Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1114 Double Agent Illidan

Hearing this familiar name again after tens of thousands of years, Illidan's playful expression froze for a moment, and his face became gloomy.

"You mean... Azshara is still alive?"

Sharlayan shrugged with a smile: "Otherwise? As someone who has personally come into contact with the Light of Light, you should know her strength better than anyone else. Do you really think that Azshara will die in eternity?" In the big bang of the well?"

"Well... indeed."

Illidan pondered and said: "Even with my current strength, I still can't guarantee that I can defeat Azshara...even if she has lost the infinite energy blessed by the Well of Eternity."

Azshara has transcended the mundane and promoted to a demigod ten thousand years ago. Although the help of the Well of Eternity is unavoidable, she is indeed fulfilling her own potential step by step, which is different from Illidan. too same.

You can guess with your ass, in the past ten thousand years, Azshara's strength can't stand still, let alone regress.

Even if she can't reach the tyrannical strength she used to resist the polluters and fraudsters with the Well of Eternity back then, it shouldn't be far behind.

Sharlayan confirmed Illidan's current strength, which is level 62 just like Anaceron.

Even at the same level, because of the difference in combat experience and combat talent, Illidan can easily handle the Dreadlord who is not good at frontal combat.

When meeting Azshara before, Sharlayan did not dare to throw Eagle Eye appraisal on her, but judging from the sense of coercion unconsciously released by the Light of Light, it will definitely be stronger than the current Illidan, and much stronger .

From the standpoint of protecting Azeroth, Illidan has a bad impression of Azshara. After all, the war of the ancients thousands of years ago was triggered by her alone.

However, Illidan is very realistic. As long as he can get enough troops, he won't bother to care who provides these soldiers. He is confident that he can subdue the people sent by Azshara in the future.

After confirming Illidan's attitude towards Azshara, Salayan, who was running out of time, had no time to explain to him that Azshara had already changed his ways.

"Because of your current status, you are no longer suitable to appear on the frontal battlefield openly, and you probably know this yourself."

Illidan nodded indifferently: "It doesn't matter if people in Azeroth don't understand me, I know what I'm doing, and that's enough."

"Facing the polluter Archimonde, I urgently need more powerful forces. No matter what the price is, Azeroth must defeat him!"

"About this..." Sharlayan assured Illidan with a smile: "As you said, as long as the night elves are willing to pay enough, I have more than 80% certainty that Archimonde will be buried in Illidan." Xerath."

Illidan's eyes filled with evil light flickered slightly behind the blindfold: "Why do you dare to give such a guarantee? Show me evidence to convince me."


Sharlayan shook his head and laughed, and raised his finger to the towering World Tree: "The evidence is the legacy of the Well of Eternity you left for Azeroth—the huge energy source called the World Tree."

"The...inheritance of the Well of Eternity?" Illidan pondered for a moment with his chin in his hand, and soon he revealed a sudden look: "I see, I understand what you mean, but... are you sure those short-sighted night elves will I am willing to make such a big sacrifice."

Sharlayan: "It's up to them to decide. You should know Malfurion's character better than I do. Do you think that he will be reluctant to give up the so-called racial immortality at the critical moment of Azeroth's survival?"

"of course not."

Illidan gave the answer without hesitation: "Malfurion is indeed indecisive at times, but he has never let me down when he really needs to stand up and shoulder the safety of Azeroth to make a choice. Not once."

"That's enough."

Sharlayan smiled and changed the subject: "Compared to Archimonde's almost doomed ending, I have something more important to entrust to you."


Watching Illidan spread his wings and leave, Valeera, who had remained silent beside Sharlayan, finally asked her doubts.

"Are you sure he will act according to your plan? This person... I always feel that he is not very controllable."


While transforming into the form of a griffin, Sharlayan chuckled and said, "As expected of a professional in intelligence, you are very accurate."

"Illidan Stormrage, he is indeed not a person who follows the rules. On the contrary, many of his behaviors are deviant and cannot be accepted by the world."


When he drove Vallila up and flew towards Durotar, Sharlayan seemed to be pointing and said: "Don't just look at his incomprehensible actions, but focus on the real intention behind all his actions. .”

"All of Illidan's actions follow a basic principle."

"Protect Azeroth, the home world where the only love of his life—Tyrande Whisperwind lives."

"So, it's better to look at Illidan regardless of his mind. At least for now, he is an ally worthy of my trust."

Valeera rolled her eyes angrily: "That sounds nice, what kind of ally? Is he a useful tool?"

Sharlayan smiled but did not answer: "Whatever you say, in short, the next changes in the situation in Northrend depend on what kind of surprises Illidan can bring us."

Valeera still looked in the direction of Illidan's departure with some concern: "Double agent...Look at his straight-forward style of being the boss and my second child. Can he really play such a complicated role well?"

【Don't say it, it's really possible, Valeera still underestimates Illidan's flexibility. 】

[After all, Valeera does not have the vision of God like Sharlayan, and it is normal to have such doubts if she can know Illidan's future achievements in advance. 】

【Double agent, this kind of thing is nothing but basic practice for Illidan. 】

[He did it once 10,000 years ago, and got a powerful fel energy from Sargeras, but this time he just repeated the old trick. 】

【However, Valeera's worry is not completely unreasonable. 】

[Due to the changes caused by Xiao Sa to history, many things are very different from the original history. It is still unknown whether Illidan can gain the trust of Kil'jaeden. 】

The commission Sharlayan handed over to Illidan was not easy. He needed Illidan, who was acting alone for the time being, to gain Kil'jaeden's trust and defraud the first bucket of gold from the hands of the fraudsters.

Kil'jaeden has gradually lost patience with Tichondrius because he has been unable to open up the situation for a long time. At this moment, he should be looking for a more suitable candidate to kill Ner'zhul.

It just so happened that Illidan, who had just transformed himself into a demon, came to the door on his own initiative.

As early as 10,000 years ago, Illidan had served for the Burning Legion. At that time, he was trusted by Sargeras and bestowed upon him with fel power.

Now Sargeras has long been out of retreat, concentrating on how to corrupt the soul of the Titans, and leaving all the affairs of the Burning Legion to the fraudsters and polluters.

Because of Illidan's back and forth during the War of the Ancients, his position is still unclear, and the Trickster is not sure which side the guy is on.

However, Kil'jaeden, who is very confident in his own wisdom and strength, is confident that he can handle a mere high-level demon who has just become a demigod. He should still activate Illidan while guarding, and judge Illidan's true identity based on his actual actions. position.

However, this is useless, Illidan...or what Sharlayan wanted Illidan to do was to successfully retrieve an artifact from the Tomb of Sargeras - the Eye of Sargeras.

The Tomb of Sargeras has long been one of the bases of the Burning Legion in Azeroth. If they rush in without prior notice, Gul'dan's fate will be a lesson for the past.

With the Frozen Throne still intact, even the demon army led by Tichondrius would not be easy to break through the solid Icecrown Fortress.

Illidan's mission is the same as his own in the original history, using the power of the Eye of Sargeras to remotely bombard the Frozen Throne.

However, unlike in the original history, which insisted on destroying the Frozen Throne and killing Ner'zhul regardless of Azeroth's own damage, this time, Sharlayan explained the specific indicators to him in advance.

Illidan doesn't need to completely shatter the Frozen Throne. If necessary, someone will stand up and interrupt the progress of his ceremony. At that time, Illidan only needs to withdraw smoothly.

As for how to explain to Kil'jaeden?

Let me tell you, as long as Ner'zhul is greatly weakened and unable to control the helm of domination, Illidan can win the Lich King's throne and go to Outland to develop his power. Strong allies.

Unless Kil'jaeden became annoyed and personally led his headquarters to attack with all his strength when Archimonde killed a large number of elite legions, it would not be so easy to capture Draenor, which was backed by Azeroth's reinforcements.

"Speaking of..."

On the way to Durotar's rescue, Sharlayan thoughtfully asked the barrage: "According to the timeline you know, when did Magtheridon come to Outland? "

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