Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1111: Come on!

The Dreadlord's specialty is camouflage, sneaking in, and manipulating people's hearts. Head-on combat is really not their specialty.

But no matter how bad he was, Anaceron was a genuine demigod-level demon.

In his opinion, it should be easy to deal with these two fragile mortals. After killing them quickly, there is still time to go back and deal with the guy who dared to covet Gul'dan's head.

However, after actually handing it over, Anaceron realized that it was not so easy.

Nathrezim are artificial creatures with strong energy adaptability. No matter what energy they inhale, they can quickly adapt in a short time, and use the spell corresponding to this energy in style.

The factory version of Nathrezim was pinched by Denathrius himself, no doubt using the power of death.

The original intention of Denathrius to create the Nathrezim was to let them infiltrate the various forces in the universe, and continuously deliver the latest information of the major forces in the universe to him.

Nathrezim, who followed the Burning Legion, naturally used fel energy, and Anasseron's fighting style, which is both skilled in magic and martial arts, tended to open and close, which seemed a bit bluffing at first glance.

Anasseron, who was eager to quickly resolve the battle, raised his hand, which is the special skill of the Dreadlord, Rotten Bee Swarm. As Anasseron raised his hand, a large amount of fel energy swept towards Sharlayan in waves.

Sharlayan in human form is in the most balanced state of offense and defense, and his dexterity is also higher than the standard line.

According to Sharlayan's own evaluation, it is quite satisfactory, there is no big shortcoming, but there is nothing special about it.

Seeing the waves of fel energy sweeping towards him, Salayan did not dodge in a hurry, but changed his form on the spot, turning into a silver wolf with four feet on the ground and only reaching the waist of the human form, just in time to avoid Anese Long's first attack.

Since it was delaying time, Sharlayan didn't want to go head-to-head with a demigod demon whose realm was higher than his own. He chose the claw form with higher mobility to move at a high speed.

Just when Sharlayan escaped the temptation of Anasserung's raised hand in an unexpected way, Valeera once again appeared behind the enemy through the shadows.

The familiar chill made Anaseron, who had been on guard for a long time, subconsciously swung his claws behind him, trying to hit the enemy hard.

However, Valeera, who has rich combat experience, did not attack in the same way twice in a short period of time. She deliberately used a feint attack to force Anaceron's conditioned reflex to return to defense. side.


The sharp Quelcella dagger cut a wound on the waist of Anaceron, who was unresponsive, and dark green blood gushed out immediately.

This kind of minor injury was nothing to a demon with strong vitality. Compared with the physical pain, Anaceron was more annoyed that a mere mortal could actually hurt him.

After a successful attack, Valeera didn't care about fighting. While rushing forward, her body fell to the ground to avoid the counterattack of the sweeping claws, and she rolled forward and fell into the forest to enter stealth again.

At the same time, Sharlayan, who was stepping on the dense branches to borrow his strength, had already jumped above Anaseron's head. After the power was fully charged, the moon-white energy cannon spewed out from his wide open mouth, aiming directly at Anaseron. Theron has a bald head with demonic horns.

At the critical moment, the old Anaceron, who acted underestimated the enemy, could only forcefully cross his hands in front of his chest in a defensive posture, and took the energy cannon head-on.

The pure energy impact pushed Anasseron, who was unsteady under his feet, back several meters, and was forced to stop until he hit a big tree.

However, this hit of the tree also gave Anaceron a chance to adjust the center of gravity of the hit, and finally he took the attack with all his beard and tail.

This round of fighting seems to be very long, but in fact, only 2 seconds passed between the flashes.

The cooperation between Sharlayan and Valeera was very tacit, and the combined attack of the two of them hardly gave Anaceron any time to adjust.

Although due to the difference in realm, the attacks of the two of them failed to cause much effective damage to Anaceron, but it was enough to make Anaceron more vigilant.

Temporarily suppressing his eagerness for success, Anaseron's eyes, which had lowered his arms, changed obviously, and he began to be serious.

Looking down at the armor that had been shattered by the energy cannon, Anaceron took off the scorched and severely deformed arm armor, and stared fiercely at the silver wolf who was still running around.

"Mortal, you are annoying me!"

"Oh? So what?"

Sharlayan, who was leaping lightly on the tree branch, teased in a playful tone: "Do you want to call Dad to help? All right, you can call, I promise not to interrupt you."

"I just don't know who your father is, Archimonde? Kil'jaeden? Or some stupid vampire who hides in the castle playing sword girl all day?"

"Mortal with sharp teeth!"

Anaceron, who originally planned to face the enemy calmly, was so angry that Sharlayan's ridicule soared again. He didn't even have time to think about who the sword girl vampire was.

The furious Anaceron didn't intend to continue playing hide-and-seek with two amazingly mobile enemies in the dense forest. He raised his left hand and pointed to the sky.

Using the power of evil energy at the fingertips as a beacon, a group of "meteorites" flickering with dark green flames quickly fell from the sky.

Judging from the falling direction and speed of the meteorite, it would land in the forest where Sharlayan and Valeera were hiding in a few seconds at most.

"Summon Hellfire? Can't play it anymore? It's okay, but..."

After quickly reaching a consensus with Valeera through the soul link, Sharlayan suddenly took off from the branch and turned into a young dragon with golden scales while still in midair.

At the same time, Valeera launched a shadow step, appearing on the left side of Anaceron's body in an instant.

Without waiting for Anaceron to react further, Valeera's figure turned into two and then into four. In just one second, more than a dozen afterimages made of shadow power surrounded Anaceron. middle.

"Killing feast!"

Following Valeera's low cry, these seemingly incorporeal afterimages simultaneously attacked Anaceron with one hand raised high.

In order to accurately guide the landing point of the hellfire, Anaceron, who is still in the summoned state, is temporarily inconvenient to move freely, so he can only try to parry Valeera's high-speed combo attacks with his still movable right hand as much as possible.

At any rate, he has fought with the Burning Legion universe for many years. With his rich experience, Anaceron perfectly blocked all attacks on vital parts.

After a round of explosive skills, Valeera needs some time to recover.

Anaceron's body did have many fine wounds, but none of them could have a decisive impact on his combat effectiveness.

Taking advantage of Valeera's gain of this little time, Sharlayan looked up at the direction where the meteorite fell from the sky, puffed out his chest and took a deep breath.

"hold head high!!"

The entangled red, blue, and green dragon's breath spewed out from Sharlayan's mouth to the sky, and hit the Hellfire Meteorite that was still falling at high speed impartially.

Due to the gap in strength, the dragon's breath from Salayan failed to shatter the meteorite in the air, but his purpose was not in this in the first place.

Impacted by the breath of the three-color dragon, the falling meteorite, which was originally aimed at, inevitably deviated from its orbit, and under Sharlayan's control, it hit the back that Anaceron couldn't take care of.

When Anaceron broke free from Valeera's attack and tried to readjust the trajectory, it was too late.


The huge siege hellfire in a circle hit Anaceron about ten meters behind, and the shock wave generated when the massive object landed knocked Anaceron, who was already unstable under his feet, flying.

Sharlayan and Valeera, who had been prepared for a long time, found two big trees to hide in advance. They watched Anasseron fly out of the hellfire in embarrassment, and tried to control his posture with his teeth and claws in midair with a ferocious expression.


Facing an undead enemy like the Burning Legion, Sharlayan never knew what it means to show mercy.

Seeing that Anaceron was rolling uncontrollably in the air, he raised his hand and threw another Valagar sword.

The swirling artifact great sword opened a large gap on Anasseron's left wing, and green blood mixed with evil energy sprayed out, and all the plants that were sprayed began to wither quickly.

"Damn!" Sharlayan smacked his lips in displeasure: "Fighting these guys in Azeroth is too polluting for the environment. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose."

Valeera chuckled and suggested: "Then next time, push the battlefield to the devil's lair. Anyway, if it's broken, we don't have to worry about repairing it."

"Good idea, but now..."

Just before Anaceron, who was about to explode, adjusted his posture and landed, Sharlayan raised his hands and stretched them into the air.

After receiving the master's call, the spiritual Valaghar sword flew back to Sharlayan in a whirling motion.

"Let's accept it as soon as it's good. The time we've bought should be enough, and you should cheer for Lu!"

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