that someone nearby was peeping at him, but he didn't take it to heart.

According to what Tichondrius recently observed when he was lurking in Stratholme City, Stratholme City is now mixed with fish and dragons, and many countries in the alliance have sent many spies to sneak in to inquire about information.

Not to mention, Scareye has spies from at least three countries under his command. As a big boss with a considerable status among smugglers, it is not surprising that Scareye is under surveillance.

Due to this subtle intelligence gap, Tichondrius did not choose to expose his identity and kill him, which laid an important foreshadowing for his future failure.

Having studied and practiced with her older brothers and sisters for many years, although Tina Gosa is still cheerful, she is no longer the naughty kid she was back then.


Little Tina and Inas, who was also full of doubts, looked at each other, and raised her own question first: "The person is still there, but he missed the delivery time with peace of mind? What kind of coquettish operation is this?"


Inas, who had more experience in life, narrowed her eyes, obviously thinking of something.

"Unless... this peripheral dark line was replaced by someone without our knowledge, and the Scareye who is still in Stratholme is no longer himself."


Tina Gosa touched the dragon horn on his forehead in bewilderment: "But the thief who sent back the news said..."


A gleam of coldness flashed in Inas's eyes: "Scareye's every move is the same as before, heh~ This familiar perfect performance reminds me of a demon I hunted during the War of the Ancients."

Tina is not stupid. On the contrary, as a blue dragon, she has a very flexible mind. Through the information revealed by Inas, little Tina, who still lacks experience, quickly thought of a possibility.

"Aunt Inas, you mean..."


With a half-smile, Inas tapped her finger on the roster with Scareye written on it: "Dreadlord, interesting, I want to see who is sneaking into Stratholme at this point in time to make troubles."

"If it works well, maybe... we can catch a big fish and prepare a big surprise for Sharlayan, who is busy in Kalimdor."

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