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Chapter 1112: Illidan's Stomach in One Step

It wasn't that Sarlayan didn't want to personally kill Anaceron here. Through the previous two rounds of confrontation, both Sarlayan and Valeera realized a troublesome fact.

It is difficult for their attacks to cause real fatal damage to Anaceron.

Taking advantage of Anaceron's unfamiliarity with their fighting styles, Sharlayan and Valeera could use their tacit cooperation to catch him off guard and add some harmless minor injuries to Anaceron's body.

But as the saying goes, too much is too much.

If he continued to entangle with Anasseron, once he gradually became familiar with the routine, it might be Salayan and Valeera who would suffer.

But before leaving, Sharlayan gave a "surprise" to Anaceron who had just landed in embarrassment.


With a sharp explosion, the siege hellfire that had just been assembled on the ground was dismantled into stone parts by Sharlayan with two large swords.

The hapless giant construct was extinguished before the fel flames within it could burst to damage the forest.


After being humiliated by two mortals in turn, Anaceron finally got up from the ground, and the anger in his heart reached its peak.

But when he roared with red eyes and tried to launch a counterattack, there was no one in front of Anaceron's eyes. All he was left with was the fragments of the siege hellfire that lost his response and gradually extinguished the flames.

"Ah!! Damn mortals! I must find you! Tear you into pieces!"

"Oh? So, you are very confident in your own strength?"

A very evil strange male voice interrupted Anaceron's roar. Anaceron, who was on fire, needed to vent urgently. He waved his claws and rushed towards the person who made the sound without even being able to see clearly.


Anaceron, who had already assumed a forward posture, suddenly showed doubts on his face. He saw a demon "colleague" with two horns on his head but a very strange appearance.

"You are?"


The face of this "colleague" showed sarcasm, and he raised his left hoof to face Anaseron, who couldn't stop his forward charge.


Kicking Anaseron, who hadn't raised his guard much, to the ground with one hoof, the new demon showed his war blade, which was already shining with strong evil energy, with a cruel smile on his face.

"The person who took your dog's life!"


Time back to a few minutes ago.

At the same time that Sharlayan and Valeera were fighting with Anasseron, Illidan easily penetrated the defensive barrier under Anasseron cloth with the power of the same source of fel energy, and held it with his hands without hesitation. The head of Gul'dan suspended on the ceremonial platform.

"Is this the lifelong legacy of the great orc warlock, the fel artifact that contains a lot of information about the Burning Legion?"

Illidan was in no rush to absorb the power of the Skull of Gul'dan.

He first used the ghost vision unique to demon hunters to scan the surrounding area, and only after confirming that there were no living people did he begin to act formally.

Gul'dan's Skull is the most important relic of the great warlock Gul'dan after his death. It stores Gul'dan's lifelong knowledge and all the evil energy condensed before his death, including the part of the foreign evil energy that caused his death.

As Illidan drew out the energy stored in Gul'dan's skull, massive amounts of fel energy flowed into Illidan's body along with knowledge.

Under the infusion of fel energy, Illidan's original night elf body underwent drastic changes.

Demon-specific curved horns grew on his head, his legs were covered with long black hair, and his humanoid feet turned into devil's hooves, and a pair of hideous flesh wings spread out from his back.

If it was Sharlayan's choice, he would never turn himself into such an ugly demon form for the sake of instant power.

Moreover, this way of overdrawing the seedlings will overdraw the potential to a certain extent. From a long-term perspective, the gains outweigh the losses.

But Illidan didn't care about this, what he needed was instant power.

potential? At worst, he can just find other ways to absorb more evil energy in the future. He doesn't have the time to squeeze his own potential and grow slowly. What he wants is to reach his stomach in one step.

Well, literally one step to the stomach, at this time Illidan's size has far exceeded the scope of mortals.

Through the tricky way of stifling potential, Illidan stepped over the threshold that had been stuck in Sharlayan for a long time, and officially stepped into the demigod realm.

Not everyone can learn this way, nor can everyone accept it, at least Sharlayan will never use this way to break through the bottleneck.

But... I have to say that although the twisted melon is not sweet, it quenches your thirst.

Sharlayan and Valeera couldn't deliver a fatal blow to Anaceron because of the difference in realm, but Illidan, who had been promoted to a demigod, could.

This was also one of the reasons why Sharlayan deliberately lured Illidan to come to Felwood Forest. He didn't worry about a dreadlord who was good at infiltrating and infiltrating all the time making small moves in the rear of the battlefield.

When Sharlayan and Valeera made a circle and returned to the place where they fought Anasseron before, Illidan had already grabbed Anasseron by the neck and lifted him into the air.

At this time, Anaceron's whole body was covered with large and small cut wounds, and the heart part of his left chest had been pierced, and he was exhaling more air than he was inhaling, and he was about to die.

Illidan obviously noticed the approach of Sharlayan and Valeera, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

In front of the two of them, violent fluctuations of evil energy erupted from Illidan's palm, and Anaceron's body was ignited by the flames of evil energy injected into his body, screaming and turning into ashes that drifted away with the wind.


The completely demonized Illidan smiled evilly, and turned around to "look" meaningfully at Salayan and Valeera.

"I don't know what purpose you spread the information to bring me here. From the results, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to make up for the time wasted in the previous 10,000 years."

"Say it."

Illidan plunged the double blades of Azzinoth into the ground, crossed his arms and asked the two, "What do you want me to do? As long as it doesn't violate my creed, I can help you."

Illidan will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and many people think his actions are extreme, but he is not stupid at all, and is even very shrewd.

There is no free lunch in this world, and Sharlayan must have asked for such a big gift.

Sharlayan was not surprised by Illidan's straightforward style of statement. He had already known the nature of this demon hunter through the barrage notification.

"Nice to meet, Mister Illidan Stormrage, I am Sharlayan Deep Shadow, Duke of Quel'Thalas, and this is my partner, Valeera Sangunar."

"You may not know much about the world situation ten thousand years later. Simply put, you can regard us as the descendants of Dath'Remar Sunstrider."


Illidan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Dath'Remar? That kid is a highborne I rarely look up to. I see. Did he establish Quel'Thalas as Maiev talks about it?"

Don't look at Illidan's repeated jumps between Azeroth and the Burning Legion during the Battle of the Ancients, in fact, his purpose has never changed.

Illidan despised those Highborne traitors who betrayed the interests of Azeroth and joined the Burning Legion. He admired Dath'Remar and Ravencrest, who dared to strengthen their beliefs and went forward bravely.

Due to Illidan's weird temper, he has very few friends, and Dath'Remar is one of those very few people.

It was precisely because of this personal relationship that Dath'Remar got a bottle of water from the Well of Eternity from Illidan, and after traveling across the ocean, he created the Sunwell in the Eversong Forest where the high elves lived.

Before the popularization of Arcandor, for more than seven thousand years, the Sunwell has been protecting the high elves from magic addiction.

The high elves don't have to live by absorbing the power of demons like the compatriots of Eresalas, and they don't have to take risks like Sandara to offend the blue dragon and bring disaster for themselves.

From this perspective, Illidan regarded the descendants of Dath'Remar's people more pleasingly than his own night elves.

Illidan had no interest in Sharlayan's Duke title, he nodded to Sharlayan and Valeera indifferently.

"I remember your names, Sharlayan and Valeera."

"I don't like talking nonsense around the corner, just say what you want."

Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands: "Coincidentally, I don't like unnecessary small talk, so..."

Sharlayan gradually put away the smile on his face, and said to Illidan seriously: "I'll make a long story short."

"You should also know that in your current form, you are no longer suitable to live with the night elves. I think you probably don't have that interest in getting along with the 'compatriots' who have imprisoned you for ten thousand years."


Illidan snorted coldly: "That's true, what's your opinion?"

Sharlayan said straight to the point: "I want to make a deal with you."

"I can provide you with a good foothold, so that you can pull up a military force that has always been loyal to you, and I can even draw bridges from it to provide you with some starting capital."

"In exchange..."

A gleam flashed in Sharlayan's eyes: "You must help me defend that world and turn it into an outpost to defend against the Burning Legion's re-invasion."

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