Sarlayan is not a robot, and can control everything perfectly with multiple threads and no mistakes.

The situation in Kalimdor was inherently complicated. Apart from the Ashenvale frontline where the battle was most intense, Sharlayan also needed to pay attention to the situation in Felwood Forest, and at the same time keep an eye on the latest developments in Northrend.

Sharlayan can't wait to split himself into two. In such a situation where his own multi-thread processing ability is extremely squeezed, mistakes and omissions are almost unavoidable.

That's why Inas and Tinagosa didn't tell Sharlayan about the Dreadlord sneaking into Stratholme for the time being.

Because they, who are the closest people around Sarlayan, are very clear about the heavy burden on Sarlayan's shoulders who have an overview of the overall situation, and they all want to help him share some of the pressure as much as possible.

Unfortunately, the darkspear troll's fleet was delayed by a storm at sea, and Sharlayan guessed that the orcs should have suffered similarly to them.

In order to get news of the orcs and trolls landing as soon as possible, Sharlayan also specifically ordered Valeera to arrange scouts to be deployed along the eastern coast of Kalimdor.

Once there is news, he will start arranging tasks for orcs and trolls as soon as possible.

However, as the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Mannoroth discovered the traces of the orcs before Sharlayan. In order to prevent others from disturbing his play, he sent people to block the news of the orcs' landing in Durotar. Spear trolls have also been implicated.

This change caused Sharlayan to fail to grasp the latest trends of orcs and trolls in time.

"According to the research report of Dalaran mages such as Luo Ning, orcs who have been infected by the blood of fel energy will have different degrees of rejection when they come into close contact with high concentrations of fel energy."

Sharlayan frowned and said: "The specific manifestations are irritability, irritability, and restlessness. They will instinctively want to ingest the devil's blood again to relieve symptoms."

"If the orc happens to encounter a powerful enemy that is difficult to defeat with a weak body at this time, and there happens to be a demon with ulterior motives deliberately seducing it..."


Valeera, who possessed a lot of information, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, and took a deep breath on the spot.

"The orcs will indulge in the powerful power bestowed on them by the blood of the devil, and degenerate into evil orcs again?"

"This..." Alleria, who finally understood the situation, was shocked: "Sharlayan, this group of orcs who are much more peaceful than the old tribe should be the reinforcements you called, right?"

"If they suddenly go crazy and launch a crazy attack on the night elves' defense line... In various senses, the consequences will be disastrous."

The various meanings in Alleria's mouth not only affect the situation on the battlefield. Once the relationship between Sharlayan and the orcs is exposed, the orcs' rampage will also cause a huge blow to his reputation.

"Don't be in a hurry."

Under the appeasement of the barrage, Sharlayan has calmed down.

"In any case, things still have to be done one by one."

"I'll keep it as short as possible."

Sharlayan looked at Alleria and said seriously: "Valeera and I still have important tasks to complete here, so we can't get away for now."

"Sister Aurelia, please take a trip for us to the base built by the orcs on the red land in Du... and help me send a message to Vol'jin, the leader of the Darkspear trolls, and Goel, the chief of the new tribe. .”

"Let's say Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan are caught up in Mannoroth's plots at the Warsong Lumberyard on the Ashenvale front, and could drink demonic blood again at any moment."

Alleria nodded solemnly: "Is this enough?"


Sharlayan exhaled and said: "Both Goel and Vol'jin have received my teachings to some extent. They are first-class shrewd people. You only need to tell them the information, and they will know. How to deal with the follow-up matters."

"I see."

Alleria took a step forward and rubbed Sharlayan's soft silver hair with some distress: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, as your relatives, we are willing to help you share the work as much as possible, you just need to make a request." .”

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "I know, what happened this time was just unexpected."

"Thanks to the information you sent in time, Sister Aurelia, there should be room for maneuver."

"Yeah." Alleria straightened her face again: "Then I'll set off first, and you all have to pay attention to safety, don't push yourself too hard."

Watching Alleria ride away on the Dragonhawk quickly into the sky, Sharlayan took a deep breath again, retracted his messy thoughts, and turned his gaze back to Anaceron who was still guarding Gul'dan's head.

"The situation has changed, we have to launch the plan in advance... Valeera, are you ready for battle?"


Valeera chuckled lightly and pulled out the Quelcella twin knives from her waist: "It goes without saying, give the order."


After confirming that Valeera had entered a combat state, Sarlayan no longer shy away from casting Eagle Eye on Anasseron.


The Eagle Eye spell given to Sharlayan by the system allows him to clearly see the level and realm of the enemy, but the side effect will attract the attention of the recipient.

Anaceron, who was patiently waiting for the further corruption of Gul'dan's skull, suddenly felt a chill all over his body. Subconsciously, he looked in the direction of the bad feeling, and saw the contemptuous man with a smile that was not a smile. Watching over their own high elves.

"not good!"

Anaceron's trip was a secret mission assigned to him by Archimonde himself, and his whereabouts cannot be easily revealed before the mission is completed.

After discovering Sarlayan, Anasseron's conditioned reflex was to get rid of this witness, and never let the news leak out in advance.

He raised his hand and urgently placed a fel energy barrier next to Gul'dan's head, and Anaceron transformed into a swarm of bats and quickly approached Sharlayan.

Through eagle eye observation, Sharlayan confirmed Anasseron's level.

It has to be said that the Nathrezim are worthy of being one of the few demon races that the Burning Legion is least good at fighting head-on.

As the No. 2 figure of the Dread Demon King, Anaceron's level was only a mere 62, which was only 2 levels higher than Salayan.

But these two levels just became the boundary between mortals and demigods.

In a one-on-one battle, even with the physical fitness and various powerful talents bestowed by the Dragon Clan, Sarlayan, who has played all his cards, has a high probability that he will still not be an opponent of Anaceron.

Fortunately, Sharlayan didn't plan to confront Anaceron head-on. His purpose was to lure away the dreadlord guarding Gul'dan's head, and entangle him as much as possible with Valeera's assistance. Time, give Illidan an excellent opportunity to break through the empty door.

Seeing that Anaceron was rushing towards him in a hurry, Salayan turned around and left without hesitation, and intentionally did not change into the form of a powerful bird of prey, but hung Anaceron in a nonchalant manner, taking him step by step. Pull away from Gul'dan's head.

Due to the covert operation, Anaceron did not bring many accompanying demons.

Leaving all his subordinates to continue to guard the head of Gul'dan, Anaceron vowed to kill the witnesses himself to prevent the news from leaking.

Just as Sharlayan and Anasseron sank into the depths of the lush Felwood forest one after the other, Illidan, who had received accurate information and was heading straight for the heart of the forest, rushed to the location where Gul'dan's head was.

"There are really demons playing tricks here."

The demon hunter, who was already ready for battle, brought up the double blades of Azzinoth and charged into the group of remaining demons without saying a word.

Without Anasseron personally sitting in charge, these elite demons could not cause much hindrance to Illidan, and were mercilessly slaughtered by the highly efficient demon hunters within a few minutes.

When Illidan swung his double blades to break through the defensive barrier left by Anasseron before he left, Sharlayan was "just in time" caught up by the demon lord behind him.

"Hmph! Tiny mortal, your death...huh?!"

Before he could finish speaking, Anaseron's face suddenly changed drastically when he sensed the shattered barrier.

"You... on purpose?! Damn it!"

"Heh~ want to run?"


Seeing that Anasseron was about to turn around and return the same way, Sharlayan did not hesitate to throw the Valagar sword in his left hand with a heroic throw.

Even a demigod couldn't completely ignore the possible damage caused by the sharp artifact. Anaceron adjusted his posture by flapping his wings in a rather awkward motion, narrowly avoiding the sneak attack of Sharlayan's flying weapon.

Before Anaceron raised his hand to cast the hypnotic mist on Sharlayan, he suddenly felt a chill coming from his vest, and subconsciously changed into a bat form again to hide.

After missing a hit, Valeera sneaked into the shadows again indifferently, while Sharlayan continued to draw hatred with a sarcasm on his face.

"Mr. Anaceron, it's too late to turn back now, you'd better stay and have fun with us."

"Don't worry, the head of Gul'dan will return to you in the end, another way that you didn't expect."

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