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Chapter 1113 Sharlayan: Illidan? It's just a useful wage earner

As early as many years ago, Sharlayan planned to turn Draenor into an outpost against the invasion of the Burning Legion.

Due to the planetary enchantment laid by Titan, demons above demigods cannot easily enter Azeroth. Even if one sneaks in occasionally, it is through an "invitation" initiated by some people on the side of Azeroth.

Therefore, as the countries of Azeroth strengthen internal control, it is almost impossible for the Burning Legion to project a large number of elite troops and high-level demons into Azeroth.

Unless, like the battle of the ancients and Archimonde's smuggling this time, relying on a large magic power source to provide energy to pull the demon army into the planetary barrier.

This is why Sargeras tried every means to lure Medivh to build an interstellar portal connecting Draenor and Azeroth.

The purpose is to use Draenor as a springboard, bypass the defense of the planetary barrier, and openly drive the army of the Burning Legion into Azeroth through the Dark Portal.

If Sharlayan hadn't disclosed the information to Kel'Thuzad in advance, asking him to pat his chest and assure Kil'jaeden that the Scourge would have a way to introduce Archimonde to Azeroth, the fraudsters would definitely put their treasures on D'Kel'Thuzad. Rano's Kazak side.

And this did not conform to Sharlayan's original plan.

Anyway, the attack of the Burning Legion, which has been prepared for many years, will inevitably be launched. Instead of putting the initiative in the hands of the opponent, it is better to choose the location of Archimonde himself, and use the character flaws of the polluter to induce him to make a decision. action.

Sharlayan deliberately let Archimonde come directly to Azeroth in a more simple and crude way, so as to dispel Kil'jaeden's idea of ​​sending troops to Draenor.

According to the original plan, Sharlayan intends to send the main force of the Scourge to Draenor to garrison in the future.

Although Sharlayan changed the predetermined fate of Ner'zhul tearing Draenor into Outland, Draenor, which had been deeply eroded by evil energy, was still dying slowly.

Centered on Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley, the fel pollution is still spreading.

The southern part of the Talador Forest, where the ruins of Auchindoun are located, was gradually transformed into a lifeless wasteland by the erosion of fel energy from Shadowmoon Valley.

The northern forests of Talador and southern Gorgrond, bordering Hellfire Peninsula, have not escaped the encroachment.

The level of the adjacent Zangar sea between the two places is gradually decreasing. Affected by the seawater pouring into the land, the northern part of Talador and the southern part of Gorgrond are separated from their original areas, forming a brand new landform.

The locals call this shallow water-soaked area the Zangarmarsh.

On the other side, the peak forest of Arak, which is also directly bordered by Shadowmoon Valley, has also undergone serious geological changes.

The dry land in the southern part of the peak forest gradually disintegrated under the washing of sea water, breaking into a large number of islands of different sizes.

This is why the Arakkoa exiles will collectively flee to the ruins of Auchindoun to settle down, because their original homeland no longer exists.

To this day, Tongtian Peak, where the arakkoa nobles live, still stands tall.

According to the predictions of Khadgar and other expeditionary military scholars, the disintegration of the Spiers of Arak is irreversible. Sooner or later, the proud winged arakkoa will lower their proud heads and be forced to migrate northward.

And this will inevitably lead to the re-explosion of the contradictions and hatred between the arakkoa exiles and the arakkoa nobles that have lasted for many years.

A'dal and Naru had personally gone to Hellfire Peninsula and the border of Shadowmoon Valley to investigate, and they concluded that... these two pieces of land are hopeless.

The fel energy completely destroyed the soil activity in Shadowmoon Valley and Hellfire Peninsula. The naaru could only create a small area of ​​holy soil in the border area between the two places to prevent the further spread of the fel energy eroded area.

However, this approach is to kill one thousand enemies and harm eight hundred.

The hazards of sanctification have also been mentioned before, so I won't repeat them here.

To explain it in an easy-to-understand way, except that the area of ​​the holy soil will not actively spread outward, there is no difference in essence between the land polluted by evil energy and the land polluted by holy light. In the final analysis, both will destroy the vitality of the soil.

That is to say, the naaru's contingency plan only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and cannot fundamentally solve the problem of Draenor being eroded by evil energy.

Naaru can't do it, which doesn't mean Druid who holds the power of nature can't do it either.

Sharlayan had followed the expeditionary force to Draenor to inspect the soil of Hellfire Peninsula.

Although it was far from being able to reverse the pollution with his ability at the time, theoretically speaking, the druid should be able to use the gentle power of life to regenerate the inactive soil that has been deeply eroded by fel energy after spending a lot of time and energy. activation.

Of course, this is just theory.

Even if Azeroth is willing to invest sufficient resources, it will take at least a hundred years, and the results will not be seen in three or two days.

According to expeditionary generals such as Danas and Alleria, the Burning Legion has long regarded Shadowmoon Valley and Hellfire Peninsula as their forward base for invading Azeroth.

The demon base in Shadowmoon Valley is the Karabor Sanctuary that was breached and abandoned by the old tribe many years ago.

The demons of Hellfire Peninsula are gathered in large numbers on the throne of Kil'jaeden in the north of the peninsula.

On the other hand, there are still a large number of red-skinned evil orcs living in Hellfire Citadel in the center of Hellfire Peninsula.

These evil orcs, whose brains have been burned out by the high concentration of fel energy, and the demons of the legion are not of the same mind, but they also threaten the safety of Hellfire Peninsula.

As the expeditionary army and the local natives of Draenor launched a large-scale counterattack in conjunction with the army of Fort Watch, the demons in Hellfire Peninsula suffered heavy losses, and most of them had fled back to the throne of Kil'jaeden and dared not go out at will.

After the expeditionary force returned to Azeroth, the remaining alliance troops rebuilt the ruins of the Fort of Honor that the expeditionary force was forced to abandon.

The Draenor coalition led by the Mag'har orcs also built an outpost on the high platform near the throne of Kil'jaeden directly opposite the Hold of Honor, constantly monitoring the movements of the demons on the throne of Kil'jaeden.

The two strongholds in the south and the north suppressed the evil orcs in Hellfire Citadel very hard.

The continuous reinforcements from the Zangar Marsh are also further reducing the space for the evil orcs to move.

If no external force intervenes to change the situation, there will still be a major war on the Hellfire Peninsula in the foreseeable future.

But this time it's not a battle between the Expeditionary Army and the Burning Legion, but an orc civil war between the Mag'har orcs and the evil orcs to clear the door.

To use the barrage to joke, the life of the evil orc is also life.

Instead of wasting the lives of these evil orcs in the internal struggle with the Mag'har orcs, it is better to find another way to send them to the battlefield against the Burning Legion as cannon fodder.

Perhaps it is in response to the old saying that the wicked will grind the wicked. According to the barrage, Illidan subdued these single-minded evil orcs in the original history, and let them become cannon fodder for Illidan, the king of Outland. force.

Illidan, who has turned into a demon, is destined to no longer be accepted by the mainstream of Azeroth, and even Malfurion and Tyrande will not agree that he will continue to stay in Kalimdor.

Similarly, the Alliance will not allow a powerful demigod demon to settle in the Eastern Kingdoms and Northrend.

In this case, Illidan's starting place can only be chosen outside of Azeroth, and Draenor is the best choice.

Before the druids purify the fel-polluted lands of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley, the best people to stay in Draenor are demons and undead, special races that don't need much logistical supplies.

Except for the Scourge, who will move sooner or later, the demons should be provided by Illidan Stormrage, who has transformed into a member of the demons.

It has to be said that even though his behavior style is incompatible with the mainstream of Azeroth, Illidan does have a strong personality.

In the original history, the demons who followed Illidan knew that their leader and their old club, the Burning Legion, were not of the same mind, but they were still willing to follow Illidan to raise the flag of rebellion against the Legion.

Sharlayan didn't know what method Illidan used to tame his men, and there was no need to delve deeper.

He just needs to know that Illidan has the ability to help Azeroth hold the bridgehead of Draenor.


Illidan's brain is very useful, and he also knows that Azeroth has no place for him.

After listening to Sharlayan's analysis, Illidan touched his chin with his paw thoughtfully.

"Interesting, descendants of the people of Dath'Remar, I have accepted your deal, but..."

Illidan "looked" at Sharlayan with an interested expression: "As you said, I need some help from scratch. Where are the reinforcements you mentioned?"

Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "I know you are in a hurry, but please take it easy."

"Since the ownership of the Scourge has not yet been settled, your biggest reinforcements are still in the hands of others. However, I can help you bring in an old acquaintance first."

"You, do you still remember Queen Azshara who promoted you in the Eternal Palace?"

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